204 2 7


Mentioning of SH, suggested smut


'What do you mean legs?' I ask him innocently. 

'Sho, you mentioned you had scarring there. I just want to make sure'. I look down into his green eyes.

You'll disappoint him. He'll leave you.

'N-no'. I say. 'Not that kind of scarring, from Endevour'. I maintain eye contact, knowing if I look away he will know something's up.

'Are you lying to me Sho?' I feel my heart rate increase.

'No'. I say firmly, pushing past him to the door, unlocking the lock. I'm about to open the door when he slams his hand on it, stopping me from opening it.

'Well then, you wouldn't mind me checking?' He says firmly.

Damn. Why am I sort of turned on right now. Shit. Now is not the time Shoto.

'Actually, I would mind, you pervert' I say bluntly. He rolls his eyes, stepping closer to me. 'Trousers down. Now'.

OMG. Okay, fuck, um. I can't even think straight right now. Probably because I'm thinking incredibly gay. He's so fit. What the hell do I do? Distract him.

I lunge fowards, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He yelps in surprise, but leans into it. Once he's totally distracted, I suddenly run to the door. However, I didn't account for him grabbing me and pinning me to the wall.

This is the best fucking day of my life.

'I said trousers down. Now'.


I walk into the lunchroom, floating on cloud nine. I sit down at the table with the Dekusquad. Even though he saw my cuts, it was sort of well...worth it I guess.

'You good Sho? You look like you've just won the lottery'. Occako says. I just stare at the floor, saying nothing.

Deku sits down at the table, smiling, handing me a tray. 'Hey everyone!' He says smiling. I go bright red, staring intently at my chopsticks.

'What I miss?' He says. 'We're trying to figure out why Sho's acting weird' Occhako says. I try and sink lower out of the conversation. 

'No idea' Deku says, his voice cracking, digging into his noodles. Asui eyes him suspiciously. 'Now I think of it, you're both acting really sketchy, ribbit' she says.

'Yeah' Occhako says. 'Where were you guys?' 

'Leave them alone. Whatever they do in their own time is none of our business' Iida says. 

'More like whoever they were doing...' Occhako mumbles. Deku and I immediatly go bright red, as Asui laughs.

'CAUGHT IN 4K, RIBBIT' She cackles.


Deku is round at the EraserMic household. Well, I sort of guess it's my house, but I'm still not used to that yet.

There's a knock at the door, revealing Aizawa.

'Hey Sho? Could Mic and I have a chat? There's something we wanted to talk about'.

'Is this the so called surprise that Mic mentioned?' I say deadpan. He huffs, mumbling. 'Damn it Zashi, you and your big mouth'. He smiles. 'Yes. Come into the lounge. Midoriya can come too if you want'. He leaves the room, and we both follow.

Mic sits at the couch, snuggling Obo as she purrs. Aizawa sits next to him, as Deku and I place ourselves on the chairs.

'We sort of have a tradition in this house that new members of the family get to adopt a cat' Aizawa says. 

'A, cat?' I ask. Aizawa nods. Even though his exterior looks composed, I can see joy in his eyes.

'Yes. Which is why we have four cats. Little is technically Mics, mine is Obo, Hitoshi's is Houdini's and Eri's is Muffin.' Ah right, I see.

I smile. 'Thank you! I'd love that'. 'Amazing!' Aizawa says. Mic rolls his eyes. He turns to me. 'If he had it his way, we'd adopt all the cats' he says.

Aizawa gently punches Mic. 'So how's Wednesday? We could stop at the shelter after school'. I nod enthusiastically. 'Sounds great!' I say.

My eyes wander towards the clock. 'We gotta head off' I say to Deku. He nods. We both stand, grabbing our shoes and coats.

'Have fun!' Mic says. 'And if anything happens, please call us'.


I knock on the door, and immediatley met with Natsuo. 'Welcome! Come inside' We step inside, taking off our shoes and heading to the kitchen. Stood there is a man with neon blue hair, and a cooking apron.

'You must be Aoto' I say, extending a hand. He takes, it, pulling me into a tight side hug. 'Nice to meet you! Natuso's told me so much about you!' He unclasps, then pulls Deku into another tight hug. I snigger, as Deku pleads with he eyes for me to do something.

He releases him. 'So, Natuso said that you like Soba?' I nod. 'Wonderful, cause that's what we're having!' He turns to a pan, and stirs something. 

'So, Natuso said you're training to be a detective?' I ask. 'Yep! He says, smiling. Ever since I got my quirk'.

He puts the lid on the pot, then turns to me. 'Not as cool as training to be a hero!' he says, smiling. I copy him.

'What's your quirk?' Deku asks. 'I can see the last interaction an inorganic item had with a human being'. He says. Deku's eyes light up.

'Inorganic how? Is there a size limit? Or a time limit? Wait, inorganic suggests anything man -made, so I guess it's any size of man-made object...' He continues muttering, mostly talking to himself. The three of us just look at eachother.

'He's sort of quirk obsessed' I say.

'...can you control it? Or does it happen randomly? He finally finishes his talk. Aoto smiles. 'When I was younger I had no control, but I've gotten better, and can mainly control it now. Although sometimes, it still happens without me meaning to'. 

Deku nods, and I can see him mentally trying to process everything. 'Can I see it in action?' He asks. Aoto nods. 

'Here, give me something'. Deku opens his rucksack, handing him a pencil. Aoto takes it. His eyes go completely neon blue.

'Linear equations' He says, handing the pencil back to him. Deku smiles. 'Yep! They were really tough too!'

Aoto looks to me. 'Wanna have a go?' He says.

No. What if he sees something?

'I'm good' I say. 'Oh come on Sho! It'll be fun!' Natsuo says. I huff, and riffle around in my pockets for something. My hand closes on the rubber band.

Absolutely not.

'I've got nothing on me' I say. 'What about that green bracelet?' He says, looking at my wrist.


'No thank you' I say. Deku catches on, because he suddenly says 'that smells so good! Do you need any help?' Aoto turns to the pan. 

'Actually! That would be really helpful, thank you'. The pair head over to the stove. I breathe a sigh of relief.

'What you hiding Sho?' Natsuo asks. 'Nothing' I say. 'Right' Natuso says, eyeing me suspiciously.

'I just don't want him in my business, okay?' I say firmly. Natuso huffs. 'Please be nice to him. He's actually very nervous and desperate to make a good impression'. I sigh.

'Fine. I'll give him a pen or something after dinner'. Natsuo smiles. 'Thank you'. Suddenly, he freezes his finger, sticking it in my ear like we used to do as kids.

'URGHHH!' I scream, as he bursts out laughing. 'Frozen willy!' He screams with joy. Deku and Aoto turn around, as I lunge at Natsuo, engaging in a play fight.

'Still a child' Aoto says. Deku nods in agreement.

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