Chapter 36-His Dark Side

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I quickly dropped the spoon I held back into the container. I thought he wasn't going to notice so soon, I didn't even think he would care, what did he want this time? To finish off what he started.

" What are we going to do? He looked like he was going to start shooting all the staff one by one if they didn't tell him where you were." She said as she placed her hand on her forehead in frustration.

I didn't know what to tell her, I got us into this trouble without thinking of a way to get us out.

" I have a feeling he would be interrogating me more than everyone, especially the fact that I'm the closest to you. But I wouldn't give him the answer he wants." This loyalty again.

" I should just go to him before people get into trouble," I said as I began to get up from the bed, but she rushed to me.

" What do you think you're doing? We didn't put all that effort just to be scared and run back to him without putting up a fight. See what he did to you just yesterday and I wonder what he would do today that he looked ten times angrier." She said and the look in her eyes told me she would lock me up in this room if that meant protecting me.

My emotional pregnant self couldn't help it, I started to tear up, but I had to compose myself, this wasn't the time for this.

" Okay, please be careful, if things get out of control and he eventually starts searching the servant's quarters, we'll find a way out."

" I have to rush back before he or anyone else notices something off."

" Okay. okay. I'll be here, be careful again." I said to her as she went outside the door closing it behind her.

I couldn't keep calm I was so nervous wondering what was going on outside there, I knew I was the cause of whatever was going on outside there and that didn't make me feel any better.

I was chewing on my nails like that would calm me down.

I jumped as soon as the door opened and Rena quickly rushed in.

" What happened?!"

" He, fortunately, didn't search the servant's quarters, but that doesn't mean he had stopped, you should have seen his face, he looked so scary." She said and I breathed in relief.

" So what happened out there?" I asked again needing to be sure that nobody got into trouble because of me.

" Well, he was angry and all." She was hiding something from me, I knew that instantly from the way she was hiding her hands.

" Is there something you are not telling me?" I didn't want this to lead to something else such as people getting fired because of me, that would make me feel so bad, please let it not get to that.

" Well…" she was finding it hard to speak which meant something was definitely wrong.

" Go on." I encouraged her, I wanted her to tell me what was so bad that she couldn't bring herself to speak.

" The thing is, he fired all the guards on duty last night when they couldn't tell him where you were."

" What?!!"


She had a fucking appointment with the doctor today but she was nowhere to be found, what did she take me for? I don't give a fuck what happens to her well until my child is born. I wouldn't just sit here and watch her act like some fucking bitch when she knew clearly she was supposed to be meeting with the doctor.

Worse, the idiots I call guards couldn't even tell me where she was and they said she hadn't left the house.

Her phone was left in her room then where could she be?

The mansion was big but there wasn't a room that I didn't know because I actually designed the whole place.

Every one of them claimed not to know where she was.

Knowing that if I was in their presence for a long time I might do something that would make blood flow so I had to leave. I had a company to run after all.

I told them that I expected her found before I returned and they knew better than to give anything other than that.

" Welcome Sir." My secretary greeted me as soon as I stepped out of the elevator but I didn't give her a response. She could shove her greetings where the sun doesn't shine. I don't care.

As soon as I sat down there was a knock on my door. It was her.

" What do you want?" I asked with anger in my voice, it wasn't like I was always smiling or anything, this was how I have always been. After all, nobody runs a multi-billion company smiling at people.

" Sir, you have a meeting with the department heads in about fifteen minutes, should I postpone it?" She asked me. Postpone? Did I look like I was here to joke?

" No, the meeting will take place."

" Just as you say, Sir." She said as she left my office going back to her table.

My head was so deep. I was beginning to think about everything. What if that Murphy dude went on with his plan and did something to her, my child?

No that wasn't possible, there was no way he could do that without anyone knowing.

The meeting room was filled with a tense atmosphere, all the department heads were on their seats like they were all told to sit on hot coal. Cowards.

" This is the overview of what this remarkable property has to offer, here is going to be the first pool, a serene oasis, and then there would be another pool in the recreation area, look how perfect this outdoor bar is and to make it even more appealing, there is yet another pool." How many pools did he plan to put there? fifty?

" If your dream was to have so many pools in one property you would have told me so," I said and that instantly shut his mouth on whatever rubbish he was blabbing about.

"Sir…" he tried to say but I raised my hand shutting him up.

" If you bring me here without having anything reasonable to show me then you shouldn't be working for me." I saw the way he visibly swallowed, I could smell his fear.

" Well? Does anyone have anything worth listening to?"

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