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Suicidal ideation, SH references, general nasty comments


I ignore his message, trying desperately to sleep. I hear a ping.

Endevour: Come outside.

Shit. I grab my clothes, sneaking out the window, climbing down a drainpipe. Goddam it's hard to do anything without a quirk.

I reach the bottom, huffing and puffing, and head towards the front gates. Standing there is the man that haunts my nightmares.

'How the hell did you even get in?' I say, matter of factly.

'I'm the number two hero.' He says. 'I have a pass to almost anywhere'. Over his shoulder is a large duffle bag.

'Here's your shit' He says, throwing me the bag. I stare at him confused. 'I don't understand' I say.

'Simple. You aren't my son.' I stare at him. 'W-what?' I say. He laughs. 'I don't have a special needs for a son'.

You're special needs.


'-No. You're no longer a Todoroki. I'm not paying for your tuition anymore either.'

'That's barbaric!' I say, staring at him with all the hate I can muster. 'Plus everyone knows I'm your son. What are they going to say when they find out you've kicked me out?'

He laughs again. 'Your mother's a whore. Bet she fucked a vegetable to get you'.


He chuckles. 'There's loads of people with fire quirks Shoto'. And with that, he launches himself into the air and flys off.

You're nobody.

I sink down to the floor.

Nobody wants you.

I don't even get my bag. I just walk around the grounds for a bit, trying to clear my head. I notice that my hands have gone white. Must be cold, I think.

Why are you alive.

I don't know anymore.

You should kill yourself.

But what about my friends?

They don't care about you.

Guess you're right. I climb back up the drainpipe, and onto my balcony. I sit in the chair, and begin scratching at my arms.

I look down. Would this be high enough to kill me?

'Don't even think about it' I hear a voice say. I snap round, noticing Shinso sat at Denki's table. Damn, I'm really bad at noticing when other people are around.

You'd make a shit hero.

'I have no idea what you're talking about' I say matter of factly. I begin heading back inside.

'Aren't you forgetting something?' Shinso asks. I turn around, and he's holding the duffle bag.


'That's not mine' I say. He looks at the label.

'Sure Shoto Todoroki' he says reading it, then throwing me the bag. I catch it.

'Why'd you have it?' I ask. 'I go on walks sometimes when I can't sleep. Came across it by the front gate'. Shit, did he see Endevour? Did he overhear our conversation?

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