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'Follow me' he says, and I comply. He walks into the empty common room, sitting down. I sit down opposite him.

Can this day get any better?

'Okay, So I understand that you and Shinso discussed some very sensitive topics. Is that correct?'

I swear he stares into my soul. I gulp. I nod my head, knowing exactly where this is going.

'Okay. I would appreciate if you kept this information confidential. The only students who are aware of my marriage to Hizashi are you, Denki, and of course my son.'

I breathe a sigh of relief. That's what he's worried about? I put on my best smile.

'Sure thing Mr Aizawa, I won't tell anyone'. He smiles at me, a breathes a sigh of relief.

'I appreciate your discretion. I want to keep my personal life and work life separate as much as possible'. I nod, understanding.

'But that leads me to another question'. Shit. Seems I'm not out of the woods yet.

'Hitoshi refused to tell me why he told you this information. I'd like to know why'. Oh damn. I didn't even think about that.

'I-I don't know. We were just talking and I guess, he kinda, just told me'.

His eyes once again stare into my soul. I can tell he doesn't believe a word of what I'm saying.

'Okay then.' My turn to breathe a sign of relief. He stands up, and I hear both his knees click. He opens his mouth, about to say something, then closes it again. Under his breath I hear him murmur 'Damn it Zashi'.

He turns back to me, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

'Would you like to come to dinner with us tonight?' Now that is something I was not expecting. Dinner? At his house? I wonder what it's like? Is it just a giant sleeping bag? I suppress a smile at the thought. If so, I HAVE to see it.

'I'd like that very much, thank you Sir'. He nods. 'I will collect you after class. Kaminari will also be attending'. And with that, he does a 180 and leaves the room.


So the first thing I notice is the smell. Just, cats. Everything smells of cats. But more annoyingly, it's an actual normal looking house, no giant sleeping bag.

The ride over was...well, weird. Mic and Aizawa-Sensei were arguing over which celebrity will be kicked off some show, whilst Denki was babbling a million miles an hour about a musical he saw last week with his parents. Something about a song about defying gravity. I asked him if it was about Ochako, and they both burst out laughing. No idea why.

A cat jumps onto my lap, knocking me out of my thoughts. I pet it a few times. 'Hello small cat' I say. Luckily I don't mind the smell of cats. When I was younger, I always begged dad for a pet, but he always said no.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing a small girl with white hair and a small horn. I think I recognize her? Where from...

'HELLO! I'M ERI' she yells, pulling herself up onto the couch, pushing the cat off my lap, then proceeds to sit on my lap. Ouch. That hurts.

I pet her head. 'Hello small human' say. This makes Denki and Shinso laugh. She wriggles, trying to get comfy.

'You're weirder than the other one'. What does she mean the other one?

What if you bleed again? What if it gets all over Eri?

I can't exactly push her off. I think that would be mean, and she's already gone through a lot.

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