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Mentions of SH and razors


'Walk over to the chair'. I do as I'm told. My face must be bright red. Dammit.

'I'll clean the bathroom, you okay dealing with...' Denki motions over to me. Shinso smiles. 'Yeah'. Denki looks searchingly at Shinso. 'You sure?' Shinso nods. 'Okay then'. Denki smiles, then heads into the bathroom.

Shinso's eyes snap to me. 'If I let you go, you're not going to try anything are you Todoroki?' I try and shake my head, but can't. I plead with his eyes. He understands, and I am released from his quirk.

I immediately slump fowards, and he gently grabs me, pushing me back onto the chair. Denki walks out of the bathroom, handing him a med kit. Damn, these two seem to work like clockwork.

He takes it wordlessly, opening it. I look up at the ceiling, not wanting to make eye contact. 'This might sting a little' he says. I don't feel a thing. I mean, after all, I put the cuts there in the first place.

I feel a slight tugging, and notice Shinso placing steri-strips across my wounds. He then places thick gauze and tape over everything.

'All done' I hear Denki say, as he walks over to us. 'Same here' Shinso says. He stands up, handing the med kit back to Denki.

'How are you doing Shoto?' Denki asks me. I don't respond, instead, I begin tapping my fingers on the chair, trying my best to stay calm.

They know. They'll tell Aizawa and you'll be expelled. You're so pathetic you couldn't even-

'Look at me'. My eyes snap to Shinso. 'Whatever is going on in your head right now is wrong'. I try and swallow, but my mouth is dry.

Denki crouches down opposite me. 'It's okay, we won't tell anyone, not until you're ready'. I look between both their eyes, and decide they're telling the truth.

'W-why?' I manage to croak out. The pair look at eachother. Denki raises his eyebrows at Shinso. He nods his head.

'I'll make some tea' Denki says, then heads out the room. Shinso gently lifts me into my futon, covering me with my blanket. He smiles.

'You got one too huh?' I look at him with confusion. 'The weighted blanket I mean.' I nod my head.

He sits cross-legged next to me on the floor. 'I guess there's no point in asking you if you want to talk about it, because the answer will be no, right?' I nod my head. This makes him smile.

'Thought so. So how about you listen to me for a bit?' I nod my head. He clears his throat. 'First of all, I want to apologise for two things. Firstly, entering your room without your permission, and secondly, using my quirk on you'. I stare at him dumbfounded. I fucked up, and he's the one apologising?

'T-that's okay' I manage to whisper out. He smiles. 'Thank you Todoroki, I appretiate it'. Despite his expression, his eyes feel comforting, warm, almost.

Denki rushes back in with some tea. 'I didn't know what type you wanted, so I just went Jasmine.' He hands us both a mug. 'Thanks Denks'. He smiles at Shinso. 'Yeah, thanks Denki'. He smiles at me too.

Shinso takes in a deep breath, which seems to shake slightly. Denki reaches out, placing a hand on his comfortingly.

'Okay, so, about five years ago, I was in a not so great place. I'd been bouncing around foster homes for a little while, and well, I wasn't dealing with it in the best way. I...picked up some bad habits.' he shuffles awkwardly. Denki begins to rub his hand soothingly.

'Like you have'. I felt my skin go cold. Shinso too? He must've sensed me worry, because he immediately says 'not anymore though. I'm clean. Been for two years'. Denki smiles wider at him, and he smiles too.

'So I understand what you're going through. I understand that although you don't want it, you need support. Like my adoptive parents did with me'. Adoptive parents?

'And I think they might be able to help you too'. Now I'm completely stumped. I don't know who his parents are, so I don't want their help. I don't know them. Not at all. Nope. Absolutely not.

'My parents are Aizawa and Hizashi'. I stare at him. Aizawa? As in Aizawa-Sensei? Then who's Hizashi?

Shinso smiles, watching my cogs whirring. 'Hizashi is Present Mic. Your English teacher'.

Okay, so many things to process. It's like each time he dropped a bomb shell on me, another would follow. I begin to absentmindedly to rock, trying to process. I catch myself.

'Sho, it's fine. We're not going to judge you' Denki says. I can feel the warmth radiating off him, and for some reason, I begin to rock again. This soothes me.

'Look, we understand if you don't want to, but I really think it might be worth having a chat with them. They've supported me-'

'-and me!' Denki chimes in. Shinso gives him a gentle play nudge.

'-Through a lot.' I look between the pair. I look down at their hands. Their fingers are interlocked.

'You two are dating aren't you?' I say bluntly. They both immediately go red. 'Wh-what, no, we'll I mean...' Denki stammers. Shinso begins to chuckle. 'Yes we are.'

I smile. 'Doesn't bother me at all. You two are cute together'. This makes Denki even redder. Shinso smiles. 'Anyway, we'll leave you to think about it, if you're unsure.' I think, then nod my head.

'Cool' Denki says, and they both stand up. Denki nods to Shinso, who walks into the bathroom. He comes out with my pack of razors. He throws them in the bin.

I sit there smugly. Fine. I have more hidden anyway asshole.

Hitoshi immediately lifts up my futon, grabbing my one hidden there. Okay...I have more.

'Is this all of them Shoto?' I nod. He looks at Denki, who looks at me, then shakes his head. 'What did I say about bullshitting a bullshitter Shoto?' Denki smiles. I stare in awe as Shinso proceeds to look in every hiding spot I have, even ones I would have never thought to look. How?

I feel my stomach drop as ever single one is found, and thrown in the bin. I must've been gawking, because Shinso chuckles.

'Todoroki, I've been where you are, don't look so shocked. I know ALL the tricks.' Denki picks up the lining from the bin, tying it off.

Shinso walks over to me, pulling up his sleeve slightly. I notice a few white lines. He pulls an elastic band off his wrist, then hands it to me.

'Thanks?' I say with confusion. He smiles. 'Whenever you get the urge, just snap it. Similar pain, less destructive'. I reciprocate his smile.

'Here, give me your phone'. I hand it over to him. 'I'm putting in my details. Never be afriad to call me whenever. I don't usually sleep anyway'. He gives it back to me.

The pair look me. 

They think you're weak. They pity you.

I put on a smile. 'Thank you'.

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