Chapter 53- The Birthday Princess

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Markus was busy asking another lady to be his girlfriend when I was still in the hospital, was that why he rushed off in the name of having something urgent to do?

I dropped the lady at the mall and then drove off to the hospital. I just wasn't feeling good today, I don't know if it was my encounter with that lady.

I was taken to the examination room and then the doctor checked me and the baby and said that we were both okay. I thanked him and then made my way out of the hospital.

I don't know how I ended up here but I just felt something telling me to be here today.

Since the day my mom got buried I had not come to visit her grave I felt like we could have been better if death hadn't taken her, we were a work in progress, not the best but we were trying, on the days she tried to blame me for why my father left she was a complete stranger.

I sighed as I placed the single rose I bought on my way here, roses were her favorite, she would smile when my dad bought them, the same person who brought her sunshine was the same person who took it away.

" Mom, I hope you're happy now, I know you wanted a perfect family, the one that comprises of me, you, and Dad, where we had a little garden, a small house, and a lot of smiles on our faces, I'm sorry things had to turn out the way it did, maybe you're right and it was actually my fault dad left, look at me, I signed my own child away, who does that? Maybe all I was ever meant to do is cause pain, I'm sorry if I ever caused you any pain." At this point, I was already sobbing.

Each time I think of what I've done I can't help but blame myself, my mother blames me for everything, and now I already feel like my unborn child is going to blame me for being a horrible mother.

I covered my mouth trying to contain my sobs but the pain I was feeling in my heart was just too much, I couldn't continue this way. But I didn't know what to do.

When I had calmed down after my crying episode I just sat down and looked at her grave REBECCA WILLIAMS.

I stood up and looked at the grave one last time before I walked off heading back to my car. Just as I touched my car handle my phone rang and I searched my bag for it. It was a call from Rena.

" Hey Rena, what's up?" I said as I opened the car and got in but didn't start the car because I didn't want to be on the phone and drive at the same time.

" I just wanted to remind you that today is Mimi's birthday and you promised her you were going to come." Oh god, it was a good thing she reminded me or else I would have forgotten. I wouldn't have been able to deal with her face when next I met her.

" Thank you so much for reminding me I totally forgot." As soon as I ended the call I placed a call to the same people that brought the toys and ice cream van and told them I needed their service again.

When I got to the orphanage the whole place was quiet and I had to look again to make sure I had not gone to the wrong location. I walked inside and still, there were no sounds until I heard a noise coming from the playground. I walked there and there they were, all with beautiful smiles on their faces the birthday girl looked like a princess with her lovely dress and tiara, she looked absolutely gorgeous.

" Miss Jane!!" One of the kids noticed me and soon the others turned to me and they all shouted in glee before running to me.

" We missed you, we missed you, we thought you weren't coming," this time it was the birthday princess herself that spoke and I knew that at this moment whatever Rena wanted me to do I was gonna do you. I just can't imagine how Mimi would have felt if I didn't make it here today.

Somehow the kids knew I was pregnant and didn't try to hug me or make me bend, they were all looking at me in adoration and I couldn't feel more loved, they always made me feel special.

" Didn't you bring the pretty lady today?" Oh, I had totally forgotten about Rena's crush. He must be disappointed.

" I'm sorry no she was busy so I had to be here without her."

" Did someone just ask of me?" We all turned to see the owner of the voice. When I say I haven't seen a more beautiful soul like Rena I mean it. I didn't even know she would make it, she had on a beautiful smile and a big pink cake.

" Wow," I heard Mimi whisper like she was in a trance as she looked at the cake, I have a feeling that if she was a cartoon character she would have love popping out of her eyes because of the way she was looking at that cake. I couldn't help but chuckle, she was so adorable.

The ice cream van arrived along with other treats and then there was a DJ and the party began.

I have never seen something so adorable in my life, all the kids had a gift for her from little meaningful drawings to chocolate, some even shared something as simple as a hug. I felt emotional, these children were raised well. But life can be so unfair sometimes, what it throws at you would make you rethink your decisions. Some of these kids might never get to see each other again so they might as well enjoy their time together.

We were still partying when I heard my phone ringing.

" Excuse me," I said as I stood up and went out somewhere quiet. The backyard of the orphanage was lovely and the breeze outside felt nice because of the beautiful trees they planted.

I looked on my screen and saw that the caller had no name meaning it wasn't a number saved in my phone, then who could it be?

I contemplated picking up the call and just when I was about to pick up, the call ended and then the caller started calling again and I picked up but heard nothing.

" Hello?" The phone went dead and then I heard my name.

" Jane."

When I turned and saw who it was, I gasped as my phone fell off my hand.

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