Chapter 103- Whatever It Takes

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Hardin parked his car in a walkable distance to Markus's' house.

I was shaking inside but I tried to put up a brave front, I couldn't go in there looking scared, I had to be brave and strong for my daughter.

The security didn't stop me when they saw me at the gate, I don't think Markus had the time to tell them to ban me from entering this house, I wasn't even sure they knew what was going on. It wasn't their place to know.

" Jane!" Rena called as soon as I entered the house, she rushed to me and hugged me…," I've missed you, what are you doing here?" I didn't tell her I was coming so she looked surprised.

" I found something, I want to speak to Markus,"

" I think he's in his office, he comes home early these days because of Alexandra, they're together right now," I turned to look in the direction of Markus's office and blew a breath through my mouth.

" Wish me luck,"

" I'm coming with you, " Hardin said.

" There's no need for that, you can just wait for me outside, I don't want things to get complicated,"

" If you say so I'll just wait outside,"

" Alright," I walked to Markus's office and I knocked on the door with my breath held.

" Come in," I heard Markus's voice coming from inside. If I wanted to win this I had to be confident, this was Alexandra.

I put my chin up and opened the door.

As I opened the door, the sight before me made me want to crumble but I remembered why I was here.

" Well, don't you look happy without me?" I said as Markus immediately put his head up from where he was playing with Alexandra.

" What are you doing here?"

" I don't think I need to answer that question, you should know, after all, you have something that should be in my arms,"

Markus laughed and Alexandra made a sound as if asking her father what was funny.

" As you can see, I'm busy with my daughter, I don't have time for you, we were doing quite well until you walked in here, so use the door,"

" You've got to be kidding me," I said with anger sipping through my voice. I brought out the contract from my bag and kept it on the table for him.

" What's that? You want more money?"Markus asked with a raised brow and I clenched my fist trying to control my anger.

" I don't want your money, I don't care about your stupid money, all I want is my child,"

" You wish,"

" Let's see about that, why don't you look at that contract again," I asked him as I pointed towards the contract on his desk.

By now the nanny had already come into the office to take Alexandra away. It was a good thing, I didn't want her to hear us arguing, even if she didn't know what we were talking about.

He picked up the contract and scanned through it for just a few minutes before he dropped it and looked at me with his arms crossed.

" I don't see anything worth looking at except the fact that you were to give me a child which you did, what else do you want?"

" You know that if I decide to cancel that contract I'll pay you sixty million dollars," Markus looked at me with his brows raised as if asking, so how does that concern me?

" Are you dumb Jane? We've both kept our end of the deal, I've paid you the money and you've given me my child, what contract are you talking about, okay let's say you were to pay the money where would you get it from? Have you already found another man in need of your service, you know to give him a child," As he said this I opened my mouth in shock, why would Markus say such hurtful things to me, was that what he thought of me?

" I don't care what you think of me," My voice cracked like I was about to cry, for a moment I would have sworn I saw Markus's face soften before his face became hard and emotionless, ready to hurt me more.

" I brought you the money just as the contract stated, I want my daughter back, go find another woman to give you a child,"

" Can you just listen to yourself, you think I would give my girl to you, you know I'm nothing like you, unlike you who signed her away I'm her father and I'll protect her with everything I have,"

" How dare you say that? You don't know anything! How can you say it like I willingly gave her away? Is this your plan? To make my daughter hate me,"

" I told you this man was stupid didn't I?" A new voice suddenly joined us.

" Hardin I told you to wait outside,"

" I just couldn't stand there and hear the hurtful things he was saying to you, this guy is a total jerk and a waste of time, can't believe he's the father of your child," Hardin said in disgust.

" So you brought your boyfriend?"


As soon as I saw that man all I wanted to do was wring his neck, he dared to show his face to me. What was he to Jane now? Her lover?

" It doesn't matter if I'm her boyfriend or not what I'm sure about is that I thought you were a man but you're not, you're just a boy who isn't strong enough to leave whatever past he had behind,"

" You dare come to my house to insult me," I said in anger as I rose from my chair.

" Markus, Hardin stop this please, I didn't come here to watch you two argue, I came here for my daughter," I said as I looked between the two of them.

" Markus listen to me, it doesn't matter how you insult me, all I want is to get back my daughter, whatever it takes," Jane said before storming out of the room.

" Jane," the Hardin guy call and was about to follow Jane but he stopped and turned to me.

" Just so you know, you lost a woman who would have done anything for your happiness, but can I complain? No, I am grateful that you've given me the opportunity to prove to her that you were never the one for her. Watch me make her mine."

" Get the fuck out!" I said in anger as he walked out of the door and I tried to control myself.

I don't care about Jane, I don't care.

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