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Mentions of SH


I walk into Shinso's room. He stares at me.

'No' He says. 'No what?' I ask. 'You're not wearing that'. I cock my head, confused. 'Why?' I ask. He laughs.

'It's a date Shoto! You need to look, you know, nice'. I look down at my hoodie and sweats. 'Isn't this nice?' I ask again. 

'Ugh, okay, let's have a look' We walk into my room, and he opens my wardrobe flipping through the options.

'Shoto, where's all your like going out clothes?' I don't understand. 'What do you mean going out clothes?'

He rolls his eyes.

'Okay, we have three hours. Let's go to the mall beforehand.'

'THE MALL!' I hear a voice yell from the other side of the door.

'Great. We've awoken the kraken' Shinso says. Mic bounds into the room. 'I wanna come too!' He says, practically beaming. 'I want to buy my son some cute clothes for his date!'

I look at him surprised. 'How do you know I'm going on a date?' I ask. He smiles mischeviously. 'I may or may not have been pressing my ear to the door'.

'God you're embarrassing' Shinso says. However, I smile. The only time Endevour took me to the mall was to buy training clothes. 'I'd love you to come Mic' I say, smiling.

'ME TOO!' I hear another voice yell, as Aizawa enters the room. I stare at him completely shocked. Never before have I seen him express so much positive emotion. And never before have I seen him wear...pink cat joggers? He must've caught me staring, because he shrugs his shoulders. 'I like clothes and stuff' He says.

'Isn't like, your hero outfit like black on black with grey?' I ask him. 'It's got yellow too!' He retorts. I look over at Mic, who sighs. 'He chose it during his emo phase'. Aizawa lightly punches Mic's arm. 'Don't remind me!' He says.

'You went through an emo phase?' I asked him. He stares daggers at Hizashi. 'We are never speaking of this again'.

*singing MCR's Welcome To The Black Parade* 'when I was, a young boy, my father-' Mic is interrupted by Aizawa tackling him to the floor. He just continues to sing louder.

'-took me into the city-' Aizawa trys covering his mouth. Mic activates his quirk. 'TOO SEE A MARCHING BAND!' Aizawa activates his own quirk, nullifying Mic's who just bursts out laughing.


I walk into the mall, and am immediately hit with the bright fluorescent lights. Fuck, forgot about them.

You're a freak.

Damn it, forgot my earphones too. Suddenly, a pair of sunglasses are being placed over my eyes, and some headphones over my ears.

'Should help with the overstimulation kiddo' says Mic, smiling. 'Don't you need them?' I ask. 'Nah, he says. My ADHD is okay today.'

'You have ADHD?' I ask him. He smiles. 'Yep. Was diagnosed quite late though.' He says, maintaining his signature smile.

I turn to Shinso. 'You and Denki are like the reincarnations of Mic and Aizawa-Sensei' I say in a monotone voice. Mic bursts out laughing. Aizawa grunts in annoyance. 'I said no loud blonds, and what does he do? Finds the loudest blond there is'. 

I think. 'I would disagree. I'd say Backugo is the loudest blond I know'. Mic stiffles a chuckle, as Aizawa smiles.

'Dont. You. Dare.' Shinso says. 'I don't understand.' I say. 'Drop it!' Shinso hisses. We walk into a clothing shop, and begin flicking through the mens.

'Shinso and Backugo sitting in a tree...' Mic begins. 'It was a small crush, okay! Then I actually spoke to the guy, and realised he was, well, Backugo!' Shinso exclaims.

Ah. I see. I turn to Shinso. 'He's actually pretty decent when you get to know him'. Shinso rolls his eyes. He picks up some jeans, giving them to Mic who adds them to a basket.

My eyes stray over towards the womens section, spotting a cute pair of dungarees. But then, I hear Endevour's voice in my head. Absolutely not Shoto. You're a boy. You will shop in the mens section or not at all.

I sigh, turning away. Shinso spots me looking. 'Wanna check them out?' He asks. I stare at him. 'That's the womens section though'. He laughs. 'Dude, clothes are clothes. Who gives a shit?' He gently takes my arm and pulls me over to them.

I pick them up, smiling. 'I love them' I say. 'Sweet, add them to the pile'.


I have never been so embarrassed in my life. They insisted I try everything on and show them. I pick up a short sleeve shirt, placing it on. It's so cute! I love it. It's got a striped red orange and yellow pattern on it.

Your arms. The bandages.

I look down. Damn. Lie. 'This one doesn't fit me.' I say through the curtain. 'Which one?' Mic asks. 'The stripy one' I say. 'Lemmie take a look!' Before I can protest, the curtain is being yanked open. I thrust my hands behind my back in a hurry. Mic closes the curtain behind him.

'Looks fine to me!' Says Mic. I just stand there awkwardly. 'What's behind your back Shoto?' He asks with curiosity.

'N-nothing' I say. He raises a eyebrow at me. 'No seriously show me.'

Does Mic and Aizawa know about the cutting? Did Shinso tell them? I frantically look around to find Shinso, but notice he's not there.

I'm frozen. There's nothing I can do except dissociate. Gently, Mic takes my arms, pulling them around to the front.

'What's with the bandages?' He asks me calmly. I stare directly at the ground.

You have bandages because you're crazy.

'A-accident' I squeak out. Mic continues to stare at me. He sighs. 'Shoto, have you been hurting yourself?' I suddenly become very dizzy.

They won't want you anymore if they find out you cut. They'll disown you, just like your dad did-

Suddenly, I'm gently being pulled into a hug. The pressure, as well as the smell of bubblegum calms me. 'It's okay Shoto. We'll help you get through this'.

I hug Mic back. 'Thank you' I whisper out. 'Can I please tell Sho about this?' He asks. I nod. 'Thank you' he says unclasping.

There's a knock at the curtain. Mic opens it, revealing Shinso stood with a plain long sleeved shirt.

'Ah. Sorry was I too late?' He asks, looking between me and Mic. 'They would've found out sooner or later' I say. There's an awkward pause.

'Accessories!' Mic yells, heading over to the basket. He pulls out a choker. 'I think this would look cool'. Shinso rolls his eyes. 'What, am I not allowed to say cool now?' Mic asks. 'Am I not cool enough?' 'Ugghhhhh' Shinso says. 

Aizawa suddenly appears, holding a small paper bag. 'Was getting you something' he says, handing me the bag. I open the small box, revaling a small chain with a rectangular pentant. On it reads 'Shoto Aizawa-Yamada'. I smile. Shinso pulls out a chain from his neck, revealing his own.

'Guess this means it's official' He says. Suddenly, I find I'm launching myself at Mic and Aizawa, pulling them into a tight hug.

'Thank you' I say, welling up with tears. They both hug me back. 'Of course kid' Aizawa says.

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