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Suicide references


I wake up surrounded by police, ambulances and a variety of heros. What the hell is happening? I'm next to several levelled buildings, some emitting a blue fire, some encased in blue ice.

 Did...did I do this?


I do as I'm told, shaking. They place green handcuffs on me. 'Shoto Aizawa-Yamada, you are under arrest for working with the League of Villains.' I'm under arrest for WHAT? When did this happen?

'I don't know what's happening!' I say. 'SHOTO' I hear a voice say, and see Aizawa push himself towards me through the crowd.

'Aizawa!' I say, relieved. But he looks angry.

'What the hell were you thinking?' He says.

'What's going on?' I say desperately. He shakes his head angry. Maybe this is a dream? I try and pinch myself, but I don't wake up.


'I can't remember!' I say angrily. The officer sighs.

'As you keep saying. But honestly it sounds like bullshit to me. Maybe your dads abuse finally got to you, or you joined your brother'

'I am a hero in training! Why would I work with the league?' I plead.

'Perfect cover' the officer says.

I stare down at the desk. 'I want to see my dads' I say. He sighs. 'Fine.' He grabs his radio. 'Could you send Eraserhead and Mic in please?'

After a minute, they burst through the doors, and the officer leaves. Mic runs over and hugs me. 'What's going on kid? What happened?' 

'I- I don't remember' I say, tears now forming in my eyes.

'You...you levelled three buildings Sho with Mr Compress. Don't you remember?'

'Did anyone get hurt?' Mic and Aizawa look at each other, and that's all the confirmation I need.
'What's the last thing you remember?' They ask. I think.

'Erm. I remember seeing Natsuo. And then going to school the next day. The 14th?' They look at each other again.

'Sho, today is the 31st.'


'We've been looking for you for two weeks Sho. We thought...' Mic trails off.

Aizawa eyes me suspiciously. 'You seriously don't remember anything?' I nod. He pulls me into a hug. 'I believe you kid.' I sniffle, burrowing my head into his scarf.

'What happens next?' I ask. He sighs.

'We've convinced them to let you just be on house arrest for a bit, until they understand what's going on'. I nod.

'They're also getting the truth quirk officer to visit you later today. He's flying over as we speak'
'Okay.' I say. I sniffle again.

'Did anyone die?' I ask. Mic and Aizawa remain quiet.

You're a murderer.


'Okay, that concludes my questioning' he says. He turns to the officer. 'He believes he's telling the truth.' The officer nods.

'Thank you' he nods in response, then leaves.

'Okay Sho, we can reveal a bit more now you've been cleared. First of all, I want to apologise for how we treated you earlier today. We just wanted to make sure you weren't Toga' I nod understanding. 

'We believe there is somebody working for the League that has been controlling people'. 

This shocks me. They have someone that powerful? And if so, how many people are they controlling?

'And they controlled me?' He nods. 'And Dabi'.


'So that means, they can control people for long periods of time'. The officer nods. 'We're getting closer to identifying them though. We've noticed that they have to interact with their victims prior to taking over their mind. Plus, they turn their quirk blue.'

'Blue?' I ask.

'Yes' says the officer. 'When Dabi completely woke up, his fire turned red again'.

'What woke us up?' I ask. He sighs. 'We're still figuring that one out. However, judging by how the league left you by yourself, they intended for you to get captured.'

'How many others have there been?' I ask.

'We suspect around 25 cases. It was Dabi waking up however that made us certain it was quirk related'.

I nod, understanding. 'Can I see him?' The officer sighs. 'I'm afraid he's going through rehabilitation at the moment. Mentally, he's still 13 years of age'

Fuck. Mic gives me another hug. 'It's going to be okay' he whispers into my ear.
'There's one last thing you should probably be told Shoto' he says.

'What?' I ask. How can this get any worse?

'Izuku Midoriya was kidnapped earlier today'

My stomach drops. 'N-no' I whisper. He looks sympathetic.

'We believe you were intended as a distraction'

You are the reason Deku got kidnapped.

Mic hugs me tighter, as I begin shamelessly sobbing into his shoulder.

It's all your fault.

There's a loud bang from outside.

We all run outdoors, and stood on top of the precinct rooftop is the league of villains.
'Welcome everyone!' Shigiraki shouts. I want to introduce you to the latest member of our organisation...Deku!'

Deku jumps onto the rooftop, fizzling with blue electricity. He looks deranged. 'I'm here to unmask All Might for what he is' he yells. 'He's the true villain! Come out come out wherever you are!'

'Let's have some fun!' Shigaraki yells.

'Take off my cuffs now!' I say. Mic complies, and I get into a fighting pose, as well as everyone else. The officers begin alerting all hero's in the area.

'Oh hi Darling!' Izuku yells, dropping down and standing opposite me. 'How have you been? Tried to kill yourself recently?'

'I have no idea what you're talking about' I lie. He laughs.

'Oh come off it. You're fucking weak and you know it.'

You're weak.

'You're not the Deku I know' I say through gritted teeth. He giggles. 'You're right, I'm the new and improved version.' He takes a step towards me, and I flinch.

'See, you're such a scaredy cat'. He teases. 'Give my Deku back. Now' I say. He cocks his head. 'What are you talking about Darling? I'm right HERE!' He screams then runs at me. I block his punch with an icewall.

Aizawa goes to activate his quirk, but Toga jumps on him, making him blink. 'Oh hi Shoto!' She giggles. 'I've missed you!'

Deku runs at me again, fizzling with blue energy. 'WAKE UP!' I yell, dodging his punches. He laughs again. 

'YEAHHHHHHHH' Mic yells at Deku, pushing him back.

'Get out of here Sho!' He says to me. 'I'm not leaving!' I protest. Deku runs at Mic, but he dodges, screaming again. Deku uses blackwhip to wrap around a lampost, jumping out the way.

More hero's arrive, and begin joining the fight. Mirko heads for Compress, whilst Hawks heads for Spinner. Even class 1A appears, getting into fighting poses.

We have a chance!

'Oh, one last thing...' Shigiraki smiles. 'Deku isn't the only recruit'.

Suddenly, class 1A activates all their quirks in unison. And they're all blue.


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