Chapter 80- Choosing Her

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I looked between Markus and the woman who had at one time been his everything, it was as if seeing her was all a dream. I couldn't believe that she was in front of me. Just some days ago Markus was telling me of how he was over her. Could he keep to those words now that she had somehow found her way into his life?

He looked as surprised as I was, he hadn't moved or said anything and none of them had noticed my presence.

Should I make myself known or should I just go?

" Markus," I called but he didn't respond.

Fiona turned to me with a sharp look in her eyes. I was familiar with this type of look, but I wasn't going to let her intimidate me. She didn't have the right to be here.

" Markus, are you okay?" I asked and to my utmost surprise when Markus spoke I didn't recognize his voice nor did I believe the words he just said to me.

" Jane, wait outside, " What did he need to speak to her about? She caused him pain and now she was standing right in front of him, what more did she have to say to him? Break him more?

" I'm not leaving this room, she has to leave," I stood my ground as I moved towards him.

" Jane please," He said with an edge to his voice but that didn't make me change my decision, I might not know how deep their story was but I refused to give her the chance to come back into his life and cause havoc.

" Please leave," I repeated as Fiona turned to look at Markus as if she was asking his permission, I knew what she was doing.

" Stop looking at him, I said go!!"

" You don't have the right to tell me what to do, " She said bitterly.

" I live here, so I have every right to send you out of this house, you weren't invited,"

" Jane calm down,"

" Don't tell me to calm down!" I boomed in anger, did he want me to just watch this woman ruin his life? I wasn't in his life when she left but I know what effect her leaving him had on him, now she just suddenly appeared, she should go back to wherever she came from.

" I'm not going to say it again or otherwise I'm going to ask the security to come throw you out," She was quiet for some minutes before she quietly walked towards the room and I followed her, as soon as she walked outside the door, I closed it behind her, hoping she would never come back.

" What is wrong with you Jane?" Markus asked as I turned to him with a glare.

If he knew how angry I was feeling inside of me he would never dare to ask me such a question.

" What do you mean by that? Don't tell me you want to waste your precious time talking to her, what do you think she has to say to you? You might not be in love with me, but I care about you. You're going to hurt yourself again, I'm trying to help, stop you from doing something you're scared of which is kicking her out of your life forever.  She doesn't deserve you," At this point, I was already crying, he should blame it on my pregnancy.

" You don't have to cry, I'm fine and I can take care of myself, you have nothing to worry about.".

" What if she hurts you again?" I cried as I tried to make him understand.

" No one is going to get hurt, I promise you,"

When I had calmed down I walked to the bed and laid on it, my feet were aching.
I was surprised when Markus took my left foot and put it on his lap, then he started massaging it.

" I hate it when you stress over things, it's unhealthy for you," he said as he took hold of my other foot and started to knead it and I just closed my eyes, glad the pain was going away and I felt relief.

" But I don't want her anywhere around you nor do I want you anywhere around her," I said with a serious look on my face. I've had enough of him bringing girls into this house and causing drama in my life, I didn't want a repeat of another episode.

" That's not going to happen so you have nothing to worry your pretty head about." I just couldn't shake off the strange feeling that more was to come, her appearance didn't sit well with me.

I fell asleep with the feeling of Markus' hands running through my body.

…" You sure have some nerves you know?" She said as she circled me, how did I end up here?

" You thought you could just enter his life and make him forget me, I was his everything," she said in anger pointing at me.

" It's a good thing you said was, and you weren't anything to him but pain, you caused him only pain and brought tears to his eyes," I said to her as I tried to free myself from the chair I was tied to, wait what chair?

" Why am I tied? Stop this madness and untie me from this chair now," I said as I struggled more.

" You see my dear, nobody would save you, not even your dearest Markus, because he's mine,"

As she said this I watched as Markus walked from the shadows and I breathed in relief thinking he was coming to my aid but to my surprise, Markus walked to her side and placed his hand on her shoulder in a loving way as they both kissed right before my eyes. He lied after all, he would always pick her over me.

I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my eyes….

I felt soft movement on my face and then I peeled my eyes open and was greeted by the soft eyes of Markus that held so much concern and worry.

" I told you I don't like it when you cry, now you're even crying in your sleep," I brought my hands to my face and when I touched it, it was a confirmation that I was indeed crying.

" What's wrong," Markus asked as he sat up and I did the same with his help.

" It's Fiona, she's hunting my dreams too, you picked her over me,"

" That would never happen, it's just your mind playing these games with you, I can never go back to my vomit. Come here," He brought me into a hug as much as my stomach could allow as he kissed my neck.

As much as I wanted to fight off the feeling of fear I was having, there was just this voice telling me that a new door of trouble had just been opened.

I was scared of getting broken.

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