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Aftermath of suicide


I wonder how long a human being can be in ice before they die. Will I suffocate or freeze? 

Guess we'll find out.

I open my eyes, and see the dark ice surrounding me. It's peaceful. Suddenly, there's a flash of blue.

Is Dabi trying to get into the ice? How annoying. Did I dive down deep enough? 

Slit your throat.

I can't move my arms, and I'm too cold to move anyway.

There it is, that flash of blue again. He must be really desperate. Which is weird, considering the sides that we're on.

Are you on the side of the heros?

I guess not. I guess I'm a villain. My lungs are really starting to burn now, and I cannot feel my left side at all. Makes sense I can still feel my right, because it's made for cold temperatures.

There's another flash of blue. I can see spots in my vision. Come on, just a little more...

But then I see red. RED FIRE? Endevour's here?! How did they find me?!

But then I see a flash of blue again. OH. I think Dabi is fighting them. 

I hear a crack. It reverberates by body. My lungs continue to scream. The dots get bigger and bigger, until all I see is black.

There's a loud ringing noise. I guess this is it.

This time, I know I didn't make a mistake. Nobody wants me. And you know what? For once I'm finally okay with that.

I pass out, but as I do so, something hot grabs me.


I hear shouting. Somebody counting something. There's a ringing in my ears. Am I dead? I really hope I'm dead.

'WE'VE GOT HIM!' Somebody muffles. I open my eyes, and see two paramedics crouching over me. One's hand is inside my chest, around my heart.

I black out again.


I smell something really nice. Rosemary I think? I open an eye, and notice I'm in a hospital room. There's a sleeping person on the chair across from me.

Couldn't even kill yourself correctly.

I sigh. Time to try again. I try and get up, but notice a handcuff holding me to the bed. Pft. I try heating it up - but it stays the same. I then notice with horror that I'm wearing another green bracelet.

I try yanking it, but it doesn't budge. However, this wakes up the person in the chair across the room. Shit. Deku. The last person I want to see right now.

'Sho! Oh my god!' He runs over to me, sitting on the chair next to my bed. 'How are you feeling? Do you hurt anywhere?'

I ignore him, looking down at my lap. I don't want to be alive. A nurse walks into the room. 'Excellent. How are you feeling Mr Aizawa?' I blink. Oh yeah. I guess that's me. I continue to ignore everything. Maybe if I do that then this will all go away.

The door barges open, revealling a very dishevelled Endevour, followed by an anxious nurse. My eyes widen in fear. What the hell is he doing here? 'Sir I'm afraid that you're legally not allowed-'

'SHOTO!' He booms. He walks up to me, lifing his hand. I instinctively flinch away.

'Get security' the nurse says. The other runs out of the room. Deku quickly stands in the way. 'What the hell are you doing here?' He snarls. Endevour lowers his hand, laughing. 'Midoriya, you will address me as Endevour'. Deku laughs. 'I have no respect for you. You lost that title the day I learned what you did to Sho'.

'Oh he told you did he?' He takes a step fowards. But Deku remains firm. 

He's going to kill him, and it's all your fault.

'Yes. You're no hero. You're a villain'. I see a flash of anger pass through his eyes. But then, he laughs again.

'Come of kid, step out of the way'. Deku still doesn't move.

'Do as he says Midoriya' I say in a monotone voice. In response, Deku begins to fizzle with green electricity. Endevour turns to me.

'Ah, so the coward can speak.' I roll my eyes. 'What do you want' I say bluntly. He takes another step fowards. 'Do you know how much effort went in to creating the perfect hero?' He spits. 'And you were going to throw that all away. Because of what? Just being a little bit sad?'

'I thought you said I was no longer your son' I say. He laughs. 'You're not, but you still have my blood. And nobody with my blood flowing through their veins will die like a coward'.

'Maybe that's the problem' I say. 'I just don't want your bad blood inside me anymore'. The flames on his head gets bigger.

'Don't speak back to me!' He spits. He raises a fist, bringing it down, but Midoriya blocks it with ease.

'MOVE!' Endevour screams, but Midoriya stands firm.

'No. I will not let you hurt Shoto ever again.' 

He's going to die because of you.

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing...class 1A?!

'Heard they needed secruity!' Backugo spits. He and the rest of the class stand next to Deku, poised to fight. Endevour laughs. 'Really? Students?'

'Why are you guys here?' Deku asks. Denki laughs. 'None of the security guards wanted to fight Endevour'. 

'Yeah, they're not very manly!' Kirishima yells, hardening his skin.

'We made a promise remember?' Mina says. 'That we'd kick Endevours ass!'

'Fuck yeah!' Sero says.

Endevours flames grow, as he poises for a fight. 'This will be easy' he growls. He clicks his neck, ready to fight.

'Guys...please...don't...' I beg. They ignore me.

Suddenly, Endevour charges. He's about to throw a fire ball at Deku, when his flames suddenly disappear.

'WHAT THE HELL?' He yells. 'Fighting children Endevour? Wow, you really are the lowest of the low' All our eyes snap round to Aizawa, who stands in the doorway, quirk activated.

Endevour lunges at him, but he easily disarms him, capturing him in his scarf. Everybody laughs.

'Damn Sensei! You just disarmed the number two hero with ease!' Kirishima laughs. 'YOU MOTHER-' a wad of scarf wraps around Endevour's mouth. 'Not in front of the children' Aizawa says, scolding him like he was nothing more than a student.

Suddenly, Mic arrives panting, holding a green bracelet. 'THIS *wheeze* GOT *wheese* HOME *wheeze*. Aizawa takes it, snapping it to Endevours wrist. Aizawa disarms his quirk. 

'Sero, would you mind?' He asks. Sero immediately tapes Endevour to the wall, he wriggles, angry. Aizawa's capture weapon returns back around his neck.

'Thank you everyone. I appreciate your help. But please if you could all return to the dorms. I would like to talk to my son in private'.

'But Sir-' Denki begins, but Aizawa's eyes flash red. Everyone scurries out, except Midoriya.

'And you Midoryia' Aizawa says, monotone. Midoriya huffs. 'Love you Sho, see you soon' he says smiling, leaving the room.

Ah shit. Just me, Mic and Aizawa. I'm going to get scolded so badly. What will they say? Will they be mad? Frustrated? Will they get rid of me?

But then, Aizawa bursts into tears.

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