Chapter 40- The Painful Feeling

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Dad? I turned to look between Markus and the man he just called dad and could see the resemblance between the two of them only that the other man looked older.

" Dad, why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" Markus asked the man as he walked over to him to hug him, and I could tell that they both had a strong relationship.

" Do I have to inform my son I am coming to his house? You know I like surprising you." The man said as they both laughed like a very funny joke was said forgetting that I was even there. Not until his dad looked at me with a raised brow.

" You have a woman?" At the question, Markus's eyes also turned to me.

His laughter died as he looked at me as if I wasn't someone important.

" No Dad." What was I expected? That he would introduce me as his wife or what? But the hurt each time would always come, I couldn't stop it.

" So who's she?" His father asked seeming quite curious about me.

" Let's get you settled, I'll tell you about everything, for now, we have a lot of catching up to do." His hand went around his father's shoulder as he led him away, while I just stood there,  never have I felt so dumb and embarrassed.

I returned to the other wing of the house, it was obvious my presence wasn't needed here. I couldn't be in their way, I just wondered what next Markus was going to say.

" Jane." Rena greeted me as soon as I entered the house as she made her way to me.

" How are you feeling? I was worried sick." She said as she gave me a well-needed hug.

" His father came to visit him and he acted like I was nobody," I said to no one in particular as I gave a sad laugh.

Rena's face was filled with worry like she was going to say something but I stopped her.

" Please can I be alone now, I just need to think." She didn't argue with me, she just nodded her head and told me to call her if I needed anything.

" Of course." I climbed up the stairs heading to my room and as soon as I was in the comfort of my room I closed the door and slowly slid down the door with pain filling my heart.

My life wasn't supposed to go like this, this is all my father's fault. If he didn't leave us I wouldn't be here, my mother wouldn't be dead, I wouldn't have signed away the rights of my child in the name of a stupid contract, a man wouldn't treat me like I was nothing. This was all his fault. I hate him, I hate him so much.

I was too weak to stand up from where I was seated, my emotions were all over the place, pain. It was becoming my close friend.

But there was nothing I could do to stop the pain, especially with the way Markus had been treating me lately. He looked like a man walking around with a stone heart. Unreachable. He wasn't capable of loving.

I didn't know how long I sat there on the floor but a knock on the door disturbed my pity party. I made sure to wipe away the tears on my face as I quickly rose taking in a few breaths before opening the door.

" How may I help you?" I asked the maid who stood outside my door.

" Ma the boss sent these." She said and that was when my eyes fell on what she was holding. It was my medicine with water.

" Oh thank you," I said as she told me to take two of each tablet as I took it from her.

" Do you want me to do anything else for you?"

" No not at all, that would be all." I closed the door as she left and then walked to my bed. I took the drug as instructed and made myself comfortable on the bed, I knew sleep wasn't going to come, but I might as well just relax while I think.

With my eyes wide open and my mind deep in thought I tried to think of a way out of the mess I put myself in, but my brain was providing no solution, nothing.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the ring of my phone. Who could be calling me?

I took my phone and without looking at the caller I answered.

" Hello?"

" Are you okay? You don't sound so good." Came the voice from the other line. Hardin. Why was he calling me and how could he tell just from my voice that something was wrong?

" I am fine, there's nothing to worry about." I lied, not like I was going to start spewing everything going on in my life.

" You could have fooled me, but it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it." Well, again he knew that I didn't want to talk about it, quite observant.

" So why did you call?" I asked him because he hadn't said his main reason for calling.

" Uhm, so I have a game coming up on Saturday, which is two days from today and I was wondering if you could come, I'll save you a seat." He wanted me to come to his came, but I didn't see that happening. Markus would kill me but once again I couldn't tell him that, Markus wasn't my husband so how did he have the right to make such decisions for me? Now I have to look for a very believable excuse.

" I don't know Hardin, Saturday is yet to come and I don't know if I have an appointment with the doctor." There was no appointment with any doctor not when I just left the hospital.

" Oh.." he simply said, sounding sad. I didn't mean to disappoint him.

" You didn't even tell me the game you're inviting me to watch."

" Hockey, I play hockey."

" I wish I could come but I can't give you my word if I won't keep it."

" Okay, but if you change your mind, just give me a call." He said and even though I couldn't see him, I could tell his face had a smile, he had hope.

" Okay bye."

" Bye." He said as I ended the call.

For some reason, talking to someone made me feel better even if I didn't discuss what was bothering me, just the fact someone had me in mind enough to call me lightened my mood.

To hell with Markus as his treatment. I don't care, but what I do care about is that.

He won't have my child.

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