Chapter 92- The Baby is Coming

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We just had a repeat of what the men did and to my surprise, some women didn't know how to change a baby diaper. The men used the opportunity to payback to the women for laughing at them, it was so much fun.

When we were done with repeating what the men did the instructor came to give a final decision of who won.

" So guys, who do you think won? She asked as she looked between the men and women.

" Is it team dads or team moms?" She asked and the men shouted team dads while the women shouted team moms.

" Okay I'm gonna have to give this to the dads," She announced and the men shouted in victory, I'm sure she did that not to make them feel bad because seriously I didn't see what they did.

The rest of the camp was fun with so many activities, we went to the beach, visited the mall and oh did I tell you that all this was in Paris.

We learned a lot of things about parenting and I was grateful to Markus for bringing me here. I was too busy having fun to think of anyone wanting to harm me, I didn't even think of anything at all.

We had been here for over two weeks and would be returning home tomorrow. I just couldn't help but laugh each time I remembered how Markus was always ready to spend money when I so much as showed a little interest in something when we went shopping, I didn't have to say anything, he was already getting it.

" Down there, a little lower," I moaned as Markus massaged my stomach, the instructor said it was good for pregnant women to have a massage and when I told Markus I wanted to go for a massage he told me he was going to do it himself, so far so good I can't say he wasn't doing it right, he knew just the right places to put his hand and I loved the feeling of his hands on my body.

And I think the baby did cause each time it kicked inside me Markus kept leaving kisses on my stomach.

I had two weeks to go, two weeks before I got to see my baby, the doctor said it might not even be up to two weeks depending on how eager the baby was to see the world.

" Do you feel better now?" Markus asked as he dropped a kiss on my stomach just as he finished massaging me.

" Yeah better,"

" Rest now, we'll be leaving tomorrow," Markus said as he went to return the oil and towel he took from the bathroom for the massage.

He returned to the room and climbed the bed kissing me on the head as he laid beside me with his hand on my baby bump.

" Good night my love," He whispered before the room went silent and we waited for sleep to welcome us into its warm embrace.


" Oh my god Rena," Jane Said as soon as she saw her maid, she had been gone for a while, and according to what Jane told me, she had to take care of her sick mom.

" Welcome ma'am, welcome Sir," She said as she rushed to Jane, I could tell she was containing her excitement because of me, she wanted to do more than just stand beside her.

" I'll be in the room," I said as I walked inside the house, I could hear their happy laughter just as I entered inside the house, like they had a lot of catching up to do.

Speaking of catching up, I had to call the detective, the original reason I took Jane away was for her to be out of this country and away from anyone who wanted to harm her at the same time while giving the authorities the time to find out who was the original mastermind of that house fire incident.

" I hope you're going to give me results and not excuses?" I asked as soon as the detective picked up the call, I had given him enough time to find out who was behind everything.

" I hate to say this Sir but all our investigations have led to nothing, the maid still claims she didn't see the face of the woman that sent her,"

" Are you kidding me right now? I gave you time and all you can tell me is you're sorry? Are you just incompetent or you don't know how to do your job?" I was beyond angry, I didn't want excuses. What do they get paid for?

" We've tried our best and each time it looks like we're getting something, we go back to square one with nothing, but we promise you we will get to the bottom of this,"

" Don't make empty promises to me, I want results not promises, the next time we're having this conversation, I expect good news, are we clear?"

" Yes Sir," I didn't want to get angrier so I ended the call.

Fuck, I didn't expect this when I return, I wanted Jane to have our baby with whoever tried to have her killed in prison. She might not say it but I know she's scared and to put her heart to rest I need to have whoever that bastard is behind bars.

I sighed in annoyance as I threw my phone on the bed, this was getting me pissed, I needed this taken care of as soon as possible.

" Markus, where are you?" I heard Jane call from outside, I didn't even realize I had been under this shower for more than thirty minutes, my head was filled with so many thoughts.

I turned off the shower and got out as I wrapped a towel around me.

" Missing me already? " I asked as I opened the door and got out, Jane's face looked tense, and that instantly put fear in me.

" Are you okay?" I asked as I quickly rushed to her.

" I am, don't I look okay?" She asked, trying to sound strong.

" Jane now is not the time to pretend to be strong, if you're not feeling okay, tell me so I can call the doctor,"

" I'm serious, I'm fine, I just want a peanut butter and I'll be fine,"

" Are you sure?" I wasn't convinced but I would do what she wanted for now. I'll have to call the doctor whether she likes it or not, it was my responsibility.

" Okay just sit and relax, I'll bring you your peanut butter," I made her sit on the bed, supporting her back with the pillars as I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to get what she asked.

When I returned I was surprised to find Jane hunched over in pain and without thinking I threw the peanut butter and I could hear it shatter.

" Jane, Jane," I rushed to her.

" I think, I think…" She groaned in pain holding her stomach.

" The baby is coming,"

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