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" Dev Raizada." The onyx orbed male extended his hand forward as he looked at Avyaan.

Immaculately dressed in a black turtle neck sweater, paired with black skinny jeans and black shades, his hair messy, the day old stubble visible, making him look all the more alluring, he cast a look around as a gaggle of girls passing by was heard.

He, however, paid no heed to either of them and Avyaan took no time in assuming he already had his eyes set for a certain someone who wasn't present here.

" Avyaan Malhotra." He grasped his hand, shaking it firmly.

" I know. I mean, who doesn't know you. I've watched so many of your matches-"

" What a blatant lie Raizada. You don't even watch cricket. You know who he is solely because of the Princess of Jaipur." Shreyas rolled his eyes.

" Shivanya Singh Rajawat?" Avyaan asked, bewildered.

" Yep!" Shreyas nodded.

" Aren't your families rivals? How do you know her?"

" How do you know that?"

" I come from a business family Prince Dev. My sources aren't limited to cricket."

He nodded.

" Well.....I never expected I'd be saying this to you. But thank you for showing up." Shreyas said begrudingly.

Dev snorted.
" After blackmailing me, I had no choice left but to give in to your demands. And, Desai, the next time you use Shivanya's name for anything, I'll tell the Rajawats you have feelings for Kashvi."

" Go on, I dare you. I doubt they'll believe you in the first place. The Princess herself refuses to believe whatever you tell her, what makes you think her family will believe you? They detest you. Her brothers won't even have your shadow lingering around her. That's the amount of trust they hold when it comes to you."

" You-"

" Tch tch. Too much of anger ain't good Raizada. Calm down. Would you like something cold? It'll help cooling you down."

" Don't piss me off!"

Shreyas chuckled mirthly.
" Oops! Hit a nerve? Then don't try hitting mine either. I wanted help. You kept throwing tantrums. It was you who compelled me to do so. And if you don't want to help. I'll ask someone else."

" Then why call me in the first place?"

" Because they're family friends. They'd be worried if they find out why I need help. On the other hand, you won't. I saved Dhviti. You owe me. I'm not begging, I'm demanding."

The man who sat before him paled and Avyaan knew his best-friend had hit yet another nerve.

Dhviti Singh Raizada, the Princess of Chittor.

Dev's younger sister.

He switched glances between the two, unaware of what help did Shreyas want.

His attention diverted towards his watch making him curse under his breath.
" Shit! I'm late! Shrey I gotta go, I have a photoshoot. You coming?"

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