Chapter 33- The Erupted Volcano

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I took a step towards her and she took two back. That was just perfect.

" You thought you could fool me? Hmm? You wanted to play me. How dare you?!" One thing I hated the most was someone lying to me, and right now, I didn't care what I was going to do to her.

" I don't know what you're talking about." She still dares to lie to my face. I lost it.

I wrapped my hand around her neck, I didn't fucking care she was pregnant, how am I even sure she was pregnant? She could be lying.

" The only thing stopping me from killing you is because of that child you're carrying, or else…" I didn't get to finish my statement because she cut me short.

" Or else what?!" Oh I see, she had suddenly become bold. " Don't I have the right to choose who the father of my child becomes?"

" Excuse me?"
" Yes, you are the father of my child and there's nothing you're going to do about it."

" I will not bear the responsibility for a child that isn't mine, not when the father of the child wants the child!  I am giving you from now till the end of today, get your things and get out of my sight!" I didn't give her the opportunity to say anything because I might do something I would regret if she pushed me any further.

" I am not leaving!!" Well, let's see about that.

I thought that venting out my anger on Becka would make me feel better, she was like a thorn in the flesh and now that I had removed her I thought things would be better, but no. I felt like she wasn't even the reason for my anger. I felt like someone else was.

There were a few things I needed to make her understand. But right now, I need a drink.

I was on my ninth glass. Yes, I was counting, I wasn't even feeling any emotion, I was just blank.

Things weren't going as planned, it was supposed to be easy, she gave me my child and got out of my life.

I wasn't going to let her mess with my head. Women were evil, all of them.


"What are you doing here?" I asked Markus as I got up from my bed keeping my food aside.

" Oh, now you ask me what I  want in my own house?!!" He shouted and suddenly I was filled with fear remembering how Rena described him earlier, he looked wasted and the confidence I had that he wasn't going to harm me began to grow thin.

He wasn't in his right senses and something told me things could go wrong.

" Markus, you are drunk, you need to leave." I tried to be as calm as I could but it didn't work.

" Don't you fucking tell me what I can and cannot do!! You hear me!!"

I swallowed. I felt like a rat caught in a trap, I thought of just walking out of the room but I knew that even the slightest movement could set him off, more than he already was.

Instead of saying anything again that would anger him, we just kept staring at each other like we were in some staring contest, waiting for who would break the stare first.

He moved towards me but I didn't even move an inch out of fear. Out of instinct, I placed my hands on my stomach protectively. His eyes followed my hands and a smirk appeared on his face.

" Now you remember you're carrying a child, it didn't seem that way when you were out with your boyfriend." He said the last part with so much disgust like he was going to throw up.

I was lost, what was he talking about?

" You're acting all innocent like you don't know what I'm talking about, let me help you. Remember earlier today when you went out with your lover and he was looking at you with so much adoration?"

Hardin. Now I knew what he was talking about, so it was actually his car that I saw.
Now what do I say to this drunk Markus that wouldn't set him off? I wasn't ready to tell him about the property I bought, even if I did tell him I would still have to explain how Hardin and I got connected which would be complicated and his drunk brain wouldn't be able to comprehend.

Instead, I chose silence and he drew his conclusion, whatever it was, but I knew it wasn't good.

" Oh, I see." Well, I don't see what you see.

" Maybe I have to remind you another way then." I didn't get time to process what he was saying before he was in front of me. It seems his drunkenness wasn't affecting his strength and his hand wrapped around my throat and then he was kissing me.

I tried to push him off but he held both my wrist firmly and pushed me on the bed. I tried again to no avail. When he started demanding I opened my mouth to give him more access but I refused, he bit my lips so hard I thought my lips were going to pull.

I gave a cry of pain but he didn't stop.

" Markus…you're hur..ting me," I muttered.

" You act like I'm a monster, what?! Did you want it to be your boyfriend? You wouldn't have been stopping him. See how happy you looked, you were enjoying his company weren't you?"

" Please stop."

" Fucking shut up!" He yelled to my face and I closed my eyes in fear.

" Open those eyes and look at me." He commanded.

I had to obey, I didn't know what he was going to do next.

I opened my eyes and they were blurry because of the tears that filled them.

He brought his hand closer to my face and I flinched thinking he was going to slap me but he wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks as he gave me a sadistic smile.

" Oh honey, this is just the beginning."


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