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Unkind thoughts


We sit inside the bathing room. Deku does a quick sweep.

'Empty' he says, as he comes and sits next to me. I nod.

'Okay.' He says. 'I've had my suspicions for some time, but the incident with Nezu has confirmed it'. I cock my head, not understanding.

'Wait. So you knew that Nezu was not brainwashed the entire time?' He nods his head. 'It was a test for Iida, and he failed'.

'How was that a test?' I ask. Deku sighs.

'It's Iida, since when does he support blowing up a school?' I widen my eyes understanding.

'There's been little indicators. Changes in routine. He drinks coffee now. He doesn't chop the air when he talks. He's especially interested in the lives of our classmates, when normally he keeps himself private. Plus...'

'Plus what?'

'His quirk. It's naturally a neon blue anyway. Brainwashing would have no effect on it'.

Holy shit. He's right.

'We need to tell Nezu'. He says. I shake my head. 'He already knows. He's monitoring him apparently.'

Deku breathes a sigh of relief. 'That's good to hear. Does this mean all the teachers know?'

'Do all the teachers know what?' We turn around in a panic, and spot Aizawa standing in the doorway.

'You should both be in the dormitory'. 'Sorry' we both mumble, as he comes and sits down next to us. 'I'm guessing you two boys have figured everything out, correct?' We both nod. He chuckles.

'I knew this would happen. Nothing gets past you Deku'. Deku smiles. 'But blowing up a school, really?' We both stare down at the ground. 'I'm still figuring out your punishment.'

But then suddenly, he bursts out laughing. Aizawa. Laughing? What the?

'You got Backugo to try and blow up UA!' He manages to squeeze out, his eyes brimming with tears. We stare at him in shock. 'Backugo...' He laughs even harder.

We both smile, knowing we're in the clear. Finally, he calms down. 'Phew. Anyway, you boys need to head back to the dorms. Now'.

We scurry away, the sternness in his voice rattling my core. 'Deku, I've just realised, Iida knows we've found the orb, why would Nezu want us to put it back? Surely destroying it is the best option'.

Deku thinks, then eventually smiles. 'For a number of reasons. Firstly, so Aoto believes we think we have the upper hand. In Aoto's mind, he is one step ahead of us, when in reality, it's the other way around. Secontly, to show we don't know it's controlling Iida. Nezu's playing it off saying it's a monitor, so it should be treated as such.'

'Brilliant. He's absolutely, terrifyingly, smart'. Deku nods in agreement. 'There's a reason he's the president'. We reach my room. Deku pulls me into a tight hug.

'Will you be okay?' I nod. 'Yeah. I can't stop feeling sorry for Iida though. It must be horrible being brainwahsed.' Deku nods understandingly.

'Iida would understand more than anyone how important it is not to act rashly. I'm sure if he could communicate, he would be more than fine being brainwahsed'. I smile.

'I guess so.' Deku smiles again. 'Right, I'll see you in the morning' He pecks me on the lips.

'Good night' I say, smiling the first real smile I've had in ages.


I wake up, as usual, to the smell. Now I know what it is, I feel really uneasy. Knowing that above me, Iida is being controlled. I shudder at the thought.

I head down to the kitchen, and spot Iida pouring himelf a coffee. He smiles at me.

'Morning Sho, want a cup?' Shit, okay, play it cool.

'Yes please'. He hands me a cup, as we both sit down at the table. I need to start a conversation. A normal, believable conversation.

'Thanks for getting Papa to Natsuo. I really owe you one'. Iida smiles. 'No worries. I'm just glad I could help'. I return his smile. Be the chameleon. Be the chameleon.

'How did he seem, when you got there?' I see Iida's brain whirring.

'He was holding an ice shard to his neck, and was threateneing to end his own life. It was terrifying'.

This hits like a punch to the gut. For a brief moment, I see the corners of Iida's eyes curve upwards. I think that's joy. How disgusting.

'That's horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that' I say to him. He shrugs. 'That's what being a hero is all about. Not just the flashy stuff' I nod in agreement.

I look into Iida's eyes, and for a brief second, I can feel the Aoto staring back at me. 'If there's anything I can do to help you Sho, please let me know'

I put on my best smile. 'Thanks Iida'. He copies my smile. 'Anyway, I'm going to go on a run. I'll see you later' He leaves the room, as I sit there, staring at my now cold cup of coffee.

Iida is suffering and you can't do anything about it.

I rest my head on the table. How the hell is this all going to be okay? Aoto is tormenting me. Why me? What the hell did I ever do to him? Why am I the scapegoat?

Because you are not worthy of the life you live.

I feel the dark place calling for me. A reassuring presence. Do I go? Maybe just for a little while? But isn't it better to stay? I'm having too many feelings, and it's making everything too much.

Okay, maybe for just a little while. I pass out.

I wake in the comforting place. Finally, somewhere I can not feel. I sit cross legged on the floor, looking down. I seem to be sitting on water. I look down into it, seeing my warped reflection.

I hear a voice say 'This is all you are. Anger, and coldness'. I knock the water with my hand.

'You can't run from who you are Shoto'. The voice says. I'm more than that. I think. I'm loved.

The voice laughs. 'Not after everything you've done Sho. You can never be forgiven. Never loved.'

'Killing those people was an accident. I never meant to hurt anybody' I say out loud. The voice chuckles again.

'I'm not talking about those people' the voice says coyly. I cock my head in confusion. 'I've not hurt anybody else' I say.

'Are you sure about that?' The voice whispers, as it echoes around.

But before I have a change to argue, I wake up to my phone buzzing. I answer.


'Hi, is this Shoto Aizawa-Yamada?'

'Yes speaking'

'Hello. Tsukauchi here. I'm calling about your father.' I roll my eyes.

'What did he have to say?'

'He says he has information regarding the Caretaker case. But he says he'll only talk to you about it'. I roll my eyes.

'Fine. I'll be right over'.

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