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Aizawa-Sensei is saying something, but I have no idea what. I'm distracted by a cloud that looks like a dog. Dog-cloud. I went and saw a psychiatrist yesterday, and they officially diagnosed me with autism, as well as a variety of other things, calling them 'co-morbid'. Whatever that means.

The bell rings. I get up, putting everything away in my bag. Deku comes over to me.

'I hope you're feeling better Shoto!' He says, smiling. 'I wanted to catch you at lunch but I had to meet with All Might'.

'Secret love child business?' I say bluntly. Deku goes bright red. 'I've told you a million times that he's not my dad! He's just mentoring me'. He nudges my side playfully.

You've made him uncomfortable.

'I'm just kidding. Thanks for checking on me'. I try my best smile. It seems to work because he smiles back at me. He looks down, noticing the bracelet.

'What's that?' He asks. I look down, following his eyes.


But I don't want to.

'It's really pretty!' He says. 'Where'd you get it?' He grabs my hand, lifting it up to look at it better.


'Oh, erm, gift' I manage to croak out. 'Ooo from whom!' He asks excitedly, as we both begin walking to the front of the school. Something about his expression seems off, but I can't place my finger on it.

'Hey Shoto!' Shinso says. 'Ready to go?' I smile at him. 'Yeah' I say. Deku looks angry. But I have no idea why.

'I didn't know you guys were friends!' He says, smiling, nudging into me. Although it looks slightly demented. 

'Yeah' I say. He laughs. 'Well, catch you later!' He says, zooming off.

'Weird' I say, as I follow Shinso to the car park. Shinso laughs. 'Dude, he was jealous, he thinks that you and are have a thing going'. I stare at him with confusion. 'What?' I say. Shinso pats my head. 'Oh sweet oblivious bean'. 

We reach the car, Aizawa-Sensei is already in the driver's seat, sleeping.

'BOO!' Shinso yells, and Aizawa jumps, accidentally honking the horn. 'Oh you little shit!' He says, as we get into the car.


'So, do you like Deku?' Shinso asks. 'I thought you said we were doing homework' I ask. Shinso rolls his eyes. Huh. I guess it really is an up and down motion, rather than a circle. I'll have to remember that.

'Come onnnn, don't be like that. Spill'. He shuffles closer to me.

'I don't know how I feel about him. I guess my tummy gets warm and sometimes my heart goes faster, but I ger than when I'm worried about something. So maybe I'm scared of him?' I say.

Shinso laughs. 'You defintely like him'. He pauses. 'You should ask him out!' I laugh. 'No. He's got enough going on in his life with breaking his bones every ten seconds. He doesn't need to be dating an autistic screw up like me'.

Shinso huffs. 'Dude, you're not a screw up. Your brain is just wired differently to everyone else. A little bit, well, neurospicey, as Denki would call it'. I chortle. 'Neurospicey?' I ask. He nods.

'Besides, I'm dating a neurodivergent, and I love it. He's fun, quirky, and interesting. I wouldn't change him for the world'. I process this.

'Okay, but how would I even go about asking him out? Like what do I do? I can't exactly rizz him with the 'tism'. Shinso bursts out laughing. Wheezing, he manages to say 'RIZZ HIM WITH THE 'TISM! SHOTO THAT'S FUCKING HILARIOUS!'

The door opens, revealing Mic. 'You two should be doing homework!' He says. 'Dad, dad you'll never believe what Shoto said!'

Mic crosses his arms, in an attempt to stay angry, but I get a feeling it's a front. 'What?' he asks.

'Shoto likes someone, and wants to rizz him with the 'tism'. Mic bursts out laughing, doubling over.

'Okay, you have to tell me who it is now. Shota and I have a bet going on who everyone in 1A likes.' He sits on the floor cross legged with us. I still can't get over him with his hair down. It looks so odd.

'I think I like Deku?' I say. Mic squeaks with excitement. 'Shota owes me 1000 yen!' He claps his hands together, and the sound makes me jump. He shoots me an apologetic glance. 'He thought you liked Momo. But I knew you were a little' he proceeds to flip his hand in the gay stereotype way.

'I don't know what I am. I guess I don't really care about gender' I say. Mic thinks. 'I remember reading somewhere that people who are autistic tend to be queer'. 

He's read up on autism? I smile. This warms my heart. 'I guess so' I say.

'You should all be working!' We look up to the door, to see a very angry Aizawa. Mic, Shinso and I all look at eachother, then burst out laughing. 'You owe me 1000 yen Sho!' Mic says. Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. 'Fuck' he says, then leaves the room.

Mic stands up too. Before he leaves, I want to ask him something. 'Mic, would it be okay if I took my bracelet off in a bit? I'd like to train with Shinso'. Shinso snaps towards me, eyes wide.

'Y-You wanna train with me?' He asks, visibally radiating with excitement. 'Of course. How else will you get into 1A if you don't train against different quirks'. His eyes well with tears.

You've upset him. He's going to cry. It's all your fault.

'Thank you!' He says, wrapping me in a tight hug. I love tight hugs, the pressure calms me. Mic chuckles. I guess he's happy crying.

'Of course, but Aizawa will be there to supervise, just in case...' He trails off, but I understand what he means.

'Thanks!' I say, then go back to my homework. I can hear Shinso frantically scribbling. The noise irritates me.

'Shinso, could you not?' I ask. He giggles. 'I'm just writing up a plan to get you and Deku together!' He says. I think Denki is rubbing off on him, because I've never seen him with so much energy.

'Calm down, it's not that exciting' I say in a monotone voice. Shinso slaps down his pencil, turning to me.

'Shoto Todoroki, do you not know how many people SHIP YOU GUYS?!' He semi yells. I stare at him blankly.

'Ship? Why do we need a ship?' I say. Shinso giggles. 'Ship as in relationship. It means to want two people to get together'. 

Dumb idiot.

'Oh' I say. OH. 'That's why Mina keeps saying that word'. Shinso nods. 

Shinso's phone vibrates. He picks it up, laughing. Then my phone vibrates.


I laugh, closing my phone. It vibrates again. What could Denki want now?

Endevour: We need to talk. Come home at once.


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