Chapter 57- The Fight

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A scream broke through my mouth unintentionally in shock. I wasn't expecting to see him here.

" Jane!" I heard Hardin call from outside.

" What are you doing here Markus?" Before he could answer me the car door was quickly pushed open by Hardin and Markus also opened the car door and came out.

When Hardin saw him, he left the door open and turned to Markus.

" Isn't this just disgusting?" I heard Markus ask and I quickly got out of the car. What was he doing here? I have told him several times that he didn't have the right to monitor where I go or where I don't.

" Enlighten me," Hardin said and I could already see a fight brewing.

" You bring a pregnant woman to your house and you let her stay up to this time?!" Markus asked in anger.

" If she's somewhere she's taken care of, I don't see anything wrong with that," Hardin said in a hard voice different from how he usually speaks to me.

" Are you being serious? She's pregnant for god's sake." Markus said and was beginning to make his way towards Hardin.

" Like you fucking care," Hardin said and I looked at him wondering why he said that.

" What I do with her is none of your business and I'm not gonna warn you again, stay away from…"

" From what?... Hardin suddenly cut him off and I turned to look at him…" Your wife? She doesn't have a ring and if you don't know how to take care of a woman, maybe someone else should." Without warning, Markus's fist connected with Hardin's face.

" Markus!!" I screamed as I tried to move towards them but immediately moved back as they both started exchanging blows.

" Please stop this both of you!" But none of them paid attention to me.

" You're such an asshole," Hardin said as his knee connected with Markus's stomach and Markus groaned in pain before he returned the favor of connecting his elbow to Hardin's chest and then he pushed Hardin off him.

" Enough!!" I shouted with all my strength and finally, they both stopped and turned to be breathing like they both had lacked air for days.

" This isn't over, the next time you cross my path, there will be more to pay for," Markus said before turning to me.

" You," he said as he took my hand and forced me into the car.

" Damn," that was the last thing I heard Hardin say before Markus shut the door to my face then he angrily got into the car and drove off.

" Markus slow down!" I screamed because of how fast he was driving.

" Shut the fuck up before I do something we both regret." He didn't need to say it twice, I shut up immediately.

He roughly parked his car outside the house and then the car became quiet, he didn't come out, he was breathing so hard like he would soon start breathing fire. Then finally the door but I refused to come out.

" I'm not going to tell you what to do, get the fuck out of that car before I do something drastic." I didn't listen, I didn't want to go out there and face him.

" Jane I'm not going to fucking repeat myself." I was too stubborn and before I knew it the car door burst open.

" Get out!!"

" No, no," He didn't give me the chance to, he held my hand and dragged me out.

" Markus let go of my hand, you're hurting me," But he didn't listen, he kept on dragging me until we were inside the house and then left my hand.

" How many fucking times have I told you to stay away from that man, but each time you disobey me," he boomed in anger.

I didn't give him any response and that angered him.

" I asked you a question, didn't I?"

" He's just a friend, am I not allowed to have friends?" I asked him as I was also starting to become angry.

" A friend, that doesn't look so to me, I've warned you several times that you can do what you want when you give birth to my child but you refused to listen and decided to whore around with pregnancy." Without thinking, I slapped him on his face, this was not the first time he was calling me a whore. I could tell he was controlling his anger as he had clenched his fist in anger.

" Is that how low you think of me?! You can have a girlfriend but I can't even have friends?!"

" What happened to having female friends?!" Is he serious? Now he wanted to choose who would become my friend.

" You know what you're an insufferable selfish asshole!!"

" That's it!" He said and before I could comprehend what he meant he held my hand and dragged me, leading me upstairs.

" Let go of me!! Markus!"

" I've warned you but since you won't listen, I'll do things my way."

" Stop this madness, Markus!!" He was leading me to an unknown part of the house and then we got to a door, I hope it wasn't what I was thinking and Markus wasn't actually going to go through with his threat.

I watched as Markus opened the door and gently pushed me in.

" Markus No!! No!" But it was too late, he shut the door to my face.

" Markus are you crazy?! Let me out of here?" But I heard silence which meant that Markus actually locked me in this room.

" I hate you! I hate you, Markus!" Not like he actually cared.

I threw the first thing I could lay my hand on the floor, which happened to be a vase but I didn't care. I hated the situation I was in. Tears refused to fall off my eyes, I wouldn't let it.

I sat down on the floor because I was exhausted, Markus's presence alone made me tired, I was tired of the whole thing.

Nothing in the contract said he had the right to treat me however he liked, he thought he could get away with anything he did just because he was a billionaire.

How long did he plan to keep me here? Till I give birth? I was no prisoner. What can I do? I'm so confused.

But one thing I know is that I would make Markus pay, I don't care how.

But he must pay.

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