Chapter 75- The Nightmare

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" I thought you were sleeping," Markus suddenly asked me, I had not noticed that he had come out of the bathroom and without thinking I hid my phone behind me, there was nothing to hide, he had already seen me.

" What are you hiding?" He asked as he made his way to me.

" Nothing," I said but it didn't sound convincing even to me.

" You're hiding something, show me," Markus was now standing in front of me with his hands stretched as he demanded for what I was hiding but I refused to show him, I didn't know who this message was from but one thing I knew was that if Markus saw this message hell would break loose for whoever wished evil upon his child.

" Jane,  hand it over," I handed my phone to Markus with the message on display and I quietly watched with my breath held as his eyes went down to my phone and everything suddenly became slow motion.

There would be trouble, Markus had his jaw clenched as he read the message, his eyes were showing so much anger I felt like this room would soon be consumed by fire.

" You didn't think it was important to show this to me? How could you think of hiding something like this? What if something bad happens to you? Someone just threatened you and instead of showing me you're hiding it, Jane." He said in anger while my head was cast down because I couldn't face his wrath.

" I didn't want to bother you," I whispered.

" Are you serious right now? You're my responsibility for God's sake and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to you, do you understand me? Don't let this repeat again," He said while I nodded my head feeling like I had just disappointed him.

" Jane," He called as he noticed I wasn't raising my head to look at him, I heard him sigh before he sat on the bed beside me.

" You know I care about you and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you," He said as he held my chin and tried to make me look at him, but I looked anywhere but his eyes.

" Jane, look at me," He commanded and I didn't have any choice but to look at him.

" I hate it when you're unhappy or scared, I'll be here to protect you, I have failed in so many ways, but right now, I'll never let any harm come to you or the baby, okay," He said and I just nodded.

" Come on, I want to hear that beautiful voice," I couldn't help but smile and the way he returned the smile told me we were going to be okay.

" Okay," I said as he helped me tug back into the bed.

" Sleep now and don't let anything bother you," This time he didn't leave my side until I fell asleep.

I heard the cry of a child but I didn't know where the crying was coming from, it was like this child was crying in pain from being separated from the mother, who owned the child. I asked myself as I tried following the sound of the child's crying but there was no way out because it was just like an echo sound.

Who would let a little child cry like this? I suddenly looked down and realized that I was no longer pregnant, when did I give birth? Could it be that the child was mine?

" Alexander, baby where are you,  give me my child," I shouted but my voice bounced back to me echoing and I was surrounded by nothing.

" My baby, I want my baby," I kept trying but nobody answered and I still heard the child crying, I felt pain, the pain of not being able to save my child.

" Please give me my child," I still pleaded until I heard a sadistic voice.

" You refused to die, but now I have your child, either way, I win,"

" Please, please, please,..."

" Jane!" I suddenly felt someone shaking my shoulder, I jerked up with a sob and I kept muttering;

" My child, please, please,"

" It's okay, you're okay, there's nothing to worry about,"  Markus, he was here with me.

" It's just a dream, everything is fine," But I felt like it wasn't, that dream was horrifying, maybe this was all because of the threatening message I received earlier but I'm glad it was only a dream.

" Do you wanna talk about it?" Markus asked, but do I?

" It's terrifying, someone took my child and I couldn't save him,"

" Him?"

" I called his name, it was Alexander, I was worried, I thought it was all real, I thought I'd never see my child, a child that was yet to come to this world" I cried and Markus tried to calm me down as he whispered words of encouragement to me while he planted a kiss on my head.

" It's okay my darling," I don't know but I was getting used to the endearment, it was either my dear, my love, or I just couldn't help but like it.

His hands rubbed soothing circles on my arm and my body started relaxing as sleep took me.

When I woke up, the next morning, Markus wasn't in the room, where did he go? I wondered as I rose from the bed.

My leg was getting better, the night walk on the beach with Markus made me forget I even had a leg that was recovering.

I went into the bathroom thinking he was there but he wasn't. I checked the closet to see if he was getting ready for the office but he wasn't there. Could it be that he had left for the office? He had been absent for some days because he had been taking care of me.

After not finding him in the room I decided to check downstairs, so I went downstairs. His office was the right place to check for him, and I wasn't wrong.

He looked so lost in his thoughts staring at his screen that he didn't even notice when I entered the room.

" Markus," I called but he didn't acknowledge me. What got him so lost? Deciding to go around and see what he was so lost looking at, I walked around his table and then I got a clear view of what he was looking at, it was a picture, a picture of a woman, a very beautiful woman.

" Is that Fiona?"

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