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'Please!' I beg desperately. Aizawa rolls his eyes. 'It's been like a week Sho, are you sure you're ready to be back in classes?'

'I'm so bored!' I say. 'Gee, thanks' Says Aizawa.

'Please?' I ask again. He huffs. 'Fine, but no training'. I nod, happy. 'Thanks!'


I walk into the class with Aizawa, and sit down. Immediately, Iida comes over to me. How did I not notice him?

'Hello Shoto. I hope you are well after your accident. If there is anything you need please don't hesitate to ask'. He bows. I smile. 'Thank Iida'. He heads back to his desk, returning to his book.

I hear footsteps, then see Occhako and Midoriya. He stares at me, face paling. He nods at Occhako, and walks over to me. 

'Hey Sho-Aizawa. How are you?'

'Could we talk?' I ask him. He nods. I walk out the classroom and into the corridoor. He looks at me expectantly.

'I-I'm sorry' I say. 'I don't want to break up'. His face immediately pulls into confusion, then shock, then a smile.

'Really?!' He says excitedly. I nod. 'I'm sorry for how I treated you. I have a tendancy to push away the people I love'. 

His eyes widen. 'You, you love me?' I nod. He takes my hand in mine. 'I love you too'. He grins at me, and I grin back.

'Just to check though, you don't wanna fuck Backugo?' I say. He bursts out laughing, which turns to wheezing. 'Ew no! What gave you that impression. He's like my brother!' He continues laughing.

'Just wanted to check' I say pulling on a smile. He looks up at me. 'Oh my god you're serious aren't you?' He says. I nod.

He rests his arm on my shoulder. 'Shoto, I am not in love with Backugo Katsuki.'

'I SURE HOPE NOT YOU DAMN NERD' I hear a voice yell behind us. We spin around, seeing Backugo, Denki, Sero and Kirishima, all grinning.

'Can, can I give you a hug?' Denki asks. I nod. The three charge at me, practically knocking me over. Backugo watches, unimpressed.

'We've missed you dude!' Sero cries.

'Yeah, there's nobody around to put Midobro and Backubabe in their place!' Kirishima yells. 

'OI' Backugo bonks Kirishima on the head. 'STOP CALLING ME THAT. And leave Shoto alone you damn cretins!' He yanks them off me.

'Come on, lets let these two dambasses figure their shit out' He says, practically dragging them into the classroom. As Denki walks past, he whispers 'catch up later yeah?' And I nod. I turn back to Midoriya.

'So Sho-' before he has a time to finish, I push him up against the wall, kissing him. He melts into me. This. This is everything.

You can't feel love. This isn't real.

FUCK YOU, YES I CAN. I scream back in my head, running my hands through his hair. Eventually, I plop him down on the floor, and he stares up at me, starstruck.


I turn around, and see Momo, Hagurake, and Asui, all with cameras.

'WAAAAAAIT' I hear screaming from around the corner, and then Mina comes into view. 'I didn't miss it did I?' She says. 'Yep'. Momo says matter of factly.

'Why is our class full of perverts?' I ask. Everyone burts out laughing.


I'm sat at lunch, and everyone is bombarding me with questions about my 'accident'.

'What happened?'

'How long were you in the ice?'

'Why did Dabi save you?'

'OI, WOULD ALL OF YOU SHUT IT!' Backugo yells. Everyone stills. 'Let the guy eat in peace, tch'. He nods at me, I smile back. 

Everyone turns into hushed whispers. 'You okay?' Deku asks me. I nod. 'I just don't know what to tell them'. He nods, understanding.

'Well, it's your choice when and what to tell them. Don't let them pressure you into telling anything youre not comfortable with'. I nod. 'Thank you' I say smiling.

His smile is so warm, it could rival the sun, no Sirius, the brightest star. 

And you treated him like shit.

'What?' He asks, looking at me.

'I'm sorry for how I treated you.' He sighs. 'Just talk to me next time, yeah? Rather than pushing me away?' 

'I-I'll try' I whisper out. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. 'That's all I ask for.'

'AWEEEEE' Mina squeals. 'You guys are so cute!'

'FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST RACCOON EYES SHUT THE FUCK UP'. She goes quiet, but still stares at us, smiling like a derranged person.


I'm hanging out in the common area, waiting for Aizawa to be done with a teachers meeting. Luckily, everyone has kind of given me some space, which is nice for once. Denki comes over to me.

'Hey bro, how you doing?' I smile. 'Better' I say. Which is the truth. He sits next to me.

'Can I give you another hug?' He asks. I nod. He envelops me in a squeeze, and I find the pressure calming. 'Thank you' I whisper into his ear. We unclasp.

'How's Shinso?' I ask him. I haven't really seen him much since the incident. 

'He's doing okay. Misses you a lot though.' I smile. 'I miss him too. Except for when he steals my pencils. That gets really annoying'. Denki laughs.

'He got some good news recently. I don't know if he told you?' He asks me. 'No, we haven't really been texting much'.

'Well, he's actually moving to class 1A'. I jump up and down excitedly, flapping my hands. 'Really?' How?' Denki smiles at me.

'Well, Aaoyama has really been strugging with his quirk, and has decided to drop out to train with a specialist for a year, then rejoin next fall'. I nod, understanding.

'Good for him!' I say. 'And good for you too! You'll get to train with your boyfriend!' Denki laughs. 'I'm really excited. Plus, he looks hella sexy when he fights, so I'll get front row seats to that ass' I wrinkle up my nose. 'That's my brother you're talking about'.

'Your very hot brother' He responds. 'Ew'. Midoriya comes back from the kitchen, plopping himself down next to me.'

'Whatcha talking about?' He asks.

'Hitoshis ass' / 'nothing' we both say simultaneously. Deku laughs.

'Oh! Papa says you can come round this weekend to meet Cat' I say to Deku. Denki gets excited. 'I wanna meet Cat too!' He says. 'Hitoshi says shes really cute'. I smile.

'I have videos'. They both nod. I get out my phone, and before I know it, I'm showing off Cat to all of class 1A.

'She's adorable!' Ojiro squeals. I smile. 'Maybe I can bring her in one time?' I get a resounding yes from the class.

Aizawa walks into the common room, seeing everyone crowded around me.

'Papa, can I bring Cat in to show everyone?' I ask. His eyes light up. 'Yes, but only if everyone passes the test tomorrow' Everyone scrambles to their rooms, eager to study.

'See you later!' Deku says, waving as he goes, I smile.

'Ready to head home kid?' Aizawa asks. I nod.

Maybe I can feel love after all.

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