"Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip, screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip" Val was singing on a Sunday morning after 2 weeks of school had finally passed by.
Things were mostly chill. Not much homework yet but we had a lot of new classes like Care of Magical Creatures (I was so happy spending time with the creatures, I was the best in class, It's a family thing I guess), Arithmetics, Ancient Runes, Divination (Yeah, I took divination, my mom forced me) and more things.
I took Muggle studies also. I was disgusted by how easy it was it was more worse then 7th grader science, utter trash. I should be the teacher and the professor should likely quit her job. What the hell is Hogwarts doing? Muggles are just so advanced and these people are still teaching us about light bulbs.
I got special permission to attend only minimum number of Muggle studies classes so that I can have some free time and don't have my time table all crammed up. I can take the test for it and attend the O.W.L.s exam for it but I don't need to be there every single class.
For me ancient runes was also one of these exception where it wasn't necessary to attend every single class only a minimum amount would suffice. For people like me with photographic memory, Ancient runes was another waste of time you just need to memorise symbols and translate, that's all.
Val, Hugo and Lorcan took Care of Magical Creatures, Divination and Muggle studies.
Jared took Ancient Runes, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures.
None of my roomies took arithmetics because its too hectic and hard but for me arithmetics was easy as walking, I get the answer in my head once I see the question itself and arithmetics is all about answers.
Anyways arithmetic is probably the worst class I have cause I literally have no one except Potter who I know and she's not one person I want to sit with. Potter absolutely hates me cause I'm faster than her in answering if I sit next to her, I'll get beat up so badly everyday and I don't want to. So I mostly just sit alone.
Anyways leaving all that hey! Its a Sunday finally a day I can get my 12 hour sleep. I eventually woke up at 1:00pm. Jared was very disgusted with my waking up time I could see it in his face. I sleepily walked to the bathing quarters and took a nice 1 hour hair bath... Ahhhh how nice...
I came in with a towel in my hair. "Hey Lysander" Hugo called me with a mischievous smile. Very suspicious. "What?" I asked him drying my golden hair. "Eat this" Hugo said giving me a chocolate piece. Maybe a new joke product? I thought. "What is it? Do you hate me so much that you poisoned it so you can kill me?" I asked him jokingly with a straight and serious face.
"I can assure you its not poisoned" Hugo said affirmably and smiling mischievously.
"EAT IT! EAT IT! EAT IT!" Val and Lorcan cheered on as they were copying off Jared's homework. Jared was busy cleaning the messy dorm. I took the piece of chocolate and ate it. It had a very weird strawberry essence. A few minutes later nothing happened. "So it was just a chocolate?" I asked, nah no way it wasn't a joke product. Are they trolling me or something?
"Bloody hell! Lysander you look just like a girl" Lorcan gasped. "He looks like he just came out of a cinderella fairy tale!" Val exclaimed. "What?" Said and looked at the mirror in our dorm. My golden hair was long as long as my waist and had a few waves and curls. I really did look like a girl. I'll be honest, I could pass as a pretty girl.
"Woah? Lysander?" Jared said jumping backwards and giving a slight laugh. "You look like a princess" Hugo said. "I would definitely date you if you were a girl" Jared said laughing hysterically. "Ok enough jokes, how'd you reverse this?" I asked with a straight face. "It wears off after a day" Hugo said laughing.
"WHAT?" I said in horror. "Haha.. Princess Lysander we'll serve you for a day" Lorcan said bowing and the other dorm mates also bowed and said, "At your command Princess". "Cut the crap" I said and lied down on my bed.
"It so weird, its like an actual girl is sleeping in Lysander's bed" Jared said laughing.
I must say though me hanging around for the whole day with long hair kept freaking out the boys very often. They used to jump and always maintain a distance with me. AH! My roomies are actual true gentlemen.
"LYSANDER YOU SON OF A-" Lily came in and saw me on the bed reading a book my face was covered by the book. "A GIRL?" She exclaimed seeing my hair. Lorcan came and grabbed me and hugged me. "She's my princess!" Lorcan said hugging me. "HUH?" Lily said confused. "THERE'S NO WAY YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" She said.
She aggressively pushed Lorcan away and snatched my book away and pulled me towards her face. "Wait- HAHAHAHA LYSANDER IS THAT YOU?" She said laughing. "Princess Lysander, you mean" Val added bowing. Oh please can you just stop my mind said.
"I can't come out like this" I told Lily. "Which part of that is my problem again?" she asked.
Some respect for a princess.
Anyways thanks to Hugo, I have a new nickname.
'Princess 👑'
That's me as a girl btw,
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