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Unkind throughts/ suicidal ideation


'Who was the last person to have this Caretaker?' Vlad asks.

'No idea. I was in and out of conciousness' Chisuke says. Vlad nods understanding. They take Chisuke towards a police car, as the heros disband, going forwards to other assignemnts.

'Let's go back to UA' Aizawa says.


You should've killed your dad. After all, you're nothing but a murderer. A killer. A villain.

I turn over, trying to ignore the voices.

You should rid this world of your pathetic self.

I pull out my phone, and begin typing. 'Hey Deku, I'm not feeling great'. I try and click send, but for some reason, it won't. 

I try again.

And again. 

And again.

'What the actual fuck?' I say outloud. I try getting out of bed, but cannot move. Okay what the actual fuck is happening?

Like I said, you should be dead.

There's something different about the voice. It's sharper, more real. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong.

Ah finally, you've caught on.

What the hell is going on? I try and move, but again, I can't.

Hi Shoto, it's been a while. Remember me?

All of a sudden, my rooms begins to fill with water. I kick and scream against the waves, but eventually find myself suspended. And everything becomes peaceful.

And just as quickly as it started, the water vanishes, revealing the quiet place. I stand up, looking at my reflection in the pool. 

But something looks back.

'Who are you?' 

So you really have forgotten, such a shame. We used to be so close.

I bend down closer to the water, examining my face. Except, the image that looks back has red hair, and blue eyes. Piercing blue eyes.

I jump back, hitting the water with my hand.

This is a dream. Just a weird fucking dream. I want to wake up now.

It's rude to walk out on a family reunion Sho.

You're not my family. You're a fucking villain. My reflection laughs, then steps OUT of the water.

'Okay, lets cut the bullshit, shall we. I know, deep down inside that fucked little head of yours you know who I am.'

'A-Aoto' I find myself saying. Aoto smiles. 'Good, so you do remember who I am.' I take a step back. 'B-but you don't exist. You're imaginary'.

Aoto laughs. 'I guess for a long while I was. But not so much anymore'. He takes a step fowards, so we square off face to face.

Suddenly Aoto looks behind him. He looks back at me.

'Time to wake up Sho'. He shoves me into the water, hard.

I wake in my bed. Am I drowning? I feel cold, and wet. No, that's sweat. Then, I smell rosemary, and warm heat.


'Shhh, it's okay, I've got you, I've got you.' He gently rocks me side to side, as I find myself becoming lucid.

I try and talk but my voice is raw. Suddenly, I hear a bang. The noise makes me open my eyes.

The floor is covered in a metre of water.

'What the...' I find myself croaking, as I look up to see the concerned faces of Aizawa and Hitoshi.


I'm sat in Aizawa's flat, with a blanket and a hot chocolate. Deku sits next to me, as Hitoshi paces. Aizawa looks concerned.

'And your bracelet is still on?' I nod.

'Yeah. I barged into his room and I saw the water. I immediately woke him up'. Aizawa nods.

The door opens, as a very worried Mic enters the room. He beelines for Sho, giving him a hug.

'Sorry, needed to get Eri next door, what did I miss'.

'Shoto seems to have activated both quirks simultaneously, creating some sort of indoor swimming pool' Aizawa says.

'Interesting' Mic says. 'But...surely the bracelet...'

'...That's what we're trying to figure out'. 

Hitoshi comes to a stop. 'Hey Sho, try activating your quirk' I lift up my right arm, trying to create ice. Nothing. I shake my head.

'What did it look like Midoryia?' Aizawa asks. 'Erm, well, it was pouring from his skin, straight from the middle. Where his ice and fire sides meet.'

'Do you remember anything Sho?' Mic asks.

Fuck. I knew this would happen. Should I tell them? Deku rests his hand on mine reassuringly.

'I dreamt I met Aoto'. The air gets sucked out of the room.

'What did he say?' Mic asks. 'He said we are family' I reply, deadpan. 'But it was just a dream'.

Deku sighs. 'Sometimes I meet the previous weilders of One For All in a liminal place. It's sort of like I'm dreaming, but know it's very real. Was it sort of like that?'

I nod, now terrified. Deku continues. 'I was woken by Danger Sense, which is how I knew I needed to get to you. Whatever you dreamed of, was very real'.

'So does that mean Aoto is a part of me?' There's a pause, almost like everyone is afriad to answer.

'What did he look like?' Hitoshi asks. I think. 'Like me, but red hair and piercing blue eyes. It was horrible'.

Deku hums. 'When I visit OFA's previous weilders, they are all different. They don't look like me at all'.

'I think we should talk to Nezu in the morning' Aizawa says. We all nod. 'But tonight, you're sleeping here kiddo. We'll take turns to watch over you'.


I am sat with my classmates eating breakfast that Backugo prepared. UA have finally decided to let classes resume until further notice. I'm actually thankful that there will be some normailty.

Except, of course, I know that Iida is brainwashed.

'Pass me the salt nerd' Backugo says. Deku passes it without even looking, deep in thought.

'You okay?' I ask him. He nods. 

'Hey Backugo, could you tell me about the Serpenters again?' He rolls his eyes.

'We've been through this several times. I've told you everything I know about them'. He digs into some rice.

'Their fighting style. Did it seem, you know, coordinated?'

'Well no shit. They probably trained togther since birth. Being twins and all'. He says through a mouthful.

'But more than that. Did they seem, like they almost shared one mind?' This catches Backugo off-guard.

'What theory are you cooking up now Deku?' He says through narrowed eyes. 'You're like a dog with a bone'.

'I am trying to understand how quirks effect twins. That's all'. Backugo leans back on his chair, deep in thought.

'Sometimes, well, they would laugh completely in unison. Freaked me the fuck out.' He continues eating. 'Freaky little shits. Glad they're dead'. He burps loudly.

'Ew!' Mina says. Backugo cackles.

Deku turns to me. 'Sho, did you mother ever mention you being a twin?'

A twin?


Oh no.

You're getting warmer.

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