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'We need to find a way to wake them up!' I scream, as Backugo runs towards me. I trap him inside an ice cage, neutralising him.
'ERASERHEAD, NULLIFY THE QUIRK!' Hawks yells, 'CAN'T' he screams, finally pushing Toga off him, wrapping her in his scarf.
'I NEED THE SOURCE' he screams back, pulling Asui away from Mic.
'WHAT WAS I DOING WHEN I WOKE UP!' I scream, as Dark Shadow launches himself at me. I respond with flames, causing him to shrink. I encase Tokoyami in ice. He laughs.
'Revelry in the DARK!' He screams. Everyone seems to be absolutely insane.
'WE TALKED ABOUT HOW DEKU HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED!' Mic responds, using his quirk to yell the last word to send Deku backwards.
'YOU THEN COLLAPSED' Eraserhead screams.
I feel something wrap around my neck. I look down, noticing blue tape.
Why is everything blue?
I use my flames to heat up the tape, but then a bolt of blue electrics fizzles along it, shocking me. I hear Denki laugh.
'What's wrong Shoto? Not enjoying seeing us again?' I hear up the tape, removing it from my neck. I try and freeze Sero, but Denki throws an electricity disk at me. I quickly set it on fire to stop it working. Sero jumps above me. I use ice to trap him to a lampost.
Denki runs at me. I create wall after wall of ice. 'Come on Sho, do better than that!' He screams.
Maybe if I can make him use a high voltage, he'll go brain dead. I need to make him angry.
'What would Hitoshi say, seeing you like this?' I scream at him. In the distance I hear punches and kicks, cracks and screams.
'Who?!' He asks.
'Hitoshi? Your boyfriend?!' I yell at him. He looks genuinely confused. 'What the fuck are you talking about?' He tells, throwing another disk at me.
'The purple haired insomniac that you fucking fell for dumbass! We went to that board game cafe together? You beat us all at monopoly!'
'I don't know a Hitoshi!' He screams, as the disk detonates. I create a wall of ice around me.
I need to jog his memory. Something intimate. Only he knows.
'You guys play Mario kart! Go on cute little dates! You're helping train him!'
I see his electricity flicker briefly back to yellow.
'You fucking saved his life! He's been five years clean and that's partly down to you! He fucking loves you!'
Suddenly, he drops down on his knees.
I run over to him, catching him.
'Sho?' He asks. 'Where am I?' I hear Backugo crash out of his ice prison.
'No time to explain. We're fighting!' He quickly shocks Backugo before he can get to us.
'Can you help get me to Mic?' I ask him. He nods.
We work together, using our combined abilities to power through the crowd on a sheet of ice.
'MIC!' I scream.
'I'm quite fucking BUSY SHO!' He screams at Deku.
Mic replies by using his directional speaker to yell the information to everyone in the vicinity. Soon, the hero's begin engaging in conversation with the class.
Backugo runs at me, as Denki goes off to help Sero.
'Backugo, remember that one time Deku broke all the bones in his body!' I scream at him. He fires off a blue explosion.
Damn it. Need something else. Gotta go big.
'He nearly fucking took that swan dive you told him to take!' I scream. Backugo holds his head, screaming. I run over to him. He punches me. Fucking OW.
'Class brainwashed. Tell them about someone they care about in peril' he rolls his eyes.
'Fuck sake.' He says. Suddenly, he throws himself in front of me, using his blast to block a pillar that Occhako threw.
Left right and centre, people begin waking up. I run over to Deku, who is still fighting Mic.
'Deku, you fucking saved me from the ice! I nearly died but you saved my life! I love you!' He suddenly drops, Mic catching him. He wakes with a start, immediately looking around in terror.
'SHO!' He screams.
'I'm right here!' I say. He runs into my arms. 'OH MY GOD' he cries.
Suddenly, I can't breathe. I don't understand why. Am I having a panic attack? No, it feels like there's an arm around my neck.
I tap Deku, getting his attention, but he's so lost in hugging me he doesn't notice. I try creating fire, but I can't make a flame. My vision begins to go black. Shit! What's happening?
Suddenly, Sero wraps tape around the space behind me, revealing Hagurake. He punches her, and she releases. Deku sprints into action, helping him.
'What's going on?' He asks. 'Bros are brainwashed, tell em personal stuff to wake em up!' He says. He goes white.
'I I don't know Hagurake like that!' He confesses, as he's suddenly tripped up.
Suddenly, Ojiro runs towards us.
'Remember that time we kissed under the sunset and I missed your face and it was really embarrassing!' He yells. Sero, Deku and I look at each other. Sero bursts out laughing.
'Dude that's hysterical!' He yells.
'SHUT UP' he says, as he's gut punched in the stomach. He spins his tail round quickly, and we hear a thump as Hagurake fall to the ground.
'Dude you gotta be in peril or some shit' Sero says.
'YOU COUDLVE FUCKING TOLD ME THAT!' He screams, bright red.
'Fine. Remember that time we were getting ice cream? Some arsehole stabbed me with a knife and tried to rob me. You fucking just took him out on the spot. KABAM!'
There's a couple seconds of silence. Then we hear a scream.
'Where the fuck am I?' A voice squeals, we all laugh. Ojiro runs over to her, pulling her into a hug. He leans towards, I guess kissing her? I have no idea. It's cute though, whatever it is.
I look around, and it seems that everyone's woken up. Suddenly, I'm overcome with fatigue, and drop. I guess the exhaustion of being brainwashed is affecting everyone, because I'm not the only one who collapses.
Deku comes at sits next to me.
'What was the last thing you remember?' I ask him.
'You brother came into the school to see if any of us had any information of where you may have gone. He was really mad too'.
I think. Natsuo was the last person I saw before I blacked out too.
'Oh, and one more thing. His boyfriend was with him'.
Everyone's quirks were blue.
'Did he demonstrate his quirk to everyone?' Deku nods. 'Yeah, he was trying to cheer us all up'. I go white as a sheet.
'What's wrong Sho?' He asks.
'I think I know who brainwashed us'.

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