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Mentions of suicide


'I'm so sorry' he cries, as Mic wraps his arms around him. 'It's all my fault. I should've been keeping a closer eye on you.'

He leans into Mic, sniffling. 'Could you ever forgive me?'

I blink. Then blink again.

Look what you've done. Reduced Aizawa to a sobbing mess.

'Not your fault' I manage to whisper. Suddenly, Aizawa stands, pacing. 'of course it's my fucking fault! You're my kid, and I let you, you almost...'

Mic stands, pulling him in for another hug. He kisses the top of his head. 'It's okay Sho, he's okay'. Aizawa bursts into more tears.

Suddenly, the door opens revealing an exhausted Shinso. 'WHAT THE HELL DUDE?' He screams at me, throwing his bag on the floor.

Now Shinso hates you too. You are a burden on this family.

But then he pulls me into a tight hug. 'How dare you have a cooler suicide attempt than me!' He says.

'HITOSHI, NOT OKAY' Mic bellows out, but Shinso just laughs. 'Pft. He literally froze an ENTIRE LAKE. That's so much better than-'

Mic gives a warning glance over to Shinso, who in response mimes hanging himself, sticking his tongue out and making a 'blech' noise. And for some unknown godly reason, I burst out laughing.

Aizawa and Mic stare at me stunned, and to be honest, I don't blame them one bit. Shinso joins in, happy to have made me happy.

'Do you want to go back to therapy Hitoshi?' Mic asks sternly. Shinso sticks out his tongue. He turns back to me.

'I would ask you how you're feeling, but again, probably not the best topic of conversation at this point. So I will offer you three options. One, we talk it out, two I provide a distraction, or three, I give you space'.

Having these options makes everything so much easier. 'Distraction' I say. 'Dope!' He says, going over to his bag, grabbing his switch, powering it up.

'So the choices are switch, which hero's we'd bang, or ways we'd kill Mineta, your choice'. I stare at him, but Mic and Aizawa don't make any sort of reaction, meaning they're used to it by now.

'Scoot up' I do as instructed. I look up at Aizawa and Mic, who actually look like they're smiling. 'Coffee' Aizawa mumbles. Mic nods, taking him by the hand out the door.

You're a screw up who couldn't even die correctly.

Shinso turns on his switch. 'I can hear those negative thoughts of you Sho, and they're lying' he says, turning on a game.

I'm not lying. I'm you, after all.

I stare down at my hands, zoneing out. Shinso responds by blowing air in my face. 'No dissociating allowed'. I smile.


There's a knock on the door, revealing Aizawa and Mic. 

'We spoke to the hospital, and they've agreed for you to come home with us, but only if you stay in your room, and not at UA' Mic says.

I nod. 'Thank you' I say. Aizawa walks over to me, crouching down, staring me in the eyes. 'Sho, please tell me if there's anything we can do to help, okay?' He ruffles my hair.

'Sorry for making you cry Aizawa-Sensei'. He smiles. 'Outside of campus I'm Aizawa, or...'

'Papa' I say, smiling. I see joy creep across his face. 'Yes, or Papa. Your choice'. He stands up.

'Lets get this show on the road!' Mic says.


I've been locked into my prison styled bedroom, with even less than before. I guess know they know how creative I can get, they're not taking any chances. At least they've allowed me my phone.


I look down, seeing my millionth message from Deku. 

Human Glowstick: Can we talk? Please?

I sigh, putting my phone on silence.


Human Glowstick: Okay, even if you don't want to talk, you need to have a look at this

He sends me an article, entitled 'Dabi and Endevour work together to save UA student'.

Dabi...was trying to save me? I click on the article reading.

Last night, a UA student lost control of their quirk. Luckily Endevour was there to help, and an unsuspecting hero.

I see a picture of Dabi in handcuffs.

Villain Dabi, formally known as Touya Todoroki, son of Endevour, helped the student escape with their life. Formally a member of the League of Villains, Dabi has not yet commented on the situation, but a video taken shows himself and Endevour working to melt a lake of ice, containing the student.

I click on the link of the video, and am met with drone footage. Bursts of flames, blue and red alike, work in tandem to thaw out the lake. Eventually, Dabi breaks through, diving in, pulling out my lifeless body. So that was the heat I felt. It was Dabi.

Paramedics come rushing over to my lifeless body. One activates her quirk, placing her hand inside my chest, pumping my heart. But then Endevour notices the drone, and aims a fireball, destroying it.

Why would Dabi save me? I click back to the article site, and then am met with a BREAKING NEWS banner, with a link. I click on it.

HERO ENDEVOUR BEING QUESTIONED FOR ATTEMPTING TO HURT UA STUDENTS. Holy shit. I ignore the article entirely, clicking on another video. It's from the hospital, probably a security tape.

I stare, stunned, as Deku defends me, putting his life on the line against Endevour. Then class 1A shows up too. Even Backugo, who not less that 6 hours earlier I nearly froze to death.

Aizawa enters, easily disarming Endevour. The video cuts out.

I sit in shock. Maybe, just maybe...no, I push the thought out of my head. He has money, fame and no morals. He'll easily get out of this. Claim the video is an AI quirk or something. I sigh.

You can never escape.

I put my phone on the table, tucking my knees to my chest.

He'll hurt Midoriya, class 1A too, and it's your fault.

I begin to rock side to side, trying to calm myself. 

They're going to disappear. It'll be blamed on a villain attack, just like it always is.

I hear a knock from my window. Which is odd, considering I'm on the second floor, and have bars over it.

I open my curtains, and am met with a very worried looking Deku. 'Can I come inside?' I look at the bars, and notice that they've been ripped open.

'Why' I say flatly. 'I-I want to talk to you. In person'. 

Get him to leave.

I look back to his face, noticing the cute smattering of freckles across his nose.

Get him to LEAVE.

I am about to say something, when I notice a single tear fall from his eye. Shit.

I nod my head, opening the window. He gently floats inside, landing himself on the floor.

'Hi' he says.

'Hi' I respond. He sniffles. Then before I know it, I'm pulling him tightly into a hug.


'-That was my fault Midoriya, not yours'. I say bluntly. 'I made you choose'.

'M-M-Midoriya?' He whispers. Oh shit. I've royally fucked this.

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