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Intrusive thoughts


So you're telling me this whole time Compress has been brainwashed?' Denki asks. I nod. The class seem shocked.

'We need to tell a teacher' Iida says forcefully. 'We need to tell them immediately'

Everyone nods in agreement.

'Sure thing, I'll go tell Dad' I say, heading out the room. 'I'm coming with you' Deku says. We reach his flat, and knock. A weary Aizawa opens the door, obviously been awoken from a nap.

'What did Backugo do?' He asks, half asleep. We giggle. 'Nothing. We just have some information which might help the investigation'


'I see' Aizawa says, leaning back against the couch, drinking coffee. 'So Natsuo is in Compresses orb?' We both nod. He sighs. 'It will be difficult to get him out. We can't just melt it with Acid, it will kill him instantly. We need another strategy'. He grabs his phone, texting who I assume to be Tsukauchi.

'Can Natsuo break out somehow?' Deku asks. Aizawa shakes his head. 'He's currently in a state of stasis, unable to move. However, he is able to process everything that's happening around him'.

'That must be horrible'. Deku says. 'Being aware but powerless. I can't think of anything more torturous.' Aizawa nods.

'Especially if he is injured. He will be experiencing that pain continuously.' I say. The other two look down at the ground awkwardly.

'What about a teleportation quirk? Get in and out?' Deku asks. Aizawa shakes his head again. 'He's not in this reality. Think of Compress's orb as a pocket dimension. Impossible to teleport to'.

Deku aggressively rubs his hands. I turn to Aizawa 'So we need a way to remove the orb without hurting Natsuo, without destroying the centre'.

The door opens, revealing Mic. 'Picked up the jelly pouches'. He looks between Deku and I. 'Hi boys. Everything okay?' We both nod.

'They think Natsuo is in Compress's orb'. Mic nods. 'I thought that could be a possibility. Wasn't sure enough though. How'd you figure it out?'

'The smell' Deku says. Koda got word from a watersnake that it smelled awful. Which means not only is it the work of Compress, but also Caretaker. It's very likely that Natsuo is brainwashed. So Even if we get him out, there's no telling what he might do.'

Aizawa's and Mic's phone buzzes. They pick them up, both reading with furrowed eyebrows. 'Shit' Mic says. Aizawa shoots him a filthy look. 'Sorry, erm, damn?'

'What is it?' Deku asks. 'We sent Selkie and Gang Orca in to check it out. And well...' There's a pause. 'It seems Natsuo has an injury. We need to get him out. ASAP'.

Natsuo is going to die and it will be your fault. How can you call yourself a hero when the people around you keep getting hurt?

The dark place begins to call for me again.

'Come here Sho' Mic says, as I'm pulled into a hug. He begins stroking my hair.

'Who's looking after the cats?' I ask. 'My mum' he says. I smile. 'I have grandparents?' Mic chuckles. Yep. Two lovely grandmas from my side, and a grumpy grandpa from Shota's.

'He's not that grumpy' Aizawa says. Mic chuckles. 'Compared to you, everyone seems like they shit rainbows'. Suddenly, Aizawa's scarf flicks Mic in the forehead, creating a loud thud.

'FUCK! Mic yells, grabbing his forehead, activating his quirk. There's a loud CRACK as both Aizawa's glasses pop from their lenses, smashing into pieces. Aizawa quickly activates his quirk to prevent any more damage. Aizawa shoots him a dirty look. 'These are the seventeenth pair of glasses you've ruined Hizashi. I swear to god if you break another pair that won't be the only thing broken'. 'I know I know, I'm sorry'. He sighs, then goes to a cupboard, pulling out a dustpan and brush.

'Also, no swearing' Aizawa says, sticking out his tongue. He grabs a jelly pouch, huffing. 'Sorry' Mic mumbles, cleaning up the glass.

Deku chortles.

Grab some glass. Save it for later. Do what Toga should've done.

Suddenly, Deku jumps up, clapping his hands, pulling me out of my stupor. 'I've got it!' He yells. We all stare at him.

'Come to think of it, I knew a kid once who could create rainbows. Maybe he could also shi-' Before Mic has the chance to finish his sentence, Aizawa's capture weapon has completely engulfed him, hanging him upside-down. We can hear Mic giggling through the cloth, despite it being wound tightly round his mouth.

And although it's brief, I see a small smile flicker over Aizawa's face, before feigning anger once more.


We're all gathered around a television screen, watching the hero's gather around the lake, which is bathed in floodlights. Gang Orca and Selkie climb out of the lake, heading over to Mic. They both emit a high pitched whine, at the same frequency, which causes all the microphones to emit slight feedback. Mic nods, understanding.

He gets to the edge of the lake, alongside a hero I don't recognise. He's dressed in a shark head, and goggles.

He enters the water with Mic. 'That's Manuel, a water based hero' Deku says. And before I know it, Manuel, Mic, Selkie and Gang Orca enter the water.

The atmosphere is tense. I can feel the anticipation of all my classmates putting pressure on my skull.

He's going to die. He's going to drown. His lungs will fill with water, and he will slowly suffocate in the same water you should've died in.

Deku pulls me into a hug. 'It's gunna be okay' He says. Suddenly, small ripples begin to appear on the surface of the lake, which slowly turn into waves. Before I know it, water begins streaming upwards. A camera pans down, revealing the bottom of the lake, on which sits the orb.

Mic stands next to it. I hold my breath.

'YEAHHHHHHH' Mic screams, at a pitch so high it breaks every single camera lens, blurring the vision of the scene. Everyone puts their hands over their ears as feedback rings through the room.

It has to work. It has to.

Then we hear the sound of cracking. A scream, followed by a commotion. Somebody screams.

'GET ERASER-' The screen turns off.

We sit in stunned silence.

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