190 4 6


Abuse, suicidal ideation, SH ideation


'Never have I ever...kissed a girl' Mina says. Jiro, Backugo, Kirishima, Sero and Momo drink. 'Never have I ever...kissed a boy' Jiro says. Backugo, Momo, Deku, Mina, myself and Kirishima drink. We all stare at eachother, especially Backugo.

'What you all staring at!' He says gruffly. I begin to giggle. 'Backugo's kissed a boy' I slur.

'Tch' he says. 'Who gives a shit?' He says gruffly. 'Men are hot'. We all nod in agreement. Jiro pulls a face.

'Ew, gross' She says. We all laugh. 'Never have I everrrrrrr, erm, drunk alcohol' Mina says. We all drink. It gets to Sero.

'Never have I ever, gone further than kissing' he slurs. Jiro, Momo, Mina and Kirishima drink. We all stare at them.

Mina shrugs. 'WHO?' Momo screams. Kirishima goes bright red. Backugo burts out laughing. 'Racoon eyes got with Shitty hair'.

The bottle gets passed to Tokoyami. 'Never have I ever stolen something'. Deku drinks. All our eyes snap to him.

'I was five! I really wanted this All Might figurine but I came back the next week with three times the money and tipped and I felt really bad...' we all crack up laughing.

The bottle is passed to me. 'Never have I ever...erm...' I look around the room.

Tried to kill myself.

I shake my head. 'erm'. 

Sliced your wrists? Been disowned? Been absued?

I shake my head again. 'got lower than 50 percent on a test'. Mina drinks. She looks around. 'Come on guyssss' she hiccups. 'Y'all nerds'. 'I'M NOT A NERD' Backugo yells. We laugh. It gets passed to Deku.

'Never have I ever, done drugs'. Sero and Tokoyami look at eachother sheepishly, then both drink. 'No way!' Momo says. 'Without me?' Jiro pouts.

'Never have I ever broken a bone' Kirishima says, staring at Deku.

You dad uses you as a punching bag.

Deku, Backugo and I drink. Shit. I drank without thinking. 'Fell out a tree when I was a kid' Backugo says. 'Quirk' Deku slurs out, everyone laughs. They all stare at me.

Remember that time you were five? Your dad held you down, pressing his knee to your ribs. Each time you failed to use a fireball, he broke a rib.

The air is suddenly gone. I try and speak, but my throat has closed up.

Or that time he broke your femur for talking back to him.

I rasp, and the room begins to spin.

Or the time when...

I curl up in a ball. 

...kicked you...

...punched you...

...choked you...

...dragged you...

I feel Deku pulling me into a hug. People muffle things. The lights are too bright, the sounds too loud. Suddenly, a pair of headphones are being pulled over my ears, and all the light vanishes. There's a calming pulse coming through the earphones.

I feel like I can breathe again. There's a warmth against my face, and I see Deku kissing my tears away. I see his mouth moving, saying something.

I take off the earphones, and see Deku looking at me. 'How you feeling?'

'Better' I smile. I look above me, noticing dark shadow. Deku pulls me into a hug. 'wanna talk about it?' He asks. 'I..just...he was hitting me and I couldn't stop it' I burst into tears, and he stokes my hair. I can't control what I'm saying, it's just flowing out of me. 'He held me down, and kept breaking my ribs until I created a fire ball.'

'I'm so sorry Sho' he says. I sniffle. 'He told recovery girl I fell down the stairs'.

'That mother fucker. I am going to kill him' Deku says. Dark shadow retracts, revealing the shocked face of Jiro.

'Who hurt you Shoto' Jiro says sternly. I stare down at my feet. 'N-nobody'.

'Wait, what?' Sero asks. I keep staring at the ground.

'Someone's been hurting Sho, I heard it!' Jiro says. I now notice her earphone jack attached to the headphones. I guess that relieving sound was her heartbeat.


'No' I say firmly. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up, revealing Backugo. 'Who has been bullying you?' I feel him shaking slightly. I look around, his eyes are wet. He swallows.

'Nobody' I say. 'Don't bullshit me!' Deku approaches Backugo, hand outstretched. 'It's okay Kacchan'. 'NO IT'S FUCKING NOT' He says, bashing away his hand. 'BULLYING IS NEVER OKAY' He sniffles again. 'It's for cowards'. I pull him into a hug, fully expecting him to bash me away.

'That's not who you are anymore'. I say. I can feel the eyes of everybody on me.

'I forgave you a long time Kacchan' Deku says sternly. Backugo sniffles. 'You shouldn't have' he says. 'And anyway, we should be fucking talking about Shoto, not my worthless ass'.

I hug him tighter, not sure if it's me or Backugo who needs it. I think he senses this because he hugs me tighly back. 'You smell like caramel' I say. He laughs his barking laugh. 'Yeah, well, I can't hug ya for long cause nitroglycerin isn't good for ya' I unclasp.

I guess that's why Backugo flinches everytime someone touches him. Because he doesn't want to hurt them.

'Who?' Kirishima asks. I sigh. I guess I can't lie anymore.

'Endevour'. I feel the air get sucked out the room. I hear crackling come from Backugo's hands.

'That piece of shit' He says.

'Does he still. you know...' Momo says. I shake my head. 'I don't live there anymore'.

'How often?' Sero asks. 'Erm, I dunno really. Just whenever I disappointed him'. I say. 

They're going to leave you. You're weak.

'What do you mean?' Tokoyami asks. 'Well, if I didn't do something correctly, I was punished' I say bluntly. 'And, well, I sucked using my quirk as a kid'.

There's a knowing silence. 'Where are you living now?' Jiro asks. 'I-I've been staying with Mr Aizawa' I say. 'That's nice!' She says.

'C-can I give you a hug?' She asks. I nod. Soon, everyone is piling onto me, holding me tightly.

They pity you. They don't care about you. They're lying...

Dark shadow wraps around everyone tightly.

No. I think firmly. You're lying. 

Everyone unclasps. 'Thank you' I say smiling.

'So, when can we fuck up Endevour?' Backugo asks, igniting his hands. Kirishima hardens his knuckes, bashing them together. 'Yeah!'

'I'm in' Momo smiles, making a small dagger. 'Us too!' Tokoyami says, as dark shadow curls threatingly. 'Let's do it!' Sero says, firing tape at the ceiling. 'I'm going to kill him' Deku says, his eyes crackling with electricity. 'I'm going to melt his ugly face off' Mina says, hands dripping.

'And I'm going to freeze his hellflame, finally taking hell away from the devil' I say. I feel everyone's eyes on me. 'Fuuuuuck' Kirishima says.

'Damn man' Sero says. 

'Hardcore' Mina says.

'Revelry in revenge' Tokoyami says.

 'You can be one scary man IcyHot'. Backugo says. 

'I learnt from the best' I say.

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