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Unkind thoughts.


Aizawa sits for a second, completely shocked. He turns towards Iida. 

'Get me there now'. Iida nods, as Aizawa's scarf wraps around his torso, creating a human backpack.

'IM COMING TOO' Backugo yells, as the whole class agrees. Aizawa shakes his head.

'Absolutely not'. And before we know what's happening, Aizawa and Iida have zoomed out of the room. Silence returns once more.

They're all going to die.

'I-I need some air' I say, hurrying away from the crowd. Deku follows me all the way to my room, where I finally collapse on the ground in shock.

He grabs my weighted blanket, throwing it around my shoulders. The pressure slightly calms me. He sits down next to me.

'I'm so sorry Sho' He says. I think about responding. But how the hell am I supposed to respond to that? My brother and parents are both in danger.

There's a knock at the door. Deku looks at me, and I nod.

'Who is it?'

'Hitoshi' We hear through the door. 'Come on in' Deku says. Hitoshi comes in, and sits next to us on the floor.

'It's going to be okay Sho. They're pro heros. They're used to this kind of thing'. I nod, now going completely nonverbal. Words escape me. How did I ever speak? How do I speak? How do I make sounds?

'How you doing?' Deku asks Hitoshi. He sighs. 'I'm used to this to be honest. Papa goes out twice a week at night to do underground hero stuff, so after a while you learn to manage'. Deku nods in agreement.

There's that weird smell again. I should probably find where it's coming from.

'I've messages Iida to come and tell us what's happening as soon as he's back' Hitoshi says. I nod in thanks.

Your biological father is in jail. Your brother is brainwashed. And your dads are in danger. If you were never born, none of this would've happened.

I stand up, trying to find the smell.

'Everything okay Sho?' I nod. I get up, pacing around, looking under my mattress. I see Deku and Shin in the corner of my eye look at eachother worredly.

I stand on my bed, reaching up for a light fixture. Bingo. I remove the panel.

'What's going on?' Deku asks me. I pull out a small box.

'What the hell is that? I shrug, bringing it back down to the floor. I open it. Inside is coffee grounds.

'Sho, why have you got coffee grounds stored in a box in a light fitting?' Hitoshi asks. I shake my head. 'Not mine' I whisper. I smell the box. There's something else...

I dunk all the coffee onto the floor. And my heart stinks. Onto the floor rolls one of Compresses orbs. The smell immeidatly hits my nose.

'FUCK!' Hitoshi yells. 'GET MINA NOW!' 

'On it!' Deku yells, speeding from the room.

'Who is it controlling? And why is it in your room?' Hitoshi asks. Suddenly, it feels as there's too many words, and they fall out of me like a waterfall.

'There was a strange smell when I moved in' I say. Deku returns with a very exhaused Mina.

'Gimmie it' Mina says, snatching it from the floor. She holds it up to the light, inspecting it. 'It looks like there's something inside it.'

'What if it's a person?' I say. 'We can't just kill somebody'. We all nod in agreement. 'We should take it to Nezu. He'll know what to do'.

'If it smells, it's got to have Aoto's brainwashing inside. If it's a person they're not of sound mind.' Shinso says.

'What if you brainwashed them when we let them out?' Deku asks. Hitoshi thinks. 'Could work, but again we need to find a way of getting them out. Mic isn't here'.

'Let's take it to Nezu'. We all nod in agreement.

Iida runs into the room, out of breath. 'Natsuo *heave* brainwashed *heave* Eraserhead *heave* neutralised him *heave*'

We all breathe a sigh of relief. 'Don't tell me thats...?' He asks, looking at the orb on the floor, horrified.


'You did the right thing bringing this to me' Nezu says, sipping his tea. 

'What's inside it?' Iida asks. He smiles. 'I imagine something to monitor Sho here. That's why it was above his bed'.

'Creepy' Mina says. Nezu nods in agreement. 'We'll send it to the lab to see if they can determine what's inside it. Hopefully just a monitoring system, then it can be destroyed.'

We all breathe a sigh of relief. But something isn't right. Something feels off.

'Is it okay if we come to the lab too?' I ask. Nezu looks at me, smiling.

'I don't think that's necessary. I don't think your further involvement is needed.' He takes a sip of his tea. 

I think. A monitoring system sort of makes sense. Which means it's probably some poor soul with a monitoring quirk trapped, in stasis, brainwashed. But why would Aoto need to watch me? What could he possible gain? And also, how did he know which room I was moving in to? He must of had information.

I smile at Nezu. 'No worries. We'll leave you in peace now'. Everyone looks at me puzzled, but follows me out.

'What's going on Sho?' Deku asks me, once we're a safe distance away.

'How did Aoto know which room I was moving into? And how did he get access?' Everyone looks shocked.

'Somebody on the inside!' Deku exclaims. I nod. 'Somebody with a quirk that would allow their brainwashed status to go undetected. Somebody clever'.

I see the faces of everyone around me drop. 'Nezu' Everyone says at once.

'So he's probably going to put the orb back in your room'.  I nod. 'Which is good. We finally have the upper hand' Deku says, smiling. I nod, smiling back. 'Whatever Aoto's planning, we know for sure that Nezu is important'.

'So we need to figure out what's important to Nezu, to break him out?' Hitoshi asks. 

'Tea?' Mina says, I can't help but giggle. 'What do we tell him, that the tea plantations have a swarm of imminent locusts?' Hitoshi says, smirking.

'I don't know, I'm just spitballing!' Mina says angrily, crossing her arms.

'He cares about UA. Deep down, underneath the brainwashing he cares for the school and it's students' Deku says.

'What if we make him think that the school is under threat? Like a bomb or something?' Iida says.

'That might work. But then again, who could pull off a bomber convincingly?' There's a pause, as the same person comes to all of us immediately.

'Backugo' We all say in unison.

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