" No hear me out, he needs a surgery. This won't work out this way Doctor Ramanathan. You know it too."

" I do. But the patient-"

" We need to explain it to him! Dr.Ramanathan, he won't ever be able to dance again if he doesn't consider this surgery."

" There are risks, Dr.Siya."

Siya sighed, massaging her forehead as she rested her elbows on the table.

The door pushed open, unaware to the two of them.

" But, there is a way-Sir, this surgery has to take place. We have to talk to him!"

" Alright alright. Listen to..." He trailed off, his gaze flickering towards Avyaan who stood by the door.

Busy flipping pages of the patient's file, she did not seemed to have notice him trail off.

" Let's take a break."

" Why?" She looked up with a frown and her gaze flickered towards Avyaan who stood with a bag in hand.

" Enjoy." The middle-aged man nodded at her with a smile and she flushed red.

" Don't you have practice?"

" I finished it and came here."

" You took a shower right?"

" How about you test it out?" He asked coming closer

" NO!" She let out a short shriek and he laughed.

" Relax Leora. Of-course I took a shower before coming here."

" What've you got?"

" Lunch?"

" You cooked?"

" Mumma did."

Her eyes lit up like crackers as she pulled the bag from him, making him chuckle.

" Kadhi Chawal!" She squealed and Avyaan's smile widened.

" Ah, but you get to have this only if I get to have Modaks and Puranpoli soon."

She nodded, not having entirely heard him as she gently put the lid aside, separating the containers and she suddenly looked up at him.

" Did you eat?"

" I'd prefer Jevlas ka more y'know."

Siya tried hard biting back a smile but failed miserably.

" Someone's learnt Marathi over the years I see." She nodded her head at him and cleared her throat.
" Avyaan?"

" Hm?"

" Jevlas Ka?"
"-Did you have your lunch?"

" Naahi." He shook his head, smiling wide at her, his cheeks flushing red.

" Then have lunch with me."

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