Chapter 82- Back To His Ex-Lover

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I just couldn't focus after Markus left, my mind kept wondering what must have gone wrong. I wanted to call him but I stopped myself, whatever had made him run off like that must be serious and I wouldn't want to bother him.

I willed myself to focus back on the game and keep on cheering for Hardin.

The game ended with a 6-4 The Black Eagles won and I shouted at the top of my lungs glad that my friend won.

Fans were cheering and running over to the players while both teams still congratulated each other, it was good to watch.

I was surprised when Hardin left all his fans and made his way to me.

" I'm glad we won, you know I was worried we wouldn't win this first time you came to watch me, but I guess you're my good lucky charm," He said as he bumped his fist with mine.

He looked around as if he was looking for something and I was confused not until he spoke.

" Where is your Mr possessive?" He asked, referring to Markus and I couldn't help but laugh, was that what he thought Markus was? Mr possessive.

" He left, something came up," I said to him as we both started walking toward a more clear space with fewer people hovering around us.

" Well I'm hungry, we should get something to eat," Hardin said.

" Are you not going to get changed or something, you look like shit," I said to Hardin as I covered my nose pretending to be disgusted.

" I'll take a quick shower and then I'll change so we can go get something to eat before you go home, I'm glad you came by today," He said before he ran off.

" Isn't this the lady from the news?" I heard a female voice ask and I turned to see a group of girls looking at me like I had something that belonged to them, I'm sure they were talking about the pregnancy rumor.

Instead of saying anything to them I just pretend like I didn't hear them.

" She was the woman rumored to be his pregnant wife," One of the girls said.

" I don't think he is, she was here with a man, I think he left while the game was still ongoing," The other girl said.

" It's good then, we don't have to worry about Hardin being taken," One of them said and they all chuckled before walking off. I'm glad they have taken the idea of me being Hardin's pregnant wife or girlfriend, whatever it was they had up in their head. They can spread the message.

Hardin returned looking fresh and we both made our way out of the stadium.

Hardin helped me with my car door while he went to his car as the driver drove me off the stadium.

We settled for an Italian restaurant because I was craving some Italian delicacies. But at the end of the day, I just settled for Fiorentina Steak, I didn't see any difference, steak was steak, Chinese steak, Italian steak, it was all the same thing.

My mouth salivated at the sight of the food, it happens all the time. And like always Hardin always looks at me with that adorable look, like he looked seeing people who are real, his words not mine.

We dug into our food, eating in comfortable silence. When we were done, I brought my card to pay but like always Hardin and I always argued.

" You've been paying for all the food we eat since we started eating together, let me pay for this, after all, I eat more," I said to him as I handed my card to the waiter but Hardin again beat me to it as he took my card and gave his instead. When he had successfully made payment he returned my card back to me.

" There, it wasn't so hard," He said with a victorious smirk.

" The next time we get to hang out if you don't let me pay for the food, I'm not going to eat," I said to him with seriousness, I wasn't joking, if he didn't let me pay for my food, I didn't see the reason to come out with him when he'll just pay for everything, I didn't like things working like that.

I was walking back to the car with Hardin when my phone vibrated in my purse, thinking it must be a text from Markus, I brought out my phone and opened it.

It wasn't a message from Markus, rather it was a message which read " I hope you enjoy" with a video attached to it.

I clicked the video and was shocked by what I saw. There were also some pictures I had yet to download. My heart was already in pain from watching the video. What more was there to see?

" Are you okay?" Hardin's voice suddenly filled my head, bringing me out of my thoughts.

" Yeah, yeah everything is fine," I turned to him with a forced smile.

" I think I did a lot of cheering today, It's time I go get some rest," I said hoping he wouldn't see past what I was showing him, but Hardin was that type of friend who knew just instantly that something wasn't right and at the same time he'll never pressure you to tell him something you don't want to.

"Are you sure? Or should I get you ice cream?" He asked me with concern evident in his voice. The idea of getting ice cream to cool off sounded nice, what if I was overthinking things? But that video was telling me all I needed to know.

" I think we should have ice cream, it sounds nice and maybe a walk, then I can go back home," I said to Hardin as he nodded his head and I got into my car.

We drove to a shop and bought ice cream then went to sit on a bench and started enjoying the ice cream. I wasn't enjoying mine, I was so absent-minded. I could feel Hardin's eyes on me, why do things seem to happen when we're together? We're supposed to be having fun.

Markus was the only one to clear my doubts, we'll have to talk when I get home.

After our little ice cream party, Hardin and I bid each other bye hoping to hang out more.

I was now alone with my thoughts and I just couldn't bring myself to download the pictures. But I did.

He went to see her, his first love and these pictures didn't mean good.

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