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General unkind comments, r word


It's impossible to sleep when an angry pomeranian is sat inches away from me. I have no idea what to do.

I grab my phone, going onto my family group chat. I've been removed.

No surprise.

I sigh, then throw my phone as hard as I can away from me. Unfortunately, it hits Backugo.

'Fucking hell Icy Hot, that really hurt' he said. 'Don't be a pussy' I say, continuing to stare up at the ceiling.

There's a knock at the door.

'Fucking finally' he says, getting up, opening the door. A waft of rosemary lets me know that it's Deku.

'Has he said anything?' He asks. Backugo huffs. 'No. Just won't get out of bed'. 

'Thanks for looking after him' I hear Deku say. 'Whatever nerd'. I hear receeding footsteps, and the smell of caramel dissapates.

I hear gentle footsteps, and before I know it Deku is leading over me, looking at my face.

'Sorry I wasn't here. I had to go to the infirmary'. He plonks himself on the floor. 'Why?' I ask, turning around to him. 'Broke a finger' he says. 'Classic' is all I say. He laughs.

'Damn, when did you get so cold Shoto?' He says. 'I have an ice quirk' I say. This for some reason makes him laugh. I don't understand.

'You missed the class on neurodiversity' he says. 'Don't need it. I am neurodiversity' I mumble. He chuckles.

'Is it okay if I climb in with you?' he asks. I nod my head. He climbs in under the blanket, spooning me.

'It was very informative. I think I understand you better' he says. I remain quiet. 'Good for you' is all I manage.

'What's going on with you Shoto?' he asks. I don't reply. 'Is it something to do with that large duffle bag over there?' He gestures. I guess there's no point in lying. I nod.

'What happened?' He asks.

Your family hates you.

'Dad kicked me out the family' I whisper. 'Doesn't want a retarded son'. There's a pause, as I hear a sniffle.

'I'm so sorry Sho' he says, squeezing me tighter. 'You wanna stay with me for a bit? Mum won't mind'. I can hear him crying. I turn around, pulling him into a tight hug, stroking his hair to comfort him.

'It's okay. I'll stay in the dorms' I say. I wipe away his tears. 'What about weekends?' He asks. 'I'll figure something out. I'll get a job and a flat or something'.

There's silence, except for the quiet sniffling coming from the green lump beside me.

'Please don't cry' I say. He laughs through his sobs. 'Sorry. I should be the one comforting you'. I laugh. 'Nah it's okay.' My stomach grumbles.

He sits up. 'We should probably get you some food'. I nod. He kisses the top of my head.


I'm sat eating soba with Deku. He looks better than he did earlier, but his eyes are still puffy.

'Did...you bite Kacchan?' He asks suddenly. 'Dunno.' I say. 'If I did, it was his fault for pissing me off'.

He laughs. 'Fair enough'. I hear footsteps coming from the corridoor. Deku looks up at me. 'Do you want to go back into your room?' He asks. 'It's okay. I think they should know'.

The class starts filtering in. Ochako runs up to me, pulling me into a hug. 'Hi Sho!' She says. 'How are you feeling?' She asks. 'Hope it's not bitey' Backugo grumbles.

'Better' I say. 'Anything we can do?' Asks Tokoyami. 'Not really. But there's something I should probably let you all know'.

They gather round, sitting around the chairs. I take a deep breath. 'I'm leaving UA'. I hear multiple people gasp.

'WHAT?' Mina cries. 'Why?'. 'Can't afford it' I say. 'But Endevour is the number two hero?' Shoji states. I nervously itch the back of my neck.

'He...he's not gunna pay anymore'. There's stunned silence. 'Wait...why?' Kirishima asks. 'Don't worry about it' I put on my best smile, hoping to cheer the class up. But it fails, as everyone looks sad. Why are they sad? Why didn't it work? It normally works? I'm confused.

'I would also like to know why' All our eyes snap around to Aizawa, who is stood in the doorway. Damn. I guess there's no skirting around it now.

'I am no longer a Todoroki' I say bluntly. 'Endevour kicked me out'. If I thought the silence was sad before, it was straight up haunting now.

Mina's the first to burst into tears, followed by Denki, Asui and Hagurake. I see Kirishima wipe his eyes, as well as Koda. I look around all my classmates, some looked shocked. Some look confused. I look at Aizawa, who I think is trying to process what I just said.

'Could everyone please head to their dorms' Aizawa says. Everyone nods, filtering away. Deku looks over at me, and I smile. Again, it doesn't work. He heads off, wiping his eyes.

Aizawa comes and sits at the table with me.

'Could you please elabourate on what you said' He asks calmly. I think back to the conversation. 'He said I can't be his son because I'm special needs and probably isn't even his kid' I say. I think some more. 'Then he gave me my stuff and told me I wasnt a Todoroki anymore'.

Aizawa takes a deep breath. 'Fuck' is all he manages out. He looks sad. Why? 'Are you okay?' I ask him. 'Quite honestly, no kid' He says. 'Is there anything I can do to help?' I ask. He looks at me with shock.

Suddenly, the doors open, revealing an exhausted Shinso. 'DAD, WE'RE FUCKING ADOPTING SHOTO I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY I WILL LITERALLY FIGHT YOU-'

'-Calm down Shin!' Aizawa says, smiling. 'I was about to get to that'. He turns to me. 'Shoto, would you like to be an Aizawa-Yamada?' 

But then, something strange happens. I cry. And cry. Finally, the tears come. I don't understand. Why now? After all this time?

'I don't want to be a burden though' I say through sobs. Aizawa pulls me into a hug. 'You could never be a burden kid'. I hug him back, smelling coffee. It's comforting.

I can hear Shinso walk over, joining in the hug. 'Please Shoto. I've always wanted a brother' I hear him say.

They pull away, looking at me expectantly. 'I-'

The doors open again, this time revealing an exhausted Mic. 'WHERE'S MY SON!' He yells. I point at Shinso. He spots me, and runs over, yanking me into a hug.

'I'm going to kill Endevour. I don't care if i'm a hero, I will happily enter my villain era for this' He says. Shinso laughs, and so do I.

'Get in line' I say. He laughs. He looks at Aizawa. 'I don't care what you say. He is now our son. I will fight you-'

'-What is it with everyone wanting to fight me?! I'm literally on the same page as you two warmongers!'

'Good' He says, squeezing me tighter. He kinda smells like bubblegum. 'Thank you' I whisper back.

He lets me go. 

They don't want you. They're lying.

I shake my head aggressively, trying to get rid of the thoughts. Shinso looks at me. 'It's lying' Shinso says. 'We want you to be part of the family.'

I smile. I'm wanted.

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