Chapter 55-The Unknown Feeling

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" You're playing a dangerous game, young man." He said as soon as I picked up the call.

" If I might ask, what exactly are you talking about?" I said feigning innocence.

" Oh you don't know, do you want me to kill you?"

" Mr Murphy, I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about." I could tell he was boiling in anger.

" What the fuck are you doing with my daughter?" He asked in anger.

" Oh, that? We're just in love, you wouldn't want your daughter to be angry right?"

" You're playing with fire." That made me roll my eyes, he thought that would scare me, he was the one who played with fire and now it was time for him to burn.

" Why don't you go ahead and tell her to stop seeing me and hear what she has to say." His daughter was so easy to sway, she fell for my sweet talk like I was some prince charming.

" Just stay away from her."

" Okay if you say so, but I wouldn't lie to her why I'm breaking up with her and you know she's gonna cry right? I'll just tell her that her daddy, hold up, she's going to ask me how I know you, then I'll just tell her what you do for a living." By the way, he was breathing, I knew he was beyond furious and that made me smile. It felt good to have your enemy in the palm of your hand.

" So which way is it gonna be? Should I tell her who her daddy dearest really is?" The line was silent for a while before he spoke.

" You'll pay for this."

" I'll take that as a no." I ended the call and turned back to my work.


I was having my dinner when someone burst inside with an overly cheery voice.

" Hi, pregnant lady." I turned to look at who it was and recognized her as Markus' new girlfriend. What did she want? Has she come here to torment me?

" We didn't really get to introduce ourselves, I'm Sofia Morgan, and I'm sure I've already told you Markus is my boyfriend." Oh, I see where this is going, she wants to mark her territory.

" How far gone are you?" Is she being serious? I was sure Markus must have told her the kind of relationship we had and she just couldn't wait for me to go.

" About five months."

" Great, we can be friends till you leave." I was correct after all. Friends indeed, she didn't want to be friends with me, it was all an act to make sure I don't go anywhere near her man.

" Okay." I simply said, the fact that I knew she was acting didn't mean I wouldn't play along, she was looking for the perfect opportunity to term me the bad guy, the look on her face says it all.

" Really? Okay then, let's go shopping tomorrow, you know you can be pregnant and still look sexy," If she wants to insult me she should say it directly to my face and not try to beat around the bush.

" I really don't think I can go with you, I already have plans for tomorrow, and it's for my pregnancy." Now that Markus has a girlfriend would he even be able to follow me tomorrow? The doctor advised that it's good to go for exercises and tomorrow I'll be joining other pregnant women to exercise, most of the exercises needed a partner's assistant.

" Oh what a shame, since you won't be coming, it's fine I'll just shop for dresses, Markus and I will be going for our first date, I'm so excited." Please can she just be quiet and get the hell out of here?

" That's lovely, congratulations on your first date, but you know I'm pregnant and need a lot of rest? I'd like to retire to my room." The façade she was wearing grumbled a little but she quickly masked it, she was good, I'll give her that.

" Oh, if you say so, take a lot of rest, you need it. Markus and I would do the rest." Did I hear her correctly? Markus and who? If she thought that I would let her flirty hands anywhere near my child, she'd have to be dreaming and have to wake up.

I pretended like I didn't hear her and just walked away from her heading for my room. As I got to my room, I picked up my phone from the bedside table and dialed Hardin's number. He didn't pick so I tried again.

" Jane, what's up?" He said as soon as he picked up, I don't know how this was going to sound, he was my friend and I really needed his help right now, I Knew I wouldn't feel comfortable tomorrow if I went alone.

" I'm fine, I'm just going to go straight to the point, this is going to sound awkward but I really need your help," I said with a sigh.

" How can I help you? If you need my help and it's something I can do for you I wouldn't mind doing it." He said and that touched a part of me to the point that I began to tear up.

" Hey why do you sound like you're crying, Are you okay?" He asked with worry.

" I'm fine, I'm just happy that someone cares about me."

" You're a lovely person, Jane, well except for the fact that you love to destroy sand castles,..." He said and I couldn't help but laugh...." So what do you want me to do?' well here goes nothing.

" So I have exercise tomorrow and I need someone to accompany me, I don't want to end up being the only one without a partner." I could feel the question tied on his tongue to ask but he didn't, anyone would ask why the father of the child wouldn't accompany me but he didn't.

" Okay, it's fine, just text me the time and address and I will be there.

" Thank you so much, this means a lot to me," I said with so much happiness before I ended the call. I hope things turn out fine tomorrow.

When I woke up the next morning, the time was 8:15 am. I was running late for my exercise day. It was supposed to be by 9:00 am, I knew I would be late because there was no way my pregnancy would let me get ready that fast.

I took a hot shower and got dressed then Rena brought me pancakes and I asked her to pour enough honey on it and she served it with milk.

I asked one of the drivers to drive me to the location because I was feeling too lazy to, it was a good thing I didn't have a big bump like some of the ladies who were just five months and looked like the baby would drop any moment.

" I'm so sorry Hardin, hope I didn't keep you waiting, I woke up late and was in such a hurry to get here," I said as soon as I met Hardin by the entrance.

" No it's totally fine, I just got here not too long, and being pregnant isn't an easy job."

" Thanks for being here, let's go in." He led the way and we both got inside. For some reason I felt like someone was watching me so I turned back but didn't see anyone. But the feeling didn't go away.


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