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SH/ suicide references


I am waiting anxiously outside a boardgame cafe with Shinso. I'm wearing the stripy top (with the white long sleeved on underneath) and the dungarees. They have embroidered sunflowers all over them, which makes me very happy.

'Yo!' I hear a voice, and see Denki walking towards us. 'Where's Midobro?' He asks. 'Not here yet' I say nervously.

Suddenly, I can hear footsteps, and I turn around. Deku is running full speed, small green lightening bolts coming off him. He quickly grinds to a hault, handing me a bouqet of sunflowers, panting.

'I'm so sorry I'm late I went to the florists but then I realised they didn't have sunflowers so I had to run to the next one which was twenty miles away but then-'

'-It's okay, don't worry'. I say smiling. 'I love them! How'd you know I like sunflowers?' I ask. Deku itches the back of his neck nervously. 'Well, when we first joined UA and we were all getting to know eachother we had to give a fun fact about ourself. I remembered you said you liked Soba, sunflowers and snowcones. And sweets!' I stare at him.

'You remembered all that?!' I exclaim. He goes bright red. 'Y-yeah'. 

'Cute' Shinso says. 'Lets head inside!' Denki says. I grab Deku's hand, and pull him into the shop. His face goes even redder.


'Maybe I can pay, some other way' he says suggestively, biting his bottom lip.

'Dude, this is fucking Monopoly. Pay up'. Shinso says. 'Urgh! Why!' Denki says. 'Beause you landed on my hotel. That means you gotta pay rent'. 'Fine' He says, handing over some money. He sticks out his tongue.

'Your turn' Shinso says to me. I roll the dice, moving the thimble round, landing on go.

'Well done, you get double!' Deku says, handing me the money. I still have no idea how to play this game.

I go to the box, looking for the rules. I notice a small pouch, opening up more little silver tokens. I pull them out inquisitively. My eyes land on a small silver kettle.

Flashback, 5 years old

I walk up to my mother, who is talking to herself, making tea.

'Mum?' I question. She turns around, rage in her eyes, holding the kettle. 'NO!' She screams, throwing the boiling water on my face. 'Get away from me!'

I stand there, shocked. Luckily, it doesn't hurt, as it's on my fire side. 'WHAT HAVE I DONE!' She screams, running over to me. Quickly, she puts a hand over my face, activating her ice quirk.

That's when the pain comes.

'I'M SORRY SHOTO!' She screams, burning my face with her ice.

End flashback

I feel a warm pressure, which brings me back to reality. Deku is hugging me. I lean into it.

'It's okay, I've got you' he says, stroking my hair. I look around. The monopoly board is covered in ice, all the pieces fused to the board.

'I-I'm sorry' I say. 'Hey it's okay, don't worry about it'. I activate my fire, melting away the ice. Now everything is covered in water.

A worker comes over. 'Is everything okay?' She asks, smiling. She looks at the board.

You destroyed their game. It's all your fault.

'I'm so sorry' I say.

'Don't worry about it!' She says. She taps the board, and all the little pieces begin to move on their own, drying themselves off and putting themselves back into the box.

'Happens quite often' She says, smiling. I smile at her in appretiation. 'Thanks' I say.

'That was awesome!' Denki says. 'What's your quirk?' She looks embarrassed. 'I can give games sentience for a couple of minutes' she says.

'Dope' Denki says. 'Bet you're fun in an arcade!' Deku says. She laughs. 'It can get quite annoying. Espeically when the character you're playing decides to go on a little adventure rather than what they're supposed to do.'

We all laugh. 'It's useful for DnD though' she says smiling. She bows, then heads away from the table.

'Dude, if I could do that, I'd be making chess pieces fight one another' Says Shinso. 'What, like in Harry Potter?' Denki asks. 'Yeah' says Shinso.

We continue paying, until Shinso, Deku and I give up to Denki, as we are all broke.

'Yay, I win!' He says, happily. 


We play a few more games, before Shinso and Denki have to run off to do some errands. Which I didn't really understand because I don't know what errands need to be done on a Saturday.

'Today was fun' I say, smiling. Deku smiles back. 'Sure was!' We awkwardly walk to the bus stop. 'So, erm, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to mine?' He says, turning bright red. 'I know it's early, but I want you to meet my mum'. I smile.

'I'd love to meet Inko.' He smiles.

I nervously shuffle as the bus arrives. I hate busses, too many smells and noises.

'Hey Sho, do you wanna walk back to mine instead?' I look over at him. 'Yes please'.

'I have an idea' He says. He kneels down on the floor. 'Climb on'. I get on his back. He activates his quirk, and soon we are literally zooming through the streets. We arrive at his house not 5 minutes later. 

I climb off his back, and he's panting. 'Home sweet home!' He says. He takes me up to his flat, and lets himself in with the keys.

'Hey mum! I'm home!' I hear footsteps, and then am met with Inko. She looks at me, smiling. 'So this is Shoto, the Shoto?' She says, smiling. Deku goes bright red. 'Mum! You promised!'

'I know, I'm sorry I'm sorry, come inside!' She says. I take off my shoes, and follow them to the lounge.

'Tea?' She asks. 'Yes please, Jasmine' I say. She bustles into the kitchen, as we sit down on the sofa.

The kettle begins to boil. Suddenly, Deku is resting his hand on my thigh. 'You okay?' He says. I nod. 'The sound doesn't really bother me so much' I say.

Inko returns, handing us the tea. 'So', she says, 'how are you Shoto?'

Bad. You tried to kill yourself, you cut, and you have autism.

'G-good' I say, fumbling. I think Deku notices me being uncomfortable. 'Mum, could we have some food?' He asks. 'Of course honey! I'll make you boys some ramen. Be ready in half an hour!' She heads out the room.

I stand up. 'I wanna see your room' I say bluntly. This makes Deku's eyes go wide. 'Erm okay.' He leads me to his room, and I am met with All Might stuff everywhere. The smell of rosemary is so overpowering, I immediatly calm, all bad thoughts leaving my head.

'What's this?' I ask, grabbing one of many notebooks. 'Just hero notes' He says. I begin flipping through the pages. 'This is our class!' I say. He smiles. Then suddenly, he frowns. 'Wait stop-'

I open my own page, and begin reading everything about my quirk, my lineage, and my fighting style. At the very bottom is written 'He's so cute I love him so much <3' I laugh. 'Dude when did you write this?'

He squirms nervously. 'First term' He says. I walk over to him, giving him a small peck on the lips. 'You were really that hung up on me huh?' I say. He goes bright red. 'Well I don't know I just really thought you were cute and well...' he continues mumbling, and I watch himself get worked into a state. I pull him into a hug, resting my chin on his head.

'I thought you were cute too'. I say.

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