Chapter 14- Baby Shopping

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The test result was staring at me officially telling me that I wasn't going to be a mother to the child I was carrying. I felt myself tear up. someone might think they were tears of joy.  Of course, it's a good thing to have a child but even better if you were having a child with someone who loves you or at least cares for you.

I wiped the tears quickly before Markus could notice them.

" I'm going to become a father." He asked like he couldn't believe it.

" Am going to give you the world my child, anything you want would be dropped at your feet. My sweet child."

There was no doubt he was going to love this child with all his heart. But I wanted this child to get love from both parents.

When Markus finally collected himself together he looked up at me, but not with love or anything warm. He just had that look of approval like I had finally accomplished a purpose. I was finally useful.

" You have to be careful what you eat. I saw all the sweets you consumed. You're carrying my child and I don't want anything to go wrong." There it was again, that word " my." I nodded in agreement but he didn't look too pleased so I spoke instead.

" Yes. I understand you."

" Good. We're going baby shopping tomorrow." He didn't wait for my reply, he just happily stood up and went his way.

I wrapped my hand around my stomach in a protective manner and slowly stood up as I made my way up the stairs to my room.

My mind just couldn't stop ringing with the word pregnant.

All through the night I couldn't sleep. It wasn't healthy, especially with the baby. If Markus knew, he would throw a fit and I wasn't in the right state of mind to be arguing with someone. I didn't just have it in me.

I woke up the next day feeling like I didn't have a single bone in my body. I couldn't lift a finger. I just stayed on the bed like I was paralyzed. I had just woken up but instead, it felt like I had woken up tired. Is this also part of the pregnancy symptom or was I just being lazy and depressed?

Eventually, I fell asleep again and I woke up feeling better. I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom as I did my business, brushed my teeth, and took a shower.

I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom but my spirit almost left my body because of fright as I didn't expect anyone in my room.

There were about three maids in the room and on the table were a variety of food and fruits. What was happening? I looked to Rena for an explanation.

" The boss told us to make sure you don't get hungry and that we should serve you early. He also told us to make sure to serve you only healthy food."

I looked towards the table where the food was served and my mouth couldn't help but water. And it didn't help that my stomach growled embarrassing me.

They left me to attend to myself and I was wondering just how much I could eat. By the time I had finished eating, I was surprised to see that I had consumed almost everything. If this continues I am going to become so fat. Wasn't it too early to be eating too much?

The maids came and cleaned everything while I got dressed.

I walked down the stairs and Markus was already waiting for me.

" Took you so long to get ready." He didn't say any other thing and I followed silently behind him. He opened the car door for me and I got in.

We parked in front of the mall and even from the outside you could tell that from the moment you enter this place whatever you touch is expensive. Not like Markus was going to take us to a cheap place. That was definitely not his style.

As soon as we entered the store, we were greeted by a woman dressed in a suit and she looked so professional. From the way she interacted with Markus, I could tell she was familiar with him and this wasn't the first time he was coming here nor would it be the last.

" Mr Arthur. What a pleasant surprise. What would you like to get from us today?" She asked and I swear I think I saw dollars shining in her eyes.

" Take me to the baby section." He said and her eyes went wide in surprise and it looked like she was tempted to ask him what for. She quickly composed herself and gave me a smile leading the way.

We followed her and she led us to the baby section. It was so beautiful. The cribs, baby toys, their clothes, and everything was so adorable I placed my hand on my stomach as I felt pain shoot through my heart. It wasn't a physical pain.

It was a reminder of what I would lose if I Did not succeed in making Markus fall for me.

" Let's get items for both genders. I don't want to know the gender of the child, I want it to be a surprise. If it's a girl or boy I'll still love him or her the same." Markus said and I knew he meant it. I had yet to find out why this man wanted to have a child so badly but didn't care about a woman. Didn't he know a mother was an important part of a child's life?

" Okay," I said, and for the first time, he gave me a genuine smile. I returned the smile. He suddenly walked towards me and placed his hands on my neck rubbing his thumb behind my ear.

" Thank you." I gasped in shock. Why was he thanking me? I looked up at him with a smile but my smile quickly dropped at his next words.

" Thank you for carrying my child."


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