Author's Note : As this book finally reaches 1k reads, I'd really love to thank treasure_trove, who gently pushed me into writing this, saying this can be really written, even if it's a short story and that I'd write it well. Thank you so much Di, you're among the main reasons why I could publish this, and inaayat08, who, with her consistent comments, motivated me to write further,thanks a ton too! You've got no clue how bad they helped me. I'd also love to thank the rest of the consistent voters and readers, my own bestie too, who's been reading and giving me reviews, unable to tag you all I'm very sorry but thank you so much for reading, and for voting!  It does mean a lot to me

Avyaan could barely comprehend a thing, but as people around rushed to meet Siya, delighted to see her in person after seven whole years, the world came back to action. And the focus wasn't solely on them anymore.

He watched Aranya Mathur rush towards Siya with a squeal of glee while Agastya walked behind her, concerned that she might fall in those high heels.

" Easy..easy. You might fall." His voice softened to such volumes as he gently held her, Avyaan's eyes were about to fall out of his sockets.

Never in his entire life had he known or seen this man talk to anyone apart from his brothers like this.

The Shekhawat's and the Malhotra's were business acquaintances.

Agastya had also arranged the entire team's stay during a match, talking to the Royal family in Jaipur.

This man held immense amount of power, he could as well control things and make them happen without lifting a finger and Avyaan was well aware of it.

But who knew a man the business world respected and was both terrified of, would only let down his walls with a certain pretty brunette?

Siya raised a brow as she switched glances among them.
" So little miss Ari finally got herself a boyfriend?"

" Siya Di!" Aranya whined.
" I might be younger than you, but I'm not little anymore okay? I'm taller than you!"

" Yeah, are you sure it's not the high heels?"

" I've got a good height too! I'm 5'9!" She retorted back with a pout.

Siya couldn't help but chuckle as she turned towards Agastya.

" So? Do you treat Ari well? If you make her shed a mere tear, you've got an army ready to bury you alive."

Agastya let out a chuckle, shaking his head.
" I'd dare not hurt her. I'm well aware I got many people ready to hold me accountable if I gets hurt because of me. My own grandparents and brothers too. Besides, she'd herself bury me alive before either of you do. And, I'd rather hurt myself than her. I wouldn't hurt her in the first place. She means a lot to me."

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