Chapter 72- The Special Chef

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I looked at Markus in surprise, did he just ask me to go on a date with him, like he just asked me? I remember we had gone on a date before but that didn't end well and he didn't even care if I wanted to go or not, he just told me to get dressed and he was going to pick me up, I didn't have a choice then, but now he wanted my opinion.

I could either say yes or no.

" I'd love to go on a date with you," I said with a smile on my face. I couldn't say no with the way he sounded so genuine when he was asking me.

We were looking at each other with big smiles on our faces when my stomach suddenly growled in hunger embarrassing me. I tried to cover my face but Markus held my hand stopping me.

" Don't hide that beautiful face from me for any reason." I blushed like I wasn't already pregnant.

" You stay here while I go get you something to eat," He said as he stood up and went out of the room while I just sat down and watched him leave.

A few minutes passed and he still hadn't returned with food and I was beginning to crave mangoes, and I didn't want to bother anyone so I stood up from the bed careful not to put pressure on my healing leg and then I limped outside my room.

Going down the stairs was harder than I thought but I made it.

I was now back to Markus's wings and we now shared the same room, he wouldn't let me out of his sight.

I walked to the kitchen and I started hearing noises coming from the kitchen like there was a commotion. What could it be?

My question was answered when I saw Markus with an apron in the kitchen, I watched as he brought out chicken from the fryer and my mouth instantly started salivating.

Who knew someone like Markus could cook?

The maids were standing in a corner in case he needed them to help him with something.

" Markus," I called, announcing my presence.

He quickly turned to me and his eyes went down my leg.

" What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to stress your leg?" He seemed displeased with me as he dropped what he was doing and without warning he carried me bridal style and made me sit on one of the dining chairs.

" You're so stubborn, sit here, and don't you dare stand up," I did a mock salute and he just shook his head and went back to what he was doing.

A few minutes later food was ready and Markus wasn't helping me, not with how I've been complaining of gaining too much weight, he knew I was going to finish everything so he brought more than enough that I would eat and get tired.

" Eat as much as you want my dear," he said as he passed my third plate of spaghetti.

" You're mean," I said while I shoved the food into my mouth.

" Easy, you're going to choke, take it gently," he said and my pregnancy hormones deducted that as him calling me a pig.

" Are you trying to say I'm eating like a pig?" I asked as I dropped the fork and stopped eating.

" Come on, why would I call you a pig? You're beautiful and I got you pregnant so it doesn't matter how you eat or your body changes I don't care, you're still beautiful to me."

" At the end of the day you're still calling me fat and a pig," I said in anger as I stood up from the chair totally forgetting that I had a healing leg, I put weight on it and instantly regretted it as I groaned in pain.

Markus was beside me so fast that I looked at him like he had superpowers.

" Come on be careful there, you're just getting angry for nothing,"

" So I'm troublesome right?"

" I didn't say that," he defended.

" Then I'm a liar,"

" For God's sake Jane stop this," he said sounding frustrated, was I making him frustrated with me? But I told him he didn't have to stay with me all day, he could go back to work.

He carried me back to the room and I refused to look at him feeling like I had become a liability to him. I shouldn't forget that just because he was so nice to me now didn't mean I didn't have a deal to meet, he hadn't talked about what this newfound relationship we had meant, I was just treading on dangerous waters.

" You're thinking too much, stop it," Markus' voice drew me out of my thoughts as I turned to him.

He squatted to my level where I was seated on the bed.

" You know you are beautiful right, don't ever think that I'll call you fat or insult you, being pregnant is not a simple job, I respect you, I really do and I hate it when you try to look down on yourself, you can eat as much as you want, how you want, I don't care, at the end of the day, you're still the most beautiful woman." He said as he brought his lips to mine and perked me.

" So stop being silly, although I think it's cute to see you pouting like that, it makes me want to kiss those lips more." Just as he said, he kissed me on the lips.

" Now give me that smile," I refused to and he held my cheeks out and I was forced to.

It was almost time for our date and I didn't know what to wear, I was pregnant and the dresses I had wouldn't fit, and I wanted to wear a nice dress. Markus liked fancy places, I didn't want to look anything short of his expectations.

" You're not dressed yet?" Markus asked as he came out of the closet.

" Nothing fits," I complained as I sat back on the bed feeling sad.

" Jane, don't do this, please don't be sad, wear anything that makes you feel comfortable, all I care about is that I'll be with you," He said and I turned to look at him to make sure he wasn't fooling me, his eyes weren't lying.

" So you don't care about fancy dresses?" I asked him and he shook his head.

I finally decided to wear a blue short flay dress, nothing fancy but it was comfortable and I paired it with white sneakers. After helping me to zip my dress Markus suddenly went back into the closet. Maybe he forgot something.

He came back with a box.

" I got you this for you, you know I just got this when I heard that you were in the hospital and I just couldn't wait to give it to you, but I had not found the perfect time, if you don't mind, I want you to wear this," he said as he handed me the box and I unwrapped it.

I couldn't help but tear up when I saw what was inside, no one has given me something as precious as this.

" Don't cry, I don't like it when you cry,"

" They're happy tears,"

" They're still tears, I prefer it when you smile," he said as he looked down at me with an emotion so strong I didn't know what to call it.

" It's precious," I said as I admired the jewelry, the box contained a bracelet, necklace, and earrings. It was beautiful.

" Not as precious as you,"

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