Chapter 43- At Gun Point -2

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I thought she wasn't here any longer and what was she even doing in my room?

" What do you want here?" I asked her again and she turned to look at me with a sadistic smile. It didn't sit well with me.

" He would have been mine, but you have to butt your stupid little head into our life, I would be the one to go to bed with him and wake with him, but no!...she screamed this part, standing from where she was seated on the bed. I looked at Markus wondering why he wasn't moving amidst all this noise, was he that much of a deep sleeper?

" He won't come to your rescue, infact he'll be sleeping so soundly while I cut you to pieces." She said with so much confidence that for a moment I was scared, what did she do to Markus? Did she drug him?

" You're just all bluff, remember the last time I gave you a taste of your own medicine?" I said referring to when she hurt Rena and we broke out into a fight.

" You think? You didn't expect me to come unprepared, did you? Since you're so strong and all." She said and that left an unsettling feeling within me, she was admitting to my face that I was stronger than her, and this meant she had something else with the upper hand.

" What are you going on about?" I asked her, keeping my voice as calm as possible, why did I always have to deal with insane people?

" This little baby over here," she said as she revealed the gun she was holding. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my mouth, where the hell did she get that from?

" Are you crazy?" To emphasize my point she pointed the gun directly toward my stomach and my hand quickly protectively went around my stomach, nobody would hurt my child.

" You can't save that, the two of you are gonna be buried anyway. You want your child to have a father, but you don't want mine to, what kind of a woman are you?" She wasn't making sense, I had a feeling that the child she was carrying had a father but it wasn't Markus, why was she so desperate for Markus to be the child's father? Did the real father reject the pregnancy?

" You have to calm down?" I tried to reason with her but she wasn't having it.

" Don't fucking tell me to calm down, just don't. I had the most shitty life and I promised that my child would have the best life with the best father, everything was going fine but you just had to ruin it for me."  This time out of anger she pulled the trigger without knowing when and I was lucky to avoid the bullet from hitting me.

The look in her eyes told me she didn't care that the pull was unintentional but she planned on firing with an aim and that aim was me.

" There's no escaping this, so you better stop hiding." She threw another random shut and again she missed, it was a good thing the lights were off, but I spoke too soon as the lights suddenly came on.

" Oh, there you are." I didn't care how it would happen because it looked like I was at the end of the road, I had a crazy woman pointing a gun at me. But I was hoping for a miracle.

"Any last word?" She asked as I closed my eyes praying and hoping that somehow help would come.

I heard a loud sound like something being hit on something before I heard a thud like a body falling.

I quickly peeled my eyes open to find Becka on the floor with a maid standing with the bedside lamp in her hand and her mouth wide open in shock.

" Oh my god, I think I killed someone, is she okay? Are you okay, is she dead? Will I go to prison?" She hyperventilated throwing questions upon questions, she was my guardian angel.

" Hey it's okay," I quickly rushed to her and took her hand calming her down.

" Am sure she's just unconscious, not dead," I said and to confirm that I was right, I bent down to where she was on the floor and she was indeed breathing.

" She's okay you don't need to worry. Thank you so much for saving me, I don't know what I would have done, she was totally out of her mind."

" Thank God, I was so scared. I just came out for a night walk when I heard a sound like a gunshot but I wasn't so sure till I heard it the second time, I just had to come to check. Thank God I made it on time." I was glad she decided to take a walk or I didn't know what would have been the fate of me and my unborn child.

" Thank you so much," I said once again, I didn't care how many times I would thank her, but what I knew was that I would spend the rest of my life being indebted to her.

" We have to call the doctor, we have to make sure they are both okay," I said referring to Markus and Becka, Markus had not moved, not even a single muscle.

The doctor arrived in about fifteen minutes, the benefits of having a private doctor. He checked Markus and confirmed that he was okay but gave me medications to give because he said one of the side effects of the drug that was given to him would be tiredness and severe headache. But he was fine and would wake up the next morning.

Becka was also fine; she only secured a little injury on the head due to the hit.

I didn't know how Markus was going to deal with the situation when he woke up, but one thing I was sure of was that he would be livid that nobody would be able to control him.

I could already feel the storm brewing.

Markus wasn't going to take this lightly.

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