261 5 3


Homophobia, f slur, abuse, SH


I walk through the door, and immediately smell ash. He's here. I take off my shoes, placing them by the door.

'Shoto, is that you?' I hear a booming voice ask from another other room. I walk into his office, seeing him sat at his desk. 'Hello Endevour' I say.

'Sit' he demands. I comply.

'Why the hell are you staying at Eraserhead's house?' I pause.

He's going to find out. Then it'll be over for you.

'T-training' I manage to stutter out. He clicks his tongue. 'Don't fucking lie to me Shoto.' He leans fowards, the flames around his face becoming bigger.

'Mic and Aizawa-Sensei thinks I need some more training'. He groans. 'Forgot they were faggots.' My stomach drops. Shit. I guess not suprising really considering his shitty dad track record.

'What's wrong with that?' I ask, suprised by my own boldness. Endevour chuckles. 'It's not natural Sho. It's wrong'.

See? You're wrong. You're broken.

I try and shake the thought out of my head. 'Plus, they've adopted that Shinso kid who's defintely a villain. I mean, brainwashing? Really?' He shakes his head.

I huff. 'What do you want dad?' I ask blatantly. 'You need to come home at once. I don't want them...having an influence on you'. I chortle.

'What, you think they're going to magically turn me gay? Like gay is some sort of disease?' Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain on my cheek.

'Don't ever talk back to me like that.' I glare into his souless eyes. 'Fuck you'. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, as all the wind is knocked out of me. I immediately try and create an ice barrier, but realise I'm still wearing the bracelet.


'What the hell is this?' He asks, grabbing my arm, staring at the bracelet. 'Just a bracelet' I say. 'Men shouldn't wear shit like this' he says, trying to yank it off me. It doesn't budge.

'What the hell? He says, noticing the lock. 'Is this... a quirk nullifier?' I stare at the ground, unmoving. 'Why the HELL are you wearing a quirk nullifier?'

'Training' I say. 'Everyone's supposed to be improving quirkless combat'. Endevour roars with laughter. 'That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard. I'm going to contact the school immeditely' He picks up the phone.

'No, wait-'

'Shut up' He says, calling the number.

He's going to find out. Then you'll be disowned.

I start to panic. The air has left. The smell of ash is getting thicker and thicker, until my throat is practically burning. I fall to the floor, grabbing at my forearms.

Stay concious.

'I see' Is all I hear, as the call is ended. All of a sudden, I'm being yanked out of the office, and thrown in the hallway.

'SHOTO STOP LYING TO ME' He roars, the flames beginning to singe the walls around him.

'I-I'm not' I say. He steps on my chest, crushing the wind out of me. 'If you don't start telling the truth I will burn you'. Tears begin to well at my eyes, as his foot begins to catch on fire. The smell of smoke is overpowering, making me feel sick.

'I-I' he presses down harder on my chest, removing all my oxygen. I see spots in my vision.

You want to die.

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