Chapter 106- The Courtroom

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I was standing in front of the courtroom dreading going inside, stepping into this room meant I had officially given them the power to decide over my daughter, I didn't know what decision they were going to make. But I was scared.

With all the willpower I had I opened the door and stepped in. Hardin wanted to come with me but I told him not to, he didn't like the idea but for my sake, he just had to agree.

As I entered the courtroom surprisingly Markus was already in the room with my baby girl held in his arms. Our eyes locked for a moment before I broke the contact. I didn't want to look at him, it was just a painful reminder of what had happened between us, what he made happen.

I took my seat as we awaited the case to start.

Soon enough I was asked to move to the front where I would stand to answer some questions, if necessary.

The judge entered the courtroom and everyone rose. My heartbeat increased and my palm started sweating, this was really happening.

" This court is now in session for the surrogacy case between Mr. Arthur Markus and Miss Jane Williams, you may proceed with your open statement," The judge said as the whole room went silent that even if a pin was dropped it would echo through the room.

" Thank you your honor there was a contract of surrogacy between Mr Arthur and Miss Williams, and it was stated that if there was a breach of contract there would be a fine, my client Miss Williams wants the child back and is ready to pay the fine for the breach of contract, but Mr. Arthur is unwilling to accept the money which is why she has decided to bring the case to court," My attorney said introducing the case.

" My client here Miss Williams was fooled into believing that Mr Arthur was in love with her and wanted a family with her, he clearly manipulated her," My attorney said as he turned to Markus.

" My client had all the reasons to not want the child with you, first when she signed the contract, you mistreated her even with her pregnancy," At his words the court filled with murmuring.

I didn't know where all these people came from, I just wanted to win my case.

" Objection," Markus' attorney said.

" Objection overruled, you may continue," The judge said to Markus' Attorney and I couldn't help but breathe in relief.

" Aside from hitting her, she had been put in danger several times because of him, and on a few occasions, she ended up in the hospital. Now tell me, would you want to leave your child with him even if you signed a document? I rest my case" My attorney said as he came back to sit beside me.

" Thank you, Attorney. Like you said, there was a contract signed and the contract clearly stated that Miss Jane would only conceive a child for Mr. Arthur, something she was clearly paid to do " Did Markus also send his attorney to insult me because it looked to me like that was what he was trying to do.

" And let me remind you that the money that was to be paid for breach of contract was when there was still a contract, not after the contract had been fulfilled, so don't expect my client to accept the money from you, he's not going to sell his child, it was a contract and you knew what was involved before you signed it, not to mention as soon as you left his house you went to the house of another man," My attorney warned me about all this.

I didn't know what they were driving at, Markus' attorney was making it sound like I left my child on purpose to go wander with another man when it was clearly Markus who sent me out of the house away from my child.

" Objection my Lord, my client is being wrongly accused here," My attorney said as he stood up.

" You may continue," The judge said to my attorney.

" Thank you, my Lord. My client Miss Williams was asked to leave the house by the father of her child and she didn't leave on her own so there's a difference. I would like to correct that, and I'd like to say that no father who wants the best for his child would separate a newborn from her mother. So, your Honor, this woman has been wrongly treated and she deserves justice, it would only be fair if she gets rights to her child too."


I was quiet while I watched the whole scene unfold before me. I didn't know if I wanted this to stop or continue, especially at one point when it seemed like my attorney was insulting Jane.

The court was quiet waiting for the judge to speak, did I even want to hear what he had to say?

" From all indications, you both have a fault in the matter, so whatever decision I decide to make is for the good of the child. Which is why I have decided to adjourn this case to Wednesday," As he said that he rose from his chair and everyone did the same, well not with the same energy.

I knew this was going to happen, these fat judges never want to sit in one place for too long, what was there to decide, the child is mine and there was nothing he or any other person needed to decide on.

When the judge left I turned to Jane who looked seriously involved in a conversation with her attorney. She suddenly turned to me but her eyes weren't on me, she was looking at the child in my arms with so much longing. I felt a tugging in my heart, why did I suddenly feel like I wanted everything to be back to how it was before I fucked everything up?

She looked at us one last time before walking away with her attorney following closely behind her.

I handed Alexandra to her nanny and quickly followed Jane, we needed to talk.

I rushed outside the door and there she was talking to someone I didn't want to see. Not today, not ever.


Thank you so much for reading this book.

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