Chapter 29- The Threat

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She just stood there blushing like a schoolgirl who saw her crush. The audacity of that man. Don't get it in your head that I was jealous, no I wasn't, I was just worried for my child.

How could I let a woman who was pregnant with my child go around with other men?

And I didn't mean to call her a whore, no whore would bare me my child.

" Sir? Excuse me, sir." I was brought out of my thoughts by one of my staff, I had totally forgotten that I was in a meeting.

" Go on," I said as I told him to go on with the presentation.

When the meeting ended I headed straight to my office. Should I call her? I had to make sure my child was okay.

I decided against it, I would just have to talk to her just to when I got home.

I took a deep breath as I rubbed my forehead to relieve the pain I was feeling there.

The phone on my table rang and I grudgingly picked it up.

" Sir there's someone here to see you and he insists on seeing you or he wouldn't leave." Now was not the time for anyone to bother me.

" What's his name?" I was trying to calm myself down so I do not transfer anger to someone who doesn't deserve it.

" Mr Murphy Brown." She answered.

I took a deep breath, letting it out before speaking.

" Let him in."

The bastard soon enough walked in like the fool he was.

" Well I can't say am happy to see you, so state what you want and be out of my office, the sooner you leave the better," I said as he made himself comfortable on the chair in front of me.

" Well, nice to meet you too." Was he kidding me, I just told him the last person I wanted to see was him, if he planned to add to my annoyance it was clearly working. But I choose to be quiet rather than say anything.

" You have refused to give me that property, you know this is business and from the look of it, you're trying to block the progress of mine." He said in a threatening voice. Like he expected me to cower in fear.

" Mr Brown, I am going to say it to you loud and clear, I am not giving you that property. Sue me." This guy was into some serious shitty things and he wanted me to sell him one of my properties on the island. That property was well hidden from the rest of the world. One would be deceived that he wants it for holiday purposes, but we both knew better.

I would not be the one to support his evil deeds. He could go get any other house but not mine. Being into real estate I have met a lot of people, especially when I just started my company. Now this guy thinks he could scare me?

" Mr Arthur. I have been playing nice with you, this is the last time I am coming here to ask you to sell that property to me, the next time I walk into this office, it will be to sign the document, and mark my words." I knew he wasn't joking, he was a dangerous man and he held firm to his words, but that didn't mean I was going to be scared by him, he could choke on his words and go to hell for all I cared.

He left my office with that look like he had achieved something. I could already see dubious plans forming in his head. Asshole.

" Call security and make sure that man doesn't step foot into this building ever again," I called my secretary to inform security, only the presence of that man in this building was setting me off, I might as well shoot him the next time I see him.

The day in the office just went by with me trying to be composed and not put my anger on other people. I was acting like a man who fought with his wife before leaving for work, something I wasn't.

I hated being angry especially when a woman was the cause of it, I was far past that stage of letting a woman affect my life in any way, not when she didn't mean a thing to me. The only thing I cared about was Jane having my child and I couldn't wait for that time to come.

" Hey honey, you're home." I was greeted with the overly cheery voice of Becka, the last person I wanted to see, if only she could just disappear, but I couldn't wish her that, what if the child she was carrying was actually mine? I had to take responsibility.

I didn't answer her and to my surprise the smile on her face broadened, not thinking much of it when I knew how she could be such a dramatic person, I headed to my room.

The moment I stepped foot in my room, I knew something was wrong, it felt different but nothing had been changed.

I took off my suit as I sat on the couch and then relaxed my tired muscles. There's no sign of Jane, did she go out with that boyfriend of hers? I swear if I find out that she disobeyed me there would be big trouble.

The door opened and I thought it must be her so I didn't bother turning. My head was placed on the couch with my eyes closed. I could feel her close to me now.

" Thought you were out with your boyfriend?" I asked but my eyes immediately snapped open at the voice that responded.

" I don't have any boyfriend, you're the only one for me."

" What the hell are you doing here Becka?" This woman was beginning to get on my nerves.

" I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to tell you that I made dinner and when you're ready we could eat." What did she think I was to her? Her husband?

" I'll have my dinner when I like, I am not your husband, you can go have your dinner alone or do whatever the fuck you want." I didn't know how many women I was going to tell I was not their husband, it was becoming a thing.

" Well if you're waiting for Jane, she's not coming." She said and this made me look up at her in question. What was she talking about?

" You see my darling, she finally decided that I should be the one by your side, so she moved to the other wing of the house leaving just you and I and I did the right thing by moving my things here."

" What?!"

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