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As Laal Ishq by Arijit Singh played in the background, she swirled the spoon in her ice-cream bowl, taking a small bite.

A soft, bitter chuckle escaped her lips, and then, followed an inaudible sob, the spoon slowly dropping back in the bowl with a light clink.

Aarya stared at her best-friend, her heart shattering with each sob.

While she put an arm around her, her other hand crumpled the bed sheet underneath as fury began building up bit by bit for the brown-orbed, dimpled boy who broke her best-friend's heart.

" Siya..." she murmured softly as Siya's body trembled, the sobs constant and incessant.

" I'll call him up." Aarya finally declared firmly, after minutes of contemplation and inner-conflict and Siya shot up straight, her eyes morphed with horror and she shook her head.

" No!"

" What do you mean by no? Eh? That asshole breaks my best-friend's heart, gets away with it, and then leaves shamelessly? After everything that you did for him?"

The week old memory flooded back in Siya's head.

" Well...that's anyway why you spoke to your father, didn't you? Because you had feelings for me! Tell me Siya Desai, why else would Tushar Desai, the famous cricketer, mentor a kid he doesn't even know? Only because you spoke to him!"

Siya scoffed out a chuckle, her eyes teary.

" So you assume I spoke to my father because I had feelings for you? God, absolutely not! I developed feelings for you later! I spoke to my father because you, are an excellent player. I've seen the best cricketers play on field, my own father at that. That sport is something that has always intrigued me since I was a kid, and what I saw in you, was potential to play for India, and that was precisely what my father saw too, it was him who had in mind of taking you under his wing and mentoring you, but he was in dilemma, all I did, was to convince him. Avyaan Malhotra, I harboured feelings for you only later. Not everyone is selfish enough to think of their interests, some think of others betterment as well. And unfortunately, I do too. But if'm sorry, there was no us, that's what you said, didn't you? Since this was a waste of time for you, let's never meet again. And this..." she pulled out the Swarovski pendant she had on, and slammed it on the table. " This must've been a waste of money as well for you, so keep it back. Here's your money returned." She pulled in the MRF cricket bag and slid it across.

His eyes enlarged.

" MRF bats aren't cheap." He murmured.

" Neither is Swarovski. Keep it. Consider your money returned. I don't want anything else anymore. Bye." She said before storming out of the room.

" You're not calling him Aaru, I did nothing for him, I want no further discussions over him. Avyaan Malhotra is a closed topic and a closed book for now, from now, and forever." Siya said as she wiped her tears, leaving no room for argument and Aarya sighed.


Seven months later

A loud chain of hoots and whistles erupted in the room.

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