Chapter 112- The Strange Call

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Jane has refused to talk to anyone even after she woke up. We were now home. I had to call the doctor to come check up on her and he confirmed that she was okay. What was happening to her was all because of the shock.

She has refused to eat, no matter how many times or what type of food was brought to her.

The last thing she said was I want my baby. After that, she refused to speak.

Now I was trying to get her into the house. She wouldn't listen, she had been sitting and waiting in front of the house.

" Jane, let's go inside, please this isn't going to help with finding Alexandra, I can't focus on you like this please," She finally listened as she grudgingly stood up and walked past me not uttering a single word.

I sighed as I turned to go inside but stopped when I noticed someone walking towards the house.

" You've got to be kidding me," I muttered as my eyes shot daggers at him.

" What do you think you're doing here?"

" I'm not here to see you, I'm here for my friend, where is she?" He asked like he expected me to answer him.

" You're not welcome here and in case you're forgetting this is my house,"

" Yes, the same house where your child was kidnapped and you have no knowledge where she is, the same house where the mother of your child was almost killed in a fire, yeah what else can you tell me?"

This guy was here asking for trouble but I refused to fall into his trap, he knew what he was doing. He was trying to send me to prison so he could have Jane to himself.


" Hardin?" We were interrupted from our staring contest by Jane's voice, I thought she had refused to talk to anybody, so why did she suddenly speak when she saw this guy?

" Jane, how are you?" He asked as he rushed to her and hugged her. Unable to watch before I did something I'll regret I walked away.

What kind of security guards did I have? They all claimed not to notice anything out of place last night. How would they when they all must have been sleeping?

I had them all replaced and arrested.

If they can't do their job, someone else should.

My daughter was out there in the hands of someone I didn't know.

I wouldn't rest till I found her.


It's been four days and yet there was no sign of my daughter. I was near the point of losing my sanity.

Each time the phone rang I jumped to it thinking someone might have news concerning where she was.

I don't know who was doing this to us, my baby girl should be with me and not with strangers.

Hardin gave his help the way he could, being famous he made a post that has gone viral concerning his friend's missing child.

But so far I haven't gotten any response.

It was a good thing the Human Resources team hired good staff or else I didn't know what would happen to my bakery with how unfocused I've been.

" Jane please eat something," This was the fifth time that Rena was coming to meet me to have something to eat but I couldn't, how could I when I didn't know if my child was being fed? I just couldn't.

The phone rang.

I ran to it but just like always it wasn't what I wanted to hear. They never had answers. I had to go look for my baby myself.

I dropped the phone and rushed upstairs with Rena following behind me. There was no doubt that I had lost a lot of weight these few days, I could feel it in my body.

" Jane, what are you doing? Do you know how dangerous it is right now? For all we know someone might be out there waiting for the perfect opportunity to kidnap you, do you want us to find Alexandra and then she won't come home to meet her mom?" Rena asked me as I slowly sat on the bed, my head aching.

" What do you want me to do Rena? I don't know where my daughter is and it kills me, she's out there, out there with a stranger," As I said the last statement my voice broke. Rena rushed to me as she tried to console me.

" It's going to be okay," I've heard that countless times but it's been so hard to believe them, it's okay? But Alexandra isn't here, how can it be?

"You should go to sleep now, you've refused to eat so get some rest, promise me you'll eat something,"

" I can't promise you,"

" You have to eat because you know when your daughter is found you'll need to feed her but if you are too weak how can you feed her? So promise me you'll eat something, for Alexandra's sake."

" Okay," I simply said as I climbed on the bed to take a nap.

I heard screaming, it was a scream of terror and it was my voice.

I saw myself on my knees on the floor with something held so tightly in my arms like my life depended on it.

When I walked closely to where I was knelt I saw the overall the police found covered in blood. I felt like a ghost watching my own body.

" No, no," Why was there blood on Alexandra's overall? I tried to reach for the overall but I just passed myself like a ghost.

I was here but I wasn't here. I couldn't touch anything.

" Please save Alexandra, please," My image in my dream whispered with eyes so red from crying and I knew that would become my baby's fate if I didn't do something to stop it.

I had to find my baby girl.

" Alexandra!! Alexandra!!"

I rose from my bed breathing like I just came from running a marathon.

The room door burst open and I saw Rena rushing to me.

" Are you okay? You kept shouting Alexandra,"

" I'm worried Rena, when will they find her?"

" Soon," Rena assured me as she gave me a hug patting my back.

" I'll get you something to eat, I'll be right back," She said as she stood up and walked out of the door to go bring me something to eat.

As the door closed my phone immediately started ringing.

I rushed to it hoping whoever was calling had answers.

" Hello," I said but got no answer.

" Hello," I still got no answer.

" I have your daughter,"

I Want a Child Not a WifeWhere stories live. Discover now