Chapter 95- His True Color

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" What do you mean by I'm glad you kept your end of the deal?" I asked Markus as my heart pounded in my ribcage, I didn't understand what he was trying to say.

" Did you forget you signed a contract?" Markus asked and suddenly the whole world became quiet, I didn't want to believe what I was hearing.

" Markus, what are you trying to say? if this is a joke you need to stop it."

" Why would I want to joke? Do I look like a man who invests his time for nothing?" Markus asked with spite in his voice, suddenly going back to the old Markus I knew.

" Markus this isn't funny," I said as I folded my arms and glared at him.

" Funny?" He laughed as he stood up.

" Jane, you don't seem to understand me do you?" He asked as he brought out a paper from his pocket.

" Contract agreement between Jane Williams and Markus Arthur." He read and my heart stopped.

" Did you forget that you signed a contract to give me a child?" He asked with a smirk.

" But.. but.." I stammered not being able to form words.

" But what?" He asked me with a scoff.

" You thought I had suddenly fallen in love with you, how stupid," I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

" Markus, why are you saying all these?"

You know that feeling like someone was taking a joke too far that was how I felt at the moment. I felt like any minute Markus would just laugh and tell me he was just joking.

" I'm saying the fact, you thought I wouldn't know? I own this house, you think I didn't know you were planning to take my child away from me? Did you think I rose to the top being stupid?" He suddenly picked up his phone and made a phone call.

" Come take the child to her nursery," He said to the person over the phone.

" Why are you taking her away?" I asked as I quickly got from the bed and was about to rush to Alexandra but Markus held me back.

" Let me go! Let me go!" I struggled, the door suddenly opened and a maid came in to take Alexandra out of the room, she was still sleeping.

" Markus, why are you doing this? What are you doing?" I tried to free myself as tears rushed down my eyes, I was beyond scared and confused.

" I warned you didn't I?" Markus asked as his hand cleaned the tears that were uncomfortably flowing down my eyes.

" I told you I didn't trust any woman, you thought that was just going to change because you showed up? Who the fuck do you think you are?" I felt like a pain just stabbed through my heart. Was Markus testing me? Because I didn't believe what I was hearing.

" I don't believe you," I said as I finally forced myself away from his hold.

" I don't believe you!!" I shouted he wouldn't do this, he couldn't do this.

" What is there to believe? I don't care what you believe,"

" Are you saying it was all a lie? All those times we spent together, are you trying to tell me it was all a lie and all you wanted was for me to give birth to Alexandra and be out of your way? Markus," My legs couldn't hold me any longer I had to fall on the floor in pain.

" I didn't know you would be that easy to fool, well when I told you I cared about you and you fell right into my trap I decided to use it to my advantage. You shouldn't look so sad I invested my time in this. It was all for my daughter," I closed my ears when he said that, I couldn't bear the pain of hearing him call our daughter his daughter. The emotional pain was just too severe.

" Markus don't do this please, I'm begging you, I can't survive this,"

" Oh please that isn't going to work on me, you have till the weekend to leave the mansion, you've fulfilled your end of the deal, there's no need for you to stay here any longer." Did he want me away from my newborn? Wasn't that worse than dying?

" Markus please don't do this how do you want me to survive without my child? My child needs me,"

'" No she doesn't! She has me and I'm fucking enough for her,"

" Markus, how do you want me to be detached from a child I just gave birth to? I can't do that I can't bear that pain,"

" You don't seem to get me, do you? I don't want you anywhere near my child and that's final," Before I could argue more, Markus turned away from me and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

I felt like the world had suddenly turned against me, I felt alone.

" How could you Markus?! How could you?!" I shouted to know one. I was still hoping Markus would somehow run through that door and tell me this was all some stupid prank and then beg for my forgiveness but that didn't happen, Markus wasn't the type of man to make jokes like that.

He was actually doing this to me, This was happening.

I couldn't believe I was played like this, I didn't see a single sign. He looked so genuine when he smiled at me, and when he looked at me I felt butterflies and now he stood in front of me to tell me it was all a lie and worse of all he didn't want me to see my child.

Something I didn't want to happen happened right in front of my eyes and there's nothing I can do about it.

Tears were in my eyes but I couldn't even make a single sound.

I was crushed, Markus had broken me. This pain I was feeling now was a thousand times more painful than what I felt in the labor room.

I felt like I would go crazy, my mind was blank, and I couldn't think, what do I do? How do I rectify a situation like this?

I couldn't believe Markus would do this to me, he played with my feelings like I wasn't important, I trusted him.

I finally found my voice as I broke down in terrible sobbing, I couldn't believe what my life had just turned to.

My world had just been turned upside down.

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