330 8 3


Suicide, SH, abuse


You're just boring him. You need to leave.

I look over to Kaminari, who seems to be completely engrossed in the movie we're watching. Despite this, he fidgets like every ten seconds. Dammit, I'm rocking again. STOP.

He looks over to me, and I quickly snap back at the film. He chuckles, then looks back at the film.

'You can do that if you want. You keep starting then stopping. Just do whatever makes you comfy'. 

'I have no idea what you're talking about Kaminari.'

'Okay, dude, firstly, please just call me Denki, it weirds me out when you call me Kaminari. And second, I don't care about the rocking. It's fine'.

I am taken aback. Was it really that obvious? Shit.

He knows. He'll tell everyone. Then you'll be expelled for being a freak.

'I don't know what you're talking about Kam-D-Denki'. Denki huffs, pausing the film. He shuffles round until he faces me.

'Don't bullshit a bullshitter dude'. I gulp. What should I do? Lie? Tell the truth? Leave? Or...

'Well in that case, call me Shoto'. He stares at me, taken aback. Phew, that seemed to work. Distractions seem to work well on Denki.

'Okay, Shoto'. He pauses, then looks at me sternly. He stands up, taking a deep breath in. 'SHOTOOOOOO' he yells, immitating Endevor. I burst out laughing, unable to stop myself.

'I KNEW YOU COULD LAUGH!' He giggles. 'SHOTOOOO' I yell, setting fire to the left side of my hair. 

Denki begins crying with hysterics. He takes a deep breath 'SHOOOOOO....TOOOOO'. I fucking lose it. I double over, my laughs suprising even me. Who knew I could still laugh?

'Erm, guys?' We both snap round, looking at a confused looking Midoriya and Iida. Denki responds by yelling 'SHOTO!' Midoriya begins to laugh, Iida stifles a giggle. I burst out laughing again, falling to the floor.

'We're having a Shoto-off' Denki explains. 'But Shoto is winning'. Iida tilts his head to the side. 'Shoto huh? So are you on first name basis with him?'

'Guess so' Denki beams. 'Yo Sho-Bro?' I calm myself up, pushing myself up into a sitting position. 'Yeah Denki?' He looks at me, as Iida and Midoriya sit down on the couches with us. 'Why do you call everyone by their surnames still? We've known you forever!'

'You guys never asked'. I smile, standing up. The three suddenly look sad. Why are they sad? Shit. What did I say? Fuck. Should I look sad now? What did I miss?

Midoriya stands, taking a step towards me. 'Shoto, on behalf of the class, please just call us by our names. Deal?' I smirk. 'Okay human glowstick'. Deku goes bright red, looking towards Denki.

'You didn't?!' Denki laughs. 'Yep, KP has been educated'. The rest of the class begins filtering in. I look over at them, smiling. 'Hey Asui, hey Ochaco, hey Katsuki-'

'-You call me Katsuki again, you're dead, got it?' he yells. Everyone goes pale. 'Sorry, do you prefer Kacchan?' Everybody absolutely loses it. By now, the rest of the class have come into the common room. But I don't understand why everyone is laughing? I start laughing too for good measure. Something must've been funny.


Everyone is chilling and chatting on the sofas, and for some reason I can't breathe properly. I keep trying to monitor my breathing, to no avail. It seems that every time I try to take a breath, my lungs close up. What's wrong with me?

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