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I'm sat in UA's infirmary, as heros and students alike are being treated for their wounds. I walk over to Aizawa.

'Any luck on locating Aoto?' He shakes his head. 'No luck. Hawks and Ryukyu are flying around his last known whereabouts.'

I pause. I don't want to ask the next question.

'And my brother?' Aizawa sighs, kneeling down placing his hand on my shoulder. 'We're still looking kid. We're doing all we can'. I nod, understanding. I walk over to Deku, who has a nurse cleaning blood from his ears.

'How you doing?' I ask him. 'WHAT?' He says loudly. I chuckle. I grab the notepad from his bed and write. 'How you doing?

'Better, now I'm awake' He writes back.

'Sorry that you got Mic' I write. He laughs. 'Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I didn't hurt anyone'.

You hurt people.

I shake my head. He looks at me. 'Hey' He says, taking my face in his hands. 'NOT YOUR FAULT' He says. I shake my head. He huffs.

He grabs the pad again. 'Not your fault Sho, you were literally brainwashed'. I force myself out of his hands.

'Doesn't matter. I still hurt people'. I write. Deku begins to scribble something else, put I push the pad away. I feel a tap on my shoulder. Hitoshi. He smiles.

'Welcome back' he says smiling. 'Can I give you a hug?' He asks. I nod. He pulls me in to the biggest bear hug, the pressure comforting me. We unclasp.

'You better not be feeling bad about what happened' He says with sincerity. I shake my head, as Deku says 'HE'S FEELING GUILTY'. Hitoshi raises an eyebrow.

'I guess he fought Dad?' He asks. I nod. He chuckles. 'Where were you?' I ask him. He sighs. 'Everyone has to perform a quirk check before they're allowed onto campus, to prove we're not brainwashed. And yes, the irony is not lost on me.' I giggle.

'Oh how the tables have turned' I say. He chuckles. 'To be fair, Monoma brainwashed me once'. I gasp.

'Really, what happened?' He smiles. 'Not much. Denki punched him so hard he had to go to the infirmary for an afternoon'. He sighs happily. 'Love Denks so much'.

'You seen him already?' He nods. 'Yeah. He wanted to catch up with the Bakusquad. Apparently Backugo is denying that he was ever brainwashed, saying he's "too strong" or some shit. Regular Backugo bullshit.' I laugh. A pad is thrust into my hand.

'What's going on?' Deku asks. I reply, catching him up.

'Have you ever brainwashed Backugo?' I ask. He thinks. 'Not that I can remember. Although now you mention it, it's very tempting'.

'OI! I HEARD MY NAME EYEBAGS WHAT DID YOU SAY?' Backugo walks over to us. Hitoshi turns to him, as the Backusquad follows.

'Oh, just that you're immune to brainwashing'. He nods. 'Yeah, I'm too strong' he says.

'Mind if I test that theory?' Hitoshi asks. 'Tch. Sure.' He says. His eyes go blank.

'Backugo, you are now a kitten. Behave like one'. Immediately, he gets onto all fours, and begins meowing. Everyone laughs.

Recovery Girl strolls over to us. She looks tired. 'I think this is the first time I've seen you Izuku where you haven't come to me with broken bones'. 

'HUH?' He asks. She huffs, then kisses him on the head. 'I said, I think this is the first time you've come to me without broken bones.' He looks at her sheepishly, then smiles.

'I'm so sorry, but I was brainwashed this time. I swear!' She tuts. 'Just take better care of yourself.' She walks on over to the next bed, muttering something about her pay.

Sero creates a ball of tape, throwing it to Backugo who begins to play with it, meowing.

'Not able to be brainwashed my ass' Sero says, semi giggling. 'CUTE!' Mina says, pulling out her camera and snapping pictures. 

Momo makes a laser pointer, and immediately Backugo begins chasing the red dot. 'God he's going to be so embarrassed when he wakes up, Ribbit' Asui says.

Aizawa walks over to us. 'Okay Hits, you've made your point, release the cat'. Hitoshi looks at Aizawa. 'Papa please? Five more minutes?' The class all begin begging. Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose. 'Fine. But if he's angry when he comes to, you're the ones who has to placate him'. He walks over to Mic.

'Oh come off it Sho, you fucking love this' We all hear Mic say a little too loud. Everyone bursts out laughing, as a small smile etches on Aizawa's face.

'Maybe a little' he says. Backugo walks up to Koda, who begins absentmindedly rubbing his hand through his hair. 

'Yo Koda, is he saying anything?' Kirishima asks. Koda looks at Backugo, thinking. He signs 'he's not making much sense, he's talking about how important taxes are for racoons'. Mic translates for everyone. The class bursts out laughing.

This makes Backugo jump up in the air, hissing. Aizawa gives a stern look to Hitoshi, who releases Backugo mid paw lick. He pauses, then looks over to Hitoshi. He drops his hand, his eyes flaming with anger.

'REALLY EYEBAGS? A FUCKING CAT?' He says, standing up.

'Says Mr I can't be brainwashed' Hitoshi responds. Backugo walks over to him, the class holding it's breath. But then suddenly, Backugo...smiles?

'I understand why you're joining our class now.' Hitoshi responds to his smile. 'Still going to fucking kick your ass though for that. I mean a cat. Really?'

'A very cute cat!' Mina responds. He turns round to face her. 'Give me those videos NOW racoon eyes!' He launches at her, as she yelps, running away, then laughs.

'Next you're going to tell me how to do my taxes' she retorts, as everyone's phone pings. 

'YOU FUCKING-' Everyone simultaneously opens up the chat, seeing the video. 

'EVERYONE DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!' He screams, his hands crackling. He's about to detonate, when a grey scarf wraps around him. 

'That's enough profanity from you Backugo Katsuki'. Says Aizawa. He places him down. Kirishimi chortles. 'Cat...suki.'

Everyone absolutely loses their minds. Backugo watches in horror as right before his very eyes his reputation crumbles, as choruses of 'Cat-suki' sound out.

'Tch' he says, trying to maintain composure, crossing his arms 'call me whatever you like you damn extras. I'll kill every one of you'. Deku steps forwards. 'Come on guys, leave it.' The laughter dies down, and everyone goes back to what they were doing before. I turn to Deku.

'You really are a kind person, you know that Deku?' I say. He smiles. 'Kacchan may be an ass, but his pride is all he has sometimes'. I nod in agreement, understanding. I look over at Backugo, who is staring down at the ground. I think that one's sadness.

'Hitoshi. Make me think I'm AllMight' I say in a monotone voice. He looks around at me. He widens his eyes, understanding what I'm trying to do.

'You sure?' He asks.

'Yep' I say. My mind goes blank.

'I AM HERE!' I find myself yelling.

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