Chapter 60- The Secret Boyfriend

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" What do you mean?" I asked him because I didn't understand what he was trying to say.

" What I mean to say is I wish there was actually a secret pregnant wife somewhere," Oh, for a moment I was confused there.

" What's stopping you from getting a wife?" I asked him and at that moment my stomach chose to growl in hunger, it was a good thing he wasn't here or I would have died in embarrassment, but I think I concluded too fast.

" Does your stomach want more of my homemade apple pie?"

" You heard that?! Was it so loud?" I asked as his laughter filled my ear.

" I guess it was," he said.

" Okay you're trying to change the topic, what's stopping you from achieving that thing you wish for, having a pregnant wife and all?" The phone went silent for a while and I had to check my phone to make sure that he was still on and fortunately, he was.

" I am still waiting for the right time to talk to her, she might find it crazy but when I'm bold enough to talk to her then I will but now, I don't think I can."

" Awwww you're being shy, that's cute,"

" You're teasing me now," he said and I could tell he was smiling.

" You know you handled those questions well, the interviewer was trying to cross the line, but you put him in his place."

" They always do that, but I know my way around them, I have to go now, and I think you should go get something to eat, your stomach was so loud," he laughed again and I couldn't help but chuckle too.

" Okay, talk to you some other time," I said before I hung up.

I had to avoid Markus at all costs for all I know he could come into my room and drag me back to where he had me locked.
I didn't knock if he still had Rena's phone.

Oh my god! Rena, if he had her phone what if she got into trouble because of me?

I quickly, well, got pregnant quickly, and went into the closet to get dressed and then I went downstairs, before anything, I got something to eat while I asked one of the maids to find Rena.

About five minutes later I saw Rena and didn't like how she looked, she looked sad.

" Are you okay Rena?" I asked her but she didn't give me any reply.

" Talk to me Rena, what did he do to you?" She still didn't give any reply until I saw a tear drop from her eyes. What was going on?

" Rena, you're scaring me," She had always been the stronger one while I was the one always crying on her shoulder.

" He gave me an instruction," she stopped to clean the tears in her eyes,..." He told me to make sure you didn't leave that room, I couldn't disobey him and at the same time I felt like I was betraying you, so I just didn't take it seriously, my thought was to go keep you company, and explain to you why you couldn't leave the room, but when I got there you weren't there, and boss doesn't go back on his words, he's going to fire me," she said as she began to cry.

" Was his girlfriend there when he gave you this instruction?" I asked him, my mind was telling me Markus's girlfriend wanted Rena out of this house but why?

" Yes," There was something fishy.

" Is there a reason she would want you out of this house? Do you think it's because of me?" I asked her because I was curious to know what this was all about. Rena looked like she was contemplating telling me something, what could it be?

" Did she ask you to be her maid and you refused, maybe she doesn't like being turned down and her pride was wounded?" I asked.

" If it's something you…"

" She's my step-sister," I was suddenly cut off by Rena.

" What?!" I asked in shock, I expected anything but not that.

" We share the same mother but different fathers, I really need this job, this is how I've been paying for my father's treatment, I can't lose this job now ?" I thought for a moment thinking of a solution, I didn't want to go back to that room, but if it's for Rena's sake I'll do it.

" So if I return back to the room will you still get  fired?" I asked.

" My stepsister is going to tell the boss and she doesn't tell things as they are, she's going to twist the whole story into something horrible, she hates me,"

" Why?"

" She thinks our mother chose to be with me and not her, our mother is dead but that's the story they told her and that's what she believes." Wow, everything is just so surprising.

" I don't think Markus would have the time to fire you, of that I'm sure, he'll be too occupied with me, I'll make sure he doesn't fire you, and I'll find a way to talk to Sofia, that was a very childish move."

" I really need the job, I don't have it all as she does."

" It's okay, everything would be fine,"

" I hope so."

I found Markus' girlfriend by the swimming pool area, she was wearing a bikini and she wasn't swimming, she just had her legs in the water with sunglasses on. It wasn't even sunny.

" Hey preggy lady," She said without even turning.

" How did you know it was me?" I asked as I sat on the comfy chair by the pool.

" Pregnant ladies have a way of walking that isn't classy, so anyone would know." Is she serious? Now she was trying to insult me because I was pregnant.

" And girls who have more than one boyfriend have to be careful how they keep their phones." At that, she turned to me and for a moment I was worried I would see her head roll on the ground because of how fast she turned.

" What do you mean?" She said and I shook her phone indicating I had just seen the message her other boyfriend who isn't Markus sent her. I didn't know I would be so lucky, I had come to plead with her to quit disturbing Rena, but luck was just on my side.

" How dare you go around snooping in my phone?" she asked as she quickly took the phone from me.

" I didn't snoop, it was left open for me to see," I answered with a shrug.

" Not like anyone is going to believe you." She said with confidence.

" Come on, you know we're friends and we didn't exchange contact, I did that and sent the chats to my phone, you know we tell our friends about our boyfriends even if they're two because they know how to keep secrets?" She was looking at me with so much fire, but I wasn't done.

" I think Markus likes to believe what he sees, don't you think?"

" For a pregnant woman, you're such a bitch,"

" Well I'm glad we're on the same page, stay clear of Rena's part and everything will be fine, so friend, you should go back to swimming, see you around," I said before walking away and I could feel her staring daggers at me.

For Rena, I'll be a bitch any day.

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