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SH ideation


I'm sat waiting in the car, with Mic and Eri as Mr Aizawa practically launches himself inside. 

'CAT!' He says with excitement. Mic smiles, laughing. The door next to me opens, and Shinso sits down. He's also smiling.

'Cat day!' Eri says. Everybody else giggles. I just sit there, staring out the front window. 

You are ruining this family.

Mic begins to drive towards the shelter.


Aizawa and Shinso are practically feral, running around petting all the cats. Eri is sat on the floor giggling as three pay her interest. 

'Well, which one d'ya want?' Mic asks. I look around at all the cats.

No cat should have you as their owner. You will ruin its life.

'Dunno' I say. 'I don't mind'. I look over at Aizawa, who is spinning around with a jet black cat, giggling.

Mic looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. 'Is everything okay?' He asks. I nod. But then my eye catches a calico cat that sat in the far corner, away from everyone else, terrified.

'What's up with that one?' I ask a worker as they pass by. 'Oh, that ones not for sale. She's well, sheduled to be put to sleep'. I widen my eyes in shock.

'What do you mean?' I ask. 'Well, she's got Cerebellar Hypoplasia, and we don't have the resources to care for her'.

I walk over to the cat, sitting on the floor. 'Hello cat' I say. She looks over at me. The worker follows me over. 'Also, she's not very sociable'. 

I pspsps at the cat, and she cocks her head to one side. I pspsps again, and she wobbles on over, sitting in front of me. I hold out my hand for her to sniff. She tentatively smells it, before rubbing herself along my side, using my side for balance as she goes.

I smile, looking up at Mic. Mic smiles back at me. 'I'd like this one please' I say. The worker looks at me, astonshied. 'She's disabled. Wouldn't you like a cat that's easier to care for?' I look at the worker, shaking my head.

'I love her the way she is'. Aizawa and Hitoshi come over, noticing me with the wobbly cat. 'Cute!' Hitoshi says. 'Adorbale' Aizawa says. 'Wobble cat!' Eri says. The cat fully wobbles its way onto my lap, and begins kneeding my stomach. I smile again. 

'What you going to name her?' Eri says. I think. 'Cat' I say. Everyone laughs, including the worker.


I'm curled up on the couch with Cat, as well as the rest of the EraserMic household watching a film I've never seen before. I actually haven't seen many films, as we never had a TV at home whilst I was growing up.

It's a film about a dad whose disabled son gets kidnapped, and he gets help from a close friend with bad memory loss to rescue him. 

Oh, and they're all fish for some reason.

'Nemo noooo' Eri says to the TV, as the diver takes Nemo away. 'Come back!' She says. Everyone laughs.

'See, that's what you get for touching the butt' Hitoshi says. Eri giggles. 'Yeah, no butt touching!'

You need to hurt yourself for being a burden.

I shuffle awkwardly, trying to focus on the TV to drown out my thoughts.

Whilst they're all distracted, go into the kitchen and steal a knife.

I gently take Cat off my lap. 'Water' I say, heading into the kitchen. I walk over to where the knife block normally sits. It's missing. Weird.

Try a drawer.

I open a drawer, and see that there are no knives, just chopsticks. Damn it.

Hitoshi wanders into the kitchen, he spots me, grinning. 'Ah how I remember my first time tryna to find the knives. Irritating isn't it?'

'I'm looking for a cup' I say. Hitoshi chuckles. 'In the drawer? Sure man. They're in the cupbaord above the rice cooker.' I open the cupbaord, and see that all the glassware has been replaced with plastic. I furrow my eyebrows, confused.

'Oh yeah, that's my fault. Smashed up one of their glasses three years ago to use for not PG13 reasons. All you're gunna get is plastic dude'. I make a show of taking the cup, filling it under the tap and drinking it all down.

'Mic told me what happened' I say bluntly. Hitoshi doesn't even seem fazed. 'Which part? You're going to have to be more specific. It's not a depressive epsiode at this point, it's a depressive season with returning cast'. I smile.

'How they came to adopt you'. Hitoshi nods. 'Ah yes, not my finest hour. Waking up after an attempt to see your favourite hero is very embarrassing.'

'Try waking up to your boyriend' I say, washing the cup up. Hitoshi laughs. 'Yeah, I guess that's worse. Which reminds me, what happened between you and Deku?' I put the cup in the drainer.

'Just, not a good fit' I say. 

'For him or for you?' He responds. Damn. I guess I never really thought about it like that. 'It doesn't matter, he's still hung up over Backugo'.

Hitoshi laughs. 'Okay. Sho, given the chance would you fuck me?' My eyes go wide in shock. The mere suggestion makes me feel sick.

'Gross! No! You're practically my brother at this point!' I say. He smiles. 'Well then, there's your answer. There's a difference between loving somebody and being in love with somone.'

Oh, I see.

'But they're always hanging out together, training and stuff. I just assumed-'

'Dumbass' He says. 'They're practically twins Sho.'

'Then why did he choose him over me?' I say, suddenly angry. Hitoshi sits down at the table, and I follow.

'Look at it like this. The likelyhood that Backugo would die was 100 percent, whilst the likleyhood that you would die was at around 50. He made a statistically sound decision'.

'I guess that makes sense'. I say. Hitoshi catches my eye. 'Also, who says he didn't save you?'

This confuses me. 'What do you mean?' I ask. Hitoshi shakes his head. 'Damn Sho, you're not the sharpest tool sometimes are you buddy'.

'Enlighten me' I say.

'When you were in that lake, did you hear a cracking noise at any point?' I nod my head. 'Yeah, the ice was melting. Ice is brittle so cracks when heated'. He laughs.

'Dudeeeeee, you're so blind. It was Deku SMASHING the ice'. 


'N-no, Midoriya wasn't there, I didn't see him on the drone footage'. Hitoshi suddenly whacks his head on the table, groaning.

'He was out of frame Sho' he says, face muffled by table. 'I didn't realise' I say. Hitoshi lifts his head.

'That's your problem Sho, you miss a lot of stuff. There are so many people that love you, and you don't see it'. He flicks me inbetween my eyebrows.

'Ow' I say, a learned response. Hitoshi rolls his eyes. 'We both know you didn't feel that, so stop being such a drama queen'. He stands up, reaching out his hand. 'Come on Sho, you're going to miss the bit where they meet Bruce the shark. It's hysterical'

I take it, and he yanks me up.

I guess I need to talk to Midoriya again.

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