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Mentions SH and very graphic suicide


'That was amazing! Thanks Aoto' Deku says. Aoto smiles. 'I'm glad you enjoyed it!'

'Can we help with the dishes at all?' I ask. He shakes his head. 'Nope! You guys just relax'. He takes the bowls and heads to the kitchen. Natsuo looks at me.

'Go grab a pen then' He says to me. I roll my eyes. 'Seriously? We're still on this?' He nods. 'Urgh, fine, lemmie grab something'.

I walk into the hallway, grabbing my schoolbag, finding a pen.


We're all sat in the lounge, talking. 

'Here' I say, handing Aoto the pen. He smiles. 'Awesome!' His eyes go blue. At first everything seems normal, until his eyebrows knit together. Suddenly, he's throwing the pen accross the room. Oh god. What has he seen.

'Aoto, you okay?' Natsuo asks. 'Y-yes' Aoto says. He looks over to me. 'Sho, can I talk to you for a sec?' 

'I'd rather not' I say, semi mumbling. He takes a step towards me, resting his hand on my arm. 'Sho, please'. His eyes go blue again. He screams, shaking, terrified. I look down at his hand, and notice just the very tip of his pinkie resting on the green bracelet.

I yank it away, forcing him to come back to reality. He runs to the bathroom, Natsuo follows him. We hear the sound of retching.

'Sho, what happened?' Deku asks. I just sit there, terrified.

'I-I think he saw'.

'Saw what?'

'You know'. Deku comes close to me, resting his hand on my shoulder. 

'Saw what?' My eyes look anywhere but at Deku. Deku nods understanding. Suddenly, Natsuo is running into the lounge.

'YOU CUT YOURSELF?' He screams at me, tears in his eyes. 

'I-I, well...'

'Don't lie to me Sho. Aoto saw.' I stare down at the carpet, refusing to make eye contact.

'I don't' I say. 'Bullshit! Aoto says you fucking sliced your legs with the blade in a pencil sharpener!'

Oh shit. The pen was in the pencil case. 

He takes a step towards me, and I instictively take a step back. Deku stands inbetween us.

'I think we should go now Sho' He says firmly. I nod my head in agreement.

'You're not going anywhere' He says. He smacks the ground with his left foot, creating a block of ice that freezes me to the floor. I see something snap in Deku. He activates his quirk, green electricity fizzling from him. He punches the ice, breaking it into a million pieces.

Natsuo lunges at Deku, attempting to freeze him. Deku easily dodges, capturing him with black whip.

Natsuo freezes blackwhip, punching Deku.

I see a flash of Endevour.

Deku responds by kicking, but Natuso jumps out of the way.

I see Endevour again.

Natuso lunges at Deku.

Endevour smashes against Deku's right arm.

It's too much too much too much TOO MUCH...

'STOP FIGHTING!' I scream out, hands over my ears, dropping to my knees. Immediatly, Deku runs over to me, pulling me into a hug.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sho'. I hear footsteps. 'Shoto we need to talk about this' Aoto says. 

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