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Ableism, r word/ s word


I wake up to a pressure. I open my eyes, and am met with the beautiful face of Deku.

Everything comes rushing back to me from last night.

He knows.

I become panicked, and try and squirm out from underneath him. He wakes up, and immediately hugs me. The pressure calms me.

'It's okay. I've got you'. I close my eyes, sinking into the hug. It's warm. It's nice. 'Sorry' I muster out. He rolls off me, pulling me into a tight spoon. 'No need to apologise'.

'We're going to be late for classes' I say. Deku groans. 'Fine' he says, and climbs out from under the futon. I climb out too.

'I need to go and get my uniform'. I nod, understanding. 'Are you going to be okay?' I nod again. He leaves me room. Through the walls I hear...

'DEKU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING COMING OUT OF ICY HOTS ROOM?' Oh shit. Guess the cat's out of the bag. 'What?' I hear Denki squeal, as I hear Sero say 'Bro no way!' I hear a hard knock at my door.

'Icy Hot, open up!' I hear another knock 'Yeah dude come on out!' I groan, knowing they won't go away unless I say something.

'Just fucking leave him alone okay? Jesus guys'. Was that Deku...swearing? Damn. 'Ughhhh fine' is all I hear, and the sound of receeding footsteps.


I come down the stairs to the common room, and am met with the eyes of the bakusquad, minus Denki.

'Morning Shoto' Sero says, giggling. 'Morning!' Mina squeals. I roll my eyes, heading to the fridge. I can still feel everyone's eyes on me.

'Soooo' Sero says, as Kirishimi chortles. 'How'd you sleep?'

You didn't die in your sleep, so it was a bad night.

'Fine' I say, matter of fact. I pull out some bread and put it in the toaster. 'Was it fine, or more than just fine?' I hear Kirishima giggle.

I turn to face them. 'Fucking hell icy hot. Did you sleep with Deku or not? Backugo asks. I huff, knowing there's nothing I can do to avoid their weird questions.

'Does it really matter?' I huff. 'YES' They all chime. 'Well yes, I did sleep with him if you really want to know'. Shocked faces all around. Why shocked? I did sleep with him, well, he more slept on me but-'

'NO WAY!!!!' Squeals Mina. I look at her confused. 'I don't understand' I say. I see Kirishima's eyes widening.

'No, we mean did you, you know...' I'm still confused. I have no idea what's going on.

'For fucks sake Icy Hot. Did you fuck Deku?' OH. That's what they mean. 'No' I say, 'he just slept round'. I grab my toast, uninterested with their boring converstation, heading back to my room.

When I get there, I see Deku. 'Can we talk?' He asks. I nod. He follows me into my room. I sit at my desk, eating my toast.

'So, I went and spoke to Denki just now' he says, sitting on my futon. 'M'kay' I say, eating my toast. 'He mentioned that there might be some things that you might want to tell me, but he said it was up to you'.

'Oh right, yeah' I turn towards him. 'I have autism'. I see it register on his face, before turning back to my toast.

'How does that make you feel?' He asks. I think.


'Like I'm broken' I answer truthfully, finishing up my toast. Suddenly Deku is kneeling in front of me, holding my hands.

'You're not broken Sho'. He says, staring deep into my eyes. 'There's nothing wrong with being autistic'. I smile at him. 'I guess. I'm...how would Denki put it...neurospicey.' Deku giggles, then kisses the top of my head. 'I like that. You're my little neurospicey boi'. I mirror him, laughing.

'So you're not weirded out by it?' I ask. He smiles, sitting back on my futon. 'On the contrary, I love it. The fact you're so honest, and caring. It's what made me fall for you in the first place' I look over at him, and he's bright red. 'S-sorry I didn't mean to make you feel weird oh god I'm so sorry Shoto can you forgive me sometimes I start mumbling and saying stuff-' I shut him up with a kiss. He sinks into it.

I pull away. 'I fell for you too'. He smiles. 'Well, we'd better get to class' he says. I nod in agreement.


I'm sat at lunch, with Iida, Ochako, Asui and Deku. They're all chatting about something I don't recognise.

Denki and Shinso come over. 'Okay if we sit?' Denki asks. I nod. They sit on the end of the table. 'How you doing?' Shinso whispers to me. I nod. 'Yeah I'm okay' I say, finishing up my noodles.

'And...' Denki looks over at Deku, then back at me. I think I understand. 'Yeah, we slept together. But not slept together as in sex, but slept together like he was phsycially in the same bed as me'. I feel a weird silence, and I look up seeing the whole table is staring at me. What the hell did I say?

Deku is bright red, while the other three are staring at me, confused. 'Who did you sleep with Shoto?' Ochako asks. I look over at Deku, who nods. 'Deku.' I say, matter of factly. 'It was nice'. I begin eating a bean bun.

'Are you guys together, ribbit?' Asui asks. I look at Deku. 'I don't know. Are we?' I say. He smiles. 'Yes' He says absolutely beaming. 'Cool' I say, focussing back on my food.

'Oh, and I guess I should tell you all that I have autism' I say, standing up, heading over to put my tray away.

'W-what?' Iida says, grabbing my arm. I wince sitting back down. 'I don't understand how you are confused. I have been diagnosed with autism'. I stare at them all.

'When did you find out?' Ochako asks. I think. 'A few days ago.'

'How do you feel about it, ribbit?' Asui asks. I think. 'Don't know. Changes a lot'.

'Is there anything we can do to help? As class representative I want to ensure the wellfare of all my classmates'. Iida says. I think again. 'There's a weird smell in the kitchen. I don't like it' I say. They all laugh, which I don't understand why. 'Anything else?' Deku asks. I think again.

'I fucking knew you were a retard!' I look up, spotting Monoma sitting close to our table. 'Todoroki over here is autistic!' He announces to the whole dining room. I see hundreds of eyes turn to me. FUCK.

Everyone knows. You'll be marginalised, shunned-

'So?' Deku says, standing up. 'Yeah what's wrong with that fucking copy-cunt!' Backugo yells, hands sparking.

'Oh come on, don't tell me you guys support this spastic!' He says. Deku walks over to me. 'Doesn't bother me' he says, smiling. 'Or me!' Ochako says. Suddenly, I find the entire class walk over, standing behind me, saying words of agreement.

'Guys, come on!' Monoma says. Class 1B steps away from him, walking over to me. 'Sorry about him, he's a prick' Kendo says, coming over to me. 'My brother's actually on the spectrum'. 'Same here! But my cousin!' A whole bunch of voices speak up. Maybe I'm not alone after all.

Iida steps out, facing Monoma. 'I'm actually autistic too' He says. 'And I'll fucking mess you up if you touch Shoto'. Everyone gasps - did Iida just swear? I burst out laughing. 'You swore!' I say. 'Fuck yeah I did!' He says, stepping towards Monoma.

Monoma looks around the room, realising that he's totally alone. 'Fuck all of you' He says, getting up and leaving.

Everybody begins clapping and whooping.

It's a good day.

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