The Christmas Ball Party hosted by Agastya Singh Shekhawat's was one of the best ones Avyaan had ever been to.

The ambience, the music, the drinks, the magnificent hall, the food, it was all perfect.

Whatever could be possibly missing?

A partner to dance with.

The invitation clearly stated that he must get a plus one—a partner, if he wouldn't be accompanied by his family.

Unfortunately his parents had other commitments and had clearly stated Avyaan would be there on their behalf, although he had received a personal invitation.

The entire team was getting their respective women along.

Shreyas was the only one single alongside him.

So when he suggested they be each other's plus one, Shreyas had shot him a horrified look as if whatever he said had traumatized him for life.

' Avyaan, I know I'm attractive, and I'm aware people ship us. But YOU, and ME? Do you actually plan to let those shippers assume that we're a thing by taking ME as your partner? Look, I have no clue when did you swing that way, but I'm straight, and not at all into you. Even if I wasn't straight, you most certainly wouldn't be my type. I shan't let you cheat my sister. Besides I already got a partner. And it's not a boy.'

" Dramatic asshole." He muttered under his breath.

And when he asked him who his partner would be, he gave a playful grin and shrugged, not bothering to answer him.

So he went home, and asked—no, blackmailed Meher into coming along with him.

She acted pricey in the beginning, but Avyaan was well aware that she was simply being dramatic, and that she was secretly bubbling with excitement.

She wanted to go shopping.

And unfortunately even his parents agreed that she didn't have a proper dress for the party—which was a big fat lie.

Her closet was overflowing with clothes, and she could've definitely worn some dress she had, had she bothered to just look for one.

But his dear sister was lazy, and wanted another excuse to buy new clothes and there, she had it.

She spent five goddamn hours to buy just one dress.

Just one dress!

And then she wanted matching jewellery with it.

But of-course, had he said no, she'd have called their father and started grumbling and complaining.

Idiots, he was stuck with ungrateful idiots.

" Who's Shrey Bhai's partner anyway?" Meher asked as she yawned, a bored expression on her face.

Avyaan smiled at someone he recognised in the crowd while gritting out to her.
" Behave! Don't make me call Mumma. And stop shooting people bored looks."

She tsked at him.
" Hand me over my phone."

" Where are your manners?"

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