Chapter 66- The Fire Accident

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The smoke was becoming too much that I couldn't see any longer and I fell into a fit of coughing. I tried finding my way back to my bed but I was unable and it was even worse with my pregnancy, I was becoming short of breath because of the smoke.

Would I get out of here if I couldn't call for help? Why do I always have to be involved in situations where I feel so helpless? What if, just what if I didn't get lucky today and there was no guardian angel to come save me?

Just earlier today I was so happy that at least I had fulfilled something in my life, I was starting something on my own. Markus had changed towards me and I felt like I at least had hope but right now I didn't know how I felt, would I die here? I couldn't do this to my child.

" Please help, somebody, help me!! Please!! " Tears were streaming down my eyes and blurring my vision even more. I held my breath, as I stretched my hand forward trying to navigate my way towards the bed where I placed my phone by the bedside table.

But I stopped when something fell from up landing on the bed.

Oh God please send me help, if not for anything, for my child. I prayed hoping that help would come.

But there was nothing, did nobody know that my room was on fire? Or was this some kind of nightmare I was struggling to wake from? If it was, please, I needed to wake up, it was horrible.

There was no hope, no one was coming to my rescue, I never imagined that this was how I would die. Burnt with a child.

I felt pathetic that I couldn't do anything for my child and let this happen to us.

" I'm so baby, I'm sorry, mama is sorry," I said as my hand came on my bump as tears rolled down my eyes.

I couldn't stand anymore as I was beginning to lack air and the whole place became so hot and unbearable,.I fell to the ground covering my face with the bed cover I had taken when I had woken to this dilemma.

This was it for me, this was the end.


I couldn't wait to see Jane, I told her I would be returning in two days but I wanted to surprise her so here I was thinking about what present would be perfect for her.

I wanted Jane to trust me and that was why I asked Sofia to get the hell out of my house, she was furious but I didn't care, I already got what I wanted from her and right now I didn't care how she felt, and as for her father, I was sure he got my message, he might be a dangerous man but I am a powerful man and I don't go back on my words.

Sofia tried to accuse me of finding another woman in Dubai and I told her plain and simple that I was breaking up with her because she was seeing other men, that wasn't the real reason but she didn't need to know that.

" Sir if you're confused about which piece to pick, I've got the perfect one for you, but it's not here, this particular piece is like a treasure and is only shown to our special customers like you, if you are interested I can show you," the jeweler said as she waited for my answer.

" Show me," I simply said as she led the way while I followed her. She opened a room and stepped in and followed suit, the room was dark and I was wondering what type of joke she was playing but the lights suddenly came on and I knew there wasn't any joking here.

Now I understood why they weren't on display but for only special customers, these pieces here were just perfect.

My eyes scanned the pieces of jewelry and a particular piece caught my eye, it was a simple necklace with a bracelet and earrings, Jane would like something like this, since I've know her I've never seen her wearing things that are too flashy, so this was the perfect gift, it was classy yet simple.

" I'll take that," I said to the jeweler.

" Perfect choice sir, I'll get it ready for you," she said as she went to take the jewelry out of where it was securely locked.

I paid for the jewelry and then it was packaged for me. I took the bag and without meaning to, I thanked the lady and I could tell she was surprised, I never thanked anyone for any reason, this was all because of Jane, she always said thank you when something was done for her even when she didn't have to.

I turned away from the jeweler as I walked towards the exit, I needed to also buy a gift for my prince or princess, whichever one it turned out to be. A little compensation for being mean to their mummy all this while. But I needed to check on my dad before that.

" Hey Dad, how are you?" I asked as soon as he picked up the call, my father was a very unpredictable man, he showed up at my door claiming to miss America then one morning he took his bags and began his unending tour without telling anyone.

" Son, I'm good, you know how I get whenever the need to travel just comes, I just leave so nobody has to stop me," he said which partly wasn't a lie, if he had told me he wanted to leave, I would have tried to convince him to stay longer.

" Lemme guess, you're in Puerto Rico,"

" Nope, India," I couldn't help but laugh. What did he want there this time?

" How is your pregnant woman?" He asked, I had a feeling he wanted to say, wife.

" She's good, you know what Dad, I'll call you back I'm about to drive," I ended the call to avoid his further interrogations, my dad was good at that.

I took the car keys from my pocket and opened the car door as I got in and kept the bags of what I bought on the passenger's seat.

I was about to start the car when my phone started ringing again, I wanted to ignore it thinking it was my dad calling to to further interrogate me.

But reluctantly I picked up without checking who the caller was, and as usual, I didn't speak.

" Hello Mr Arthur, I'm calling from Central City Hospital, your wife has been involved in a fire accident and is currently hospitalized."

My heart stopped.

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